Green Pineapple Grapefruit Smoothie

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With summer just around the corner, there has never been a better time to get healthier. Plus, the warmer weather calls for more refreshing recipes, and this green smoothie fits the bill. You can slurp up this low-calorie, nutrient-dense smoothie in no time! And do you want to know the best part? It can help you stay hydrated and may even help you slim down.

Pineapples offer a sweetly tart tropical flavor and make for a great summertime snack. They are naturally rich in bromelain, an enzyme that works to boost metabolism. When your metabolic rate is higher, the body can burn more calories at a quicker rate. Bromelain also works to aid digestion, helping your body absorb nutrients from the foods you eat more efficiently. Pineapples are also rich in fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer. That means that you’ll be less likely to eat excess calories.

Much like spinach and pineapple, grapefruit is also a weight loss-friendly food. Grapefruit also contains fiber, offering two grams per half a grapefruit, which is the amount this recipe calls for. Grapefruit also contains a lot of water and very few calories, two characteristics known to help with weight loss. One study found that people experienced a reduction in waist size when they consumed grapefruit daily with their meals. That said, study authors didn’t notice significant differences in waist sized reduction between participants who ate grapefruit and those who drank water. More research is necessary but the initial research is promising.

Green Pineapple Grapefruit Smoothie
  • Prep Time:5m
  • Total Time:5m


  • 1 banana, peeled, sliced, and frozen overnight
  • 1 c pineapple, cubed
  • 1/2 grapefruit, peeled and seeded
  • 2 c spinach
  • 1/4 c filtered water


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour into two separate cups and enjoy immediately.


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