Let's face it, the Full Body Cleanse isn't easy. It takes commitment to stick to a diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
Those who go through the process, however, find the experience to be transformative. It changes their bodies and it changes their minds. After the Cleanse, people not only feel healthier and cleaner, but they also feel empowered to set and achieve other goals in other aspects of their lives.
Here are 8 things you can do to help you get ready for your cleanse and set you on the path to success.
Step 1: Find Great Recipes
If you eat the same boring salad every day during the Full Body Cleanse, you’ll either hate it or, worse, give up. Success on the Cleanse depends upon you stepping out of your box and delving into the raw food phenomenon. If you’ve never cooked raw before, now is the time to start collecting up some great recipes so you’ll have ‘em in your arsenal when you start.
A great resource for raw recipes is our blog: dherbs.tumblr.com. Look for recipes that say “100% Full Body Cleanse Approved”. Or just google “raw food blogs” for way more options. A book we recommend is “Ani’s Raw Essentials”. It’s a great resource for those new to raw food and excited to get creative.
Step 2: Stock Up On Essential Ingredients
While there are some restrictions on the Full Body Cleanse, there are tons of approved alternatives. Get these items stocked in your pantry for smoother sailing.
Step 3: Track down a blender
Most people on the Full Body Cleanse use their blenders every morning to make smoothies. So if you don’t already have one, it’s important to track one down. For extra credit, find a food processor as many advanced raw food recipes require one and it will also help you save money by being able to make your own essentials such as almond milk or hummus. The Cleanse is only a few weeks, so if you don’t already have these essentials, see if you can borrow them from friends.
For the rest of this list...