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67 Reviews
The challenge changes me for the better, and that’s why I love it. I eat better, I exercise more, I don’t drink alcohol. It changes your mindset, and the money that is available to win at the end is a true incentive. It is a win , win all the way around. *
The product arrived relatively fast, only taking approximately 5 days from order to arrival. Upon arrival, I purchased all of the raw foods I would need to b begin this new journey. When I completed the 180-day challenge, I noticed almost immediate results. My skin felt better and my body felt lighter. I did not release as much weight as many other people, but the cleanse was a good jump-start for me to begin prioritizing my health. *
The DHerbs180 Challenge is a regular staple in my Life. I have participated in both the actual community challenge as well as on my own by doing 2 DHerbs Full Body Cleanses back to back followed by the DHerbs Maintenance Formula and vegan lifestyle and nutrition at least once a year since 2016! After being diagnosed with a rare dis-ease DHerbs found me through its CEO AD Dolphin on the Steve Harvey TV Show! I shared this wonderful healing, nourishing Info about the DHerbs Full Body Cleanse with my medical team including my Stanford Hematologist and rare disease expert! The results for me have supported my own return to wholeness while reducing inflammation, improving my Owner all energy levels, mood and releasing what my body does not need. Now in 2022 I am preparing to begin again with 2 orders of the Full Body Cleanse. My body knows it’s “time” and I’m grateful for this program that supports a natural mind body Spirit reset! The DHerbs FB group and community is also a great support during the journey of cleansing. And the amazing raw vegan recipes available on the DHerbs site at no cost are great tools for the beginner and repeat cleanser! Thank You DHerbs and AD Dolphin for your conscious products and program! DHerbs is a part of my healing journey and I’m grateful always! *
This challenge was great and made me be a little more focused during the time I was competing. This is a great challenge and I suggest any and all give it a try!!! I loved the systematic check-ins for weight and measurements that were required. I'm definitely going to give it another go when it opens up again...because this COVID weight is truly starting to show. *
I took the pills for my cleanse and never felt so grand. I slept better, had no bloating and had a lot of energy. *
I actually ended up using only one cleanse and then giving the other one to a friend so they can try. We both loved it! They will be purchasing another cleanse soon. *
The products make it easier to stay focus on living a healthy life style. The products got rid the impurities in my body that free me from cravings, gave me more energy, help control being hungry and losing weight. I feel that I can do this- live a healthy life style!!! *
This product actually works but you have to eat raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts, the entire time and follow the guide that comes with it. Also drinking plenty of water and exercising helps too. Having a positive mindset also helps. I lost about 27lbs during the 60 days. *
The products were amazing the best decision I ever made. They help with my cravings, energy, and the bathroom Chronicles were real. I would do this cleanse twice a year faithfully. Thank you DHerbs you are th BEST. *

Berberine HCL 1425 mg
A plant-based, natural berberine supplement that may help to maintain healthy body weight.*

Dherbs 3 - Day Juice Cleanse
The Dherbs Juice Cleanse is a safe and effective 3-day herbal and all juice cleanse that helps you work toward ensuring that your entire body is functioning at an optimal level: your immune system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, organs, vessels, and more. When your body is operating at peak efficiency, it can help you to stave off infections and other health issues, assist in achieving an increased metabolism, help you experience better digestion, and contribute to your feeling more energetic.

Full Body Cleanse
20 Day Cleanse and Regimen that works to naturally cleanse the body to aid in weight management efforts (along with diet modification and exercise), supporting the immune system, and increasing energy levels.*

2-3-2 Dherbs 7 Day Cleanse
The 2-3-2 Weight Management Program is a 7-day cleansing continuity program that aims to cleanse, purify, and support the body’s major organs and systems, while helping to increase energy levels.*

Going Vegan 20 Day Challenge
This challenges you to maintain a vegan diet for 20 days, giving your body the rest it may truly need.

Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen
20 day cleanse that aids in the release of excess weight and unhealthy food cravings.*