Infomation about Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral Palsy

The term palsy refers to the loss of movement, accompanied by involuntary tremors.  There are several types of palsies that affect different body parts or functions.  Cerebral Palsy is a neurological disorder that affects a group of motor skills, impairing body movement and muscle coordination.  Cerebral Palsy occurs when there is damage to the developing brain and is usually apparent by age 2 or 3.  Although the disorder causes damage to the brain, it is a non-progressive brain injury. That being said, the symptoms can vary.  The damage to the developing brain can occur before, during, or after birth.  Cerebral Palsy presents people with uncontrolled muscle movement, causing the muscles to fluctuate and contract too little or too much, tremble and shake, or stiffen at times.  The disorder often affects one’s limbs, presenting challenges with walking, grasping things with the hands, difficulties in speech and hearing, certain sensations and more.  Cerebral Palsy can often lead to people enduring seizures, issues with their vision, and hearing or other impairments.  Although it’s a life long condition, children are able to progress and live well into adulthood.

Cerebral Palsy is usually diagnosed at an early age.  The signs associated with the condition are usually not noticeable at childbirth.  As children grow, they normally go through developmental stages during their first 18 months of life.  After 6 months children are able to sit up on their own, crawling after 12 months old along with other development milestones.  During this time parents are able to monitor their child’s progress and how fast they learn certain things.  All children progress at different rates, but children with Cerebral Palsy usually have a delay in how fast they reach certain development milestones.  In some cases parents or physicians are able to identify signs of Cerebral Palsy as a young infant, as opposed to later on in their early childhood.  Here are some of the common signs and symptoms that are often identified with Cerebral Palsy. 


  • Developmental delay (how long or how much progress the infant makes during it’s developmental stages)
  • Oral motor skill dysfunctions (difficulties with feeding, swallowing or communicating)
  • Lack or low muscle tone (floppy feeling of the infants body or limbs)
  • Poor muscle control
  • Unusual involuntary motions
  • Preference in the use of one side of the body
  • Delay in walking for children 12-18 months
  • Lack of communication after 24 months
  • Failing Apgar Test (test at birth that examines the infant’s health)

The damage to the brain that causes Cerebral Palsy can occur before, during or after birth.  There’s no primary cause for the disorder, but it has been linked to several factors.  It’s usually a combination of events that cease the development of the infant’s brain.  The cause for Cerebral Palsy can vary, as the injury to the developing brain can range from mild to severe.  There are also risk factors that may occur before, during or after birth that inclines the likeliness for Cerebral Palsy.  Overtime, researchers has been able to number down the specific causes for the disorder, coming to the conclusion that it commonly derives from the causes below.


  • Prenatal disturbances (poor diet, substance abuse, genetics, environmental factors, blood clots, loss of oxygen)
  • Infections (ones that occur before, during or after childbirth; such as bacterial meningitis, rubella or viral encephalitis
  • Mother’s who have certain health conditions (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, proteinuria, mental retardation or blood clots put their infants at risk)
  • Incompatible blood type with mother and child
  • Improper Cell Formation (during pregnancy certain cells form and group, when the cell formation doesn’t occur it disrupts the development of the brain)
  • Brain Structure or other physical birth defects (from disease, injuries, lesions or malformations)
  • Birthing process (breech or trauma in delivery, rupture to the blood vessel, lack of oxygen)
  • Strokes (may occur randomly or from heart or surgical complications)
  • Premature births before reaching 37 weeks of pregnancy
  • Low birth weight (children born 5 pounds and under are at risk)
  • Multiple births (twins and other sets of kids born together are at a higher risk)
  • Severe Jaundice (a common condition some newborns experience, that refers to the yellow color of the skin and the whiteness of their eyes)
  • Inability for the placenta to supply the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients),ai.html


Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • Because Cerebral Palsy is a condition that affects the brain, it’s best to practice natural remedies that help improve brain function.  Exercising helps increase the blood flow to the brain in addition to providing the it with more oxygen.  Exercising has been linked to helping the nerve cells multiply and develop or improve damaged neurons, the cells that operate as a chemical messenger for the brain and the body.
  • Adjusting your diet and consuming foods that provide benefits to the body is always the best way to remedy brain conditions.  Eliminating things like salt, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods and tobacco can help, as all of these things impair blood circulation.  Certain foods are used as medicine providing benefits that can further help with the conditions of Cerebral Palsy.  Eating fruits and vegetables that promote circulation and improve brain function is best.  Garlic, for example, can help improve circulation and can be used as power food. 
  • Therapy is also a great way to cope conditions of Cerebral Palsy.  Speech therapy, music therapy, occupational therapy, or alternative learning methods all help improve brain functions affected by Cerebral Palsy.
  • Cerebral Palsy has been linked to being a condition that is due to a lack of magnesium and vitamin D.  Research suggests that women, who don’t have enough magnesium or vitamin D in their diets while pregnant, are more at risk for their child to have Cerebral Palsy.  Both are essential nutrients that help with the structure of the bones and muscles.  Eating foods or taking natural supplements that are rich in both nutrients can help enhance the health of the bones and muscles.  
  • Interactions and challenging the brain is another great way to help overcome Cerebral Palsy.  Socializing and interacting with others help inspire acceptance, developing a comfort zone for those with the disorder.  The more people with Cerebral Palsy interact, the more it builds their confidence.  Mental exercises that challenge the brain’s memory, attention span, and communication all help stimulate the mind and learning skills.
  • Ensuring that you get the proper rest at night can help with the healing of any condition.  Sleeping allows the body to heal and make repairs when the body is at rest.  When a person gets the proper rest at night it helps improve their brain function and blood vessels, specifically helping to aid with the conditions of Cerebral Palsy.
  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries etc.)
  • Bananas
  • Dates
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Mangoes
  • Avocados
  • Dark leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, collards, broccoli)
  • Coconut Oil
  • Almonds
  • Blueberries
  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Tomatoes 
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