Infomation about Rhinitis


Rhinitis is the term used to describe inflammation of the Mucous Membrane, whic is located in the nose.  The inflammation in the nose can occur from a variety of irritants, viruses, bacteria, or anything foreign to the body.  Rhinitis can be classified as Non-Allergic rhinitis, Allergic Rhinitis, or Infectious Rhinitis.  Allergic Rhinitis is also known as having allergies or hay fever.  Those who have severe allergies or hay fever experience the inflammation due to sensitivity and the body’s reaction to the irritant that they’re allergic to.  Non-allergic Rhinitis is triggered by other factors such as medication, hormonal changes, or substance abuse.  Infectious Rhinitis is when the inflammation occurs from a common cold, which is often from a strand of viruses instead of just one. 

Below are the common signs and symptoms that may occur when you have Rhinitis.  All of the symptoms are related to the respiratory system and how it functions.  Most of the signs affect the health of your nose and eyes.  A lot of the symptoms tend to mimic Cold and Flu like symptoms.

  • Chronic Sneezing    
  • Runny Nose
  • Post Nasal drip
  • Mucus build up
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Increased fluids in the throat
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Itching of the nose or eyes
  • Constant Fatigue
  • Tearing of Eyes
  • Sensitivity or Tenderness of the eye

Rhinitis is commonly caused from a variety of irritants such as a virus, bacteria, or anything that is foreign to the body and the immune system.  Most irritants that cause Rhinitis are airborne.  Rhinitis can be caused by both allergic and non-allergic factors.

Allergic Rhinitis Causes:

  • Dust Mites
  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Animal Dander (substances that come from animals skin or hair)

Non-Allergic Rhinitis Causes:

  • Substance Abuse
  • Environmental factors
  • Constant inhaling of chemicals
  • Certain Medications
  • Common Cold
  • Smoking
  • Reaction to certain foods
  • Hormonal Changes 

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  • Using a humidifier helps control the symptoms of Rhinitis.  Humidifiers help put moisture back into the air, helping with your sinuses, breathing, and air clarity.  When you eliminate irritants it helps reduce the amount of symptoms you experience.
  • Neti Pots help to rinse and clear your nasal passages.  This involves pouring salt water or pre-made saline solutions into your nose to rinse the passageway.  The saline solutions help loosen up mucus and relieve the symptoms of congestion.  Using Neti Pots also helps flush out allergens like pollen and animal dander. 
  • When it comes to Rhinitis, it’s best to avoid the allergens that contribute to the issue such as pollen, animals, and other irritants that cause allergies. 
  • Controlling the conditions of your environment can also help reduce the symptoms and causes of Rhinitis.  Take the proper precautions to eliminate dust, mold, bacteria, viruses, and anything else that can pose a threat to your health.  Cleaning thoroughly and using devices like Air Purifiers helps eliminate these kind of allergens.
  • Breathing exercises like the Buteyko Method helps aid with the conditions of Rhinitis.  The Buteyko Method consists of various breathing techniques that help recondition the lungs and you’re breathing.  Over-breathing increases allergic reactions.  Breathing exercises like the Buteyko Method help bring more clarity on how the respiratory system works and what you can do to help bring relief from issues related to breathing. 
  • Acupuncture has been linked to treating an array of conditions including Rhinitis.  It’s not a traditional way of aiding allergies, but it has provided relief for many.  It’s still unclear whether or not acupuncture can help all allergy issues.  Acupuncture has been known to help with the symptoms of allergies such as stuffiness, itchiness of the nose, and nasal drips.
  • Steam is yet another great natural way to remedy Rhinitis.  Steam rooms, saunas, hot yoga, hot showers, and even the steam from a large bowl helps bring relief.  The steaminess from showers can be therapeutic, often providing relief from nasal and eye issues that Rhinitis may present.  The steaminess can also help eliminate toxins. 
  • Consuming probiotics, foods high in vitamin C, spicy foods, and foods high in magnesium can help control the circumstances of Rhinitis.  These foods have anti-allergy effects that help reduce the amount of inflammation present, break up congestion, reduce mucus, and bring sinus relief. 
  • Ginger
  • Onions
  • Apples
  • Tomatoes
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Spices like
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Spirulina
  • Walnuts
  • Watermelon
  • Raw Kombucha
  • Flaxseeds
  • Plenty of Water
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