These Tips Can Help You Avoid Holiday Weight Gain - December 2020 Newsletter

Providing Quality Herbal Cleanses and Formulas to People around the World.
December 2020 Newsletter

’Tis the season to get swept up in unhealthy holiday foods and gain weight. Sorry, were you expecting us to say it’s a time for family gatherings and beautiful celebrations? The holidays are ultimately about togetherness and love, but every holiday celebration turns into a food extravaganza that leaves you in a food coma.

It’s safe to say that the average person indulges a little bit more than usual during the holidays, with a slice of pie here and a glass of eggnog there. Perhaps you decide to eat cookies and milk or gobble up gingerbread houses after making them. Health experts estimate that most people consume an extra 200 calories per day during the holidays, and that’s on the low end. This doesn’t sound like much, but it contributes to five pounds of weight gain over a four- to six-week period. And most people fail to shed that weight when the New Year comes around.

If you want to put an end to the notorious holiday weight gain, use the tips and tricks in this article to keep you healthy this year. Click below if you want to keep the pounds off.

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Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder:
Our Liver, Spleen, & Gallbladder is an herbal formula that's intended to help cleanse the liver and gallbladder, helping them function at normal levels.


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