Clean eating is one of the best ways to aid the body’s natural detoxification processes. When you eat unprocessed, plant-based foods, the body has an easier time processing the food, which aids healthy elimination. As the weather starts to cool down, though, you may be a little timid about eating raw, plant-based meals. The mornings are brisk so smoothies may not appeal to you. Nobody wants to think about juicing with winter on the distant horizon. Fortunately, you can enjoy this carrot ginger soup raw and it’ll help warm up your insides.
Naturally, the carrots color this raw soup a beautiful orange, but carrots don’t warm you up. The provide a lovely sweetness that complements the spicy ginger and raw jalapeño. Those are the two ingredients that will keep you warm, alert, and feeling fresh and clean. Eating dinner can help reduce fermentation, constipation, and other causes of intestinal gas and bloating. Whether you consume fresh, ground, or pickled ginger, it has a warming effect on the body. It can brighten dishes and provides lots of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that benefit myriad bodily processes.
Similarly, raw jalapeño helps to warm you up from the inside. Unlike ginger, jalapeño tastes spicy. The reason for this is because it contains capsaicin. This plant compound tricks your brain into thinking that you are eating something hot. As you swallow the spicy food, the capsaicin spreads throughout the body, creating a warming effect. That means that every sip of this raw carrot ginger is going to warm you up until you finish the bowl!

- Prep Time:10m
- Total Time:10m
- Serves: 2 servings
- Category: Full Body Cleanse Approved, Soups & Stews, Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free
- 12 oz fresh-pressed carrot juice
- pinch sea salt
- 1/2 jalapeño, seeded and roughly chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 -inch piece ginger root, peeled and chopped
- 1/2 lemon, juiced
- 1/2 orange, juiced
- 2 tbsp. shallot, diced
- 1/2 avocado, peeled, and roughly chopped
- fresh herbs (for garnish)
- Make sure that you juice the carrots yourself, or you get the fresh carrot juice from a juice bar.
- Add all of the ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend for about 20-30 seconds. It should be creamy and it might foam, but that is perfectly fine. You can leave the soup blending for a few minutes on high if you want naturally warm it up.
- Pour the soup into bowls, garnish with fresh herbs, and enjoy.