Fuji Apple Walnut Salad With A Maple Vinaigrette
Get ready to experience love at first bite. It’s a mouthwatering salad that hits salty, sweet, crunchy, and herbaceous notes on the palate.
Get ready to experience love at first bite. It’s a mouthwatering salad that hits salty, sweet, crunchy, and herbaceous notes on the palate.
Are you ready to taste one of the best dressings we’ve every published? Ready the blender because it’s time to blend some deliciousness.
Embrace the fresh produce of summer and make this incredibly flavorful fruit salad. This is not like those boring fruit salads at picnics!
This dressing has a lot going on, people. It’s everything you want from Thousand Island dressing without the calories, fats, & added sugars.
Whether you are looking for a crispy, tart snack, or a light and refreshing meal, this salad will do the trick. It’s quite refreshing!
This bed of colorful deliciousness is a slaw you’ll never forget. It’s fresh and full of powerful flavors that get better with every bite.
Learn to crave vegetables you thought you’d never combine on a raw diet when you make this 100 percent, cleanse-approved, Caesar salad.
Did you ever notice that avocado skins makes the cutest little bowls? Well they do and this is a great appetizer or snack for cleansers.
This salad may not be colorful, but it is rich in essential nutrients that nourish cells, build healthier bones, and hydrate the body.
Were you thinking about cheating on the raw diet by eating some chicken? You don’t have to cheat now that you have this “chicken” salad recipe.
Vegetable noodle salad is the new, creative approach to salads and you’ll love the dressing, especially if you’re a fan of avocados.
Change up your salad dressings while cleansing by making this herbaceous vinaigrette. You’ll find that you don’t get bored with salads.
This raw kelp noodle stir-fry has quite the kick! The natural heat in the almond ginger sauce can naturally warm you up on the raw diet.
Channel your inner gourmet chef and dress this salad like you mean it. This salad is filled with vibrant flavors and nutrients, so dig in!
This salad is packed full of protein just for you. Contrary to popular belief, protein can be found in foods other than meat.
Every bite of this peppery winter salad bursts with zesty flavors. The harmonious marriage of citrus and ginger brings everything together.
Chow down on this broccoli slaw for a crunch-tastic time! You definitely won’t say that this slaw is lacking flavor.
Salads need to be colorful in order for you to obtain a wide variety of nutrients. Choose your colors by making this rainbow salad.
This is a raw version of dressing that is filled with unhealthy ingredients. Make this dressing and enjoy it while you are cleansing.
Get your crunch on with this Thai-inspired salad! It’s the perfect low-calorie meal that is filled with a wide variety of antioxidants.
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