Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 151) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

Yes they are great for stimulating hair growth; I would use them together or combined. We actually carry a shampoo and body bar soap that contains rosemary and one that contains peppermint. ANY natural edible oil can be used - it's YOUR choice. Jojoba and/or sesame seed oil are the best oils for the hair. 

Shampoo + Body Bar (Rosemary)
Shampoo + Body Bar (Juniper & Peppermint)
Detox Shampoo - Clary Sage

You do not have to have an eye problem to take our Eye Formula. It can be taken for maintenance of the eyes. You take 3 capsules a day (preferably all 3 together with a glass of water). Jackrabbit formula can also be taken as maintenance; and "no" you don't have to take it forever.

Eye Formula

Yes! It is okay to take the Female Hormonal. 

Female Hormonal

We recommend doing the Full Body Cleanse followed by the 10 Day Colon Cleanse. Healing works best when your body is in a healthier state. The colon cleanse is the best thing to help assist with stomach problems. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse

Take a look at our "Natural Hygiene and Beauty" section. We have natural shampoos, bar soaps and topical oils. You may eat navy beans (while off the cleanse) but they are mucus forming despite a few nutritional benefits.

The best way to get sodium is via vegetables (i.e. celery). Sea salt is great source of sodium, but its a secondary source as it has to be processed from ocean water. You could bath in the good Epsom salt, but sea salt is far better and more natural. Please read "Americans Eat Too Much Of These 7 Sodium-Rich Foods", "10 Healthy Salt Alternatives To Reduce Your Sodium Intake".

We suggest to take the Full Body Cleanes followed by the Parasite Cleanse. Since he has had this parasite for a long time, we recommend a maitenace for the ParaWrm Formula and Colon & Digestive Tract. 

Full Body Cleanse
Colon & Digestive Tract
ParaWrm Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
ParaWrm Cleanse

I would recommend that you perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Female Cleanse. Change your diet too! Change your thoughts! Think positive! 

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Excess acid in the stomach that comes back up! Please read "Acid Reflux: Heartburn".

Good shower filters are available from most good hardware stores.

Please read our article on "Alkaline water" on our site under "Articles." I recommend you take the capsules after eating something solid (like raw fruit).

The Male Cleanse and Anti V formula are totally different. One's a kit and the other is a separate formula. The Anti V formula is to help strenghten your immune system. The Male Cleanse is for male hormonal issues like prostate problems. Drink a lot of unsweetened Cranberry juice. This can help with STDs! Confrey Root tea is also good! Natural sweets include maple syrup, agave nectar, and stevia.

Anti-V Formula
The Male Cleanse

To increase red blood cell count: Blood & Lymphatic, Iron, and Vitamin C Formula. Glad we are of help to you!

Blood & Lymphatic
Iron Formula
Vitamin C

Itching relates to the skin and the skin relates to the blood. Therefore, concentrate on cleansing the blood. Drink plenty of vegetable juice (greens vegetables mostly, but a mixture of your favorite ones); bathe in sea salt (1 box) and 1 cup hydrogen peroxide; constantly rub Oz-Oil on your body (morning and night). Use Oz-oil at least 1 hour before putting on your clothes as oil stains and also before going to bed. Best to use after getting out of tub. You may also be allergic to the shampoo or lotion you are using. Try and change to natural products.

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)
Shampoo + Body Bar (Rosemary)
Shampoo + Body Bar (Juniper & Peppermint)
Detox Shampoo - Clary Sage

YES! I would recommend you perform the Full Body Cleanse as soon as possible. I am also recommending you use our Oz-Oil (rubbing on your skin everyday after showering or bathing. The Alternative Diet & Lifestyle and Full body Cleanse Manuals are also recommended bathing therapies they offer.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

Look at the HERBAL RECOMMENDATION CHART for a list of formulas you should take. It's already there for you. It's on the first page of our site (to the left).

Please read our "Genital Herpes" article. The answers are there. Hey, don't hate the word. You create what you hate. Say the word! Don't resist it. What you resist, persists. There is help for you. You can heal from genital herpes and every other disease. Change your thinking and thoughts, your attitude, your diet, your lifestyle, and your environment and healing will be yours. The Anti-Viral kit and Full Body Cleanse kit greatly assist in your healing.

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

We have an herbal Antioxidant formula, Vitamin C formula, and Rainforest Tonic all of which have anti-oxidant properties and thus help ward off cancer.

Vitamin C

Sometimes men feel like an outsider after children are born. It's because the wife has to give the children so much of her attention. He cant help feeling a little resentful or jealous. If you want him to open up. Give him some attention. Tell him you appreciate him often. Kiss him and love on him too. Men also shut down when they are not getting enough sex. Tell him when you feel sexual. Tell him you want him, and are attracted to him. This will help him to feel close to you again, and he will begin to share himself with you again. Treat him the way you want to be treated. Sending love and light.

Our Multi-Vitamins and Minerals includes all the nutrients you named below. You may take this formula with other Dherbs formulas.

Multi-Vitamins and Minerals

Zinc Formula
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