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Ask The Herbalist
Great choice with the Flora Balance Tea and Bowel Motion Tea! It's best to drink the Flora Balance Tea in the morning before breakfast or in the evening before bed. As for the Bowel Motion Tea, it's best to drink it in the evening, preferably after dinner. You should drink them at least 1-2 hours apart to allow your body to absorb the benefits of each tea separately. Remember to follow the instructions on the package for the best results.If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
It's great to hear that you have experienced positive results with the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse in the past! When it comes to your specific situation, you're right to be cautious and mindful of any potential interactions with your current medication, Eliquis.Since you are already consuming ginger in your daily diet and you are aware of the potential interaction with blood thinners, discussing your intentions to do the cleanse with your healthcare provider would be the best course of action. They can provide you with personalized guidance based on your medical history and the specific details of your Eliquis prescription.Regarding your concerns about olive oil and sea salt, both are generally considered acceptable on a raw food diet. Olive oil is often used as a source of healthy fats in raw food recipes, and sea salt is used as a natural flavor enhancer. However, it's essential to ensure that any consumption of these ingredients aligns with the guidelines of the Full Body Cleanse.If you have any further questions or need additional support, feel free to reach out to Dherbs directly. They can provide you with comprehensive information tailored to your individual circumstances. Best of luck with your cleanse journey, and take care of yourself!If you need anything else, let me know!
Hello there! It's great to hear that you've purchased the Full Body Cleanse. The potency of the pills should still be effective if they were stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. However, just to be sure, I recommend checking the expiration date on the packaging. If the expiration date hasn't passed, the pills should still be potent.If you have any concerns about the potency of the product, feel free to reach out to our customer support team at Dherbs. You can contact them through our website at this link, or call our toll-free number at 866-434-3727, or email us at you're ready to start the cleanse after the holiday, remember to follow the instructions provided with the product for the best results. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
Absolutely! Sea moss can be a fantastic addition to your Full Body Cleanse (FBC) routine. Sea moss is known for its high mineral content, including iodine, which can support a healthy thyroid function. It also contains essential nutrients that can help to nourish the body while you are detoxing. We offer a variety of sea moss products that you can incorporate into your FBC, such as the Sea Moss Combo, Sea Moss - St Lucia Purple, Sea Moss - St Lucia Gold, and Sea Moss Powder. You can find these products on our website at Sea Moss Combo, Sea Moss - St Lucia Purple, Sea Moss - St Lucia Gold, and Sea Moss Powder. Incorporating sea moss into your FBC can be a wonderful way to support your health and wellness journey.
We don't recommend to take this product if you are on medication or taking vitamins. If you are not, you can safely take this for no more than 20 days or as needed. We suggest to use ½ teaspoon mixed with water.
They must be RAW plant based. A good brand is Garden of Life but we also carry proteins that are FBC approved. The link below will take you straight to the list of our protein powders.
Sea Moss Powder
Vegan Berry Powder Mix
Vegan Greens Powder Mix
I just emailed you the copy of the booklet. If you have any other questions please call me back at (866)434-3727
Unfortunately i am not understanding your question. Please give us a call back directly to and we can answer your questions. Our number is (866)434-3727
Good afternoon;
Thank you so much for your feedback. Please give us a call back directly to We have a few products that we would recommend to help you for your sister health concerns.
Our number is (866)434-3727
Then i would not recommend it. That's a good point. If you have any other questions please call us back at (866)434-3727
I would recommend a regimen called the 10 day Electric Green Combo. Below you will find the link. If you have any other questions please call me back at (866)434-3727.
We do not recommend for women who are breastfeeding to perform a cleanse.
Unfortunately we can only assist you with questions you may have regarding our products.
We recommend the Cardiovascular and Blood and Lymphatic Tea.
At this moment we do not plan on changing our ingredients. Packages are sold as they are and cannot be modified. But we do sale the items individually. We sale them in bottles that contain 100 capsules for $24.95 each.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
We would need more information from you to determine what exactly is going on. Please give us a call at (866) 434-3727. Our office hours are M-F 8am - 6pm PST and Sat 9am - 2pm PST.
If you are dealing with diabetes 2, we encourage you to eat more vegetables than fruits. Also, focus on fruits that have a lower sugar content and make sure you are eating them during the day vs. the evening time. If you have any further concerns or need more clarification, please give us a call at (866) 434-3727. Our office hours are M-F 8am - 6pm PST and Sat 9am - 2pm PST, our representatives are here to help you through the cleansing process.
In a nut shell, no. The amount of capsules needed to cleanse do not compare to drinking just one tea. We do know that it sounds like a lot of capsules but this the amount needed to achieve significant results.
We recommend cleansing with our Full Body Cleanse. This requires you to change the way that you eat, which is the number one thing one should do went looking to loose weight.