Aries’ Life Horoscope
People may try to drag you to a special place for a special amusement (or learning experience) early this month. In fact, you may feel like people are ganging up on you during the Full Moon on December 6, but everyone means well and just wants to please you. Monday, December 15, starts a pleasant, energetic week with a Moon/Mars trine. Tie up all those holiday loose ends. The December 21 New Moon is the first day of winter. Your passion for work will just be heating up, so moderate your work time and be powerful without lapsing into workaholic mode.
Aries’ Love Horoscope
Today provides a good opportunity for you and a loved one to go out and extend your circle of friends. Your social life is likely to liven up. Perhaps you both feel that your present social group has been limiting you of late. Be bold and take up that invitation, as it may well lead to some fabulous new connections that will stand you in good stead.
Aries’ Money Horoscope
Important information will come from all angles. Everyone will be talking. Just make sure that the information you buy into is the truth and not just someone's glorified gossip. Be sure to check your facts carefully before you make any major moves.
Astrologer’s Advice For Aries
Important information will come from all angles. Everyone will be talking. Just make sure that the information you buy into is the truth and not just someone's glorified gossip. Be sure to check your facts carefully before you make any major moves.

Taurus’ Life Horoscope
You can just look at another person's problem and solve it during the month's first week. The December 6 Full Moon gives you the power to handle situations that at other times might seem too complicated to be real. Go out and celebrate with the New Moon on December 21. When the music stops you'll still be dancing and making great progress in work that feels more like play. A lot of people may join in, and you'll all advance together. The Moon enters Taurus on Tuesday, December 30. Do some last-minute shopping for a perfect New Year's Eve with friends.
Taurus’ Love Horoscope
You shouldn't think about your current plan too much. The more you think, the more you tend to confuse the issue, and the more you run around in circles. Stop for a while and just relax. Take time to become calm and peaceful. Listen to your feelings, which are quite different, but which will guide you in the right direction.
Taurus’ Money Horoscope
Make sure you have love for the work you are doing. If your work is not inspired by a true love from within, then quit your job and find something else. Follow your passion. Follow your heart, and the money and opportunities will follow naturally.
Astrologer’s Advice For Taurus
Finally, you're on the mend, Taurus. The minor ailments that have been dragging you down lately are beginning to disappear, and you're about to regain all of your physical energy. However, if you overindulge, your energy levels are likely to plummet again. If nothing else, you will have learned a valuable lesson about the importance of moderation, especially now. Don't overdo it!

Gemini’s Life Horoscope
If love isn't on your mind during the December 6 Full Moon, you may still be immersed in intimate dealings with someone who cares about you. It could be more than one someone, actually. You know what and who you want. Be charming as ever, but stand your ground. For the New Moon on December 21, you can get your resources organized and prepare to take on a challenge that has been holding you back for some time. An unexpectedly warm and constructive social connection can happen in the final hours of New Year's Eve as the Moon trines Mercury.
Gemini’s Love Horoscope
A few interesting doors will open up for you today, especially in terms of love and romance - IF you can make the decision to go somewhere different and possibly educational. Try a place where you can learn something new and fascinating, as there you may meet a person who appeals to you on many varied and interesting levels. Don't be shy - go for it.
Gemini’s Money Horoscope
You have been working hard, and now the work is starting to pay off. Don't lose momentum now! Keep on this same mode of operation, while remembering that the key to your success is knowing yourself and what you are capable of accomplishing.
Astrologer’s Advice For Gemini
Do you feel a little under the weather, Gemini? It's possible, considering all the emotional turmoil you've been through lately. It takes time to recover from those storms. As you know, the work itself isn't what gets you down but rather your worries about the future that drain your energy. Give yourself a break today. Take some time for rest and recuperation.
Cancer’s Life Horoscope
Let people surprise you as the December 6 Full Moon approaches. There should be quite a group around you, and they will all want to pitch in and help with something. This can make holiday preparations effortless as well as fun. The New Moon on December 21 brings the chance to start over in a romantic relationship or the opportunity to let a fresh new love announce itself. Take time to be still and listen to your heart - and to what a current loved one has to say. A moody Friday night, December 26, turns golden as the Sun sextiles inspiring Neptune.
Cancer’s Love Horoscope
For once in your life you can drop that profound and enigmatic wall of silence that usually surrounds you at every gathering you attend. Relax, and don't view every person that approaches you as a potential enemy. You really can talk more openly and freely without having to play those power games at which you usually excel. You will enjoy becoming involved.
Cancer’s Money Horoscope
There is no need to struggle in order for you to be successful. Work with what you have instead of wishing for something that you don't have. There are plenty of resources around you, and most importantly, within you. Embrace these strengths.
Astrologer’s Advice For Cancer
There is some likelihood that the mood at home is fraught with tension, Cancer. Did you dare to express some contrary intellectual opinion? In any case, it looks like your self-confidence is stronger than usual right now. Go ahead and express any complaints or opinions you may have been keeping to yourself. But try and do it gently, especially where your family is concerned.
Leo’s Life Horoscope
The year's biggest, boldest holiday parties could come early, with the December 6 Full Moon. This could in fact set the tone for a month of festivities, so get that fancy dress ready and pace yourself. As the December 21 New Moon approaches, let a peaceful, easy feeling take over. Richly enjoy the countless little things that sometimes get lost in the glare and glitter. This powerful New Moon ushers in the first day of winter, a new season, and a bright coming year. The Moon squares Jupiter in Leo on New Year's Eve. Party hearty, but keep things smart, sensible, and safe.
Leo’s Love Horoscope
Today you may meet that special person while at your local gym, or out playing a round of tennis or other sport. Whatever you do, don't stay inside watching television. Use the energy of the day as an ideal opportunity to show off, to break through a few barriers, and to impress someone with your skill, openness, and great sense of humor.
Leo’s Money Horoscope
You have been keeping a close eye on something or someone, and you know the truth. Feel free to share this truth with the people who need to hear it instead of keeping this information bottled up inside. Support comes when you let down the walls.
Astrologer’s Advice For Leo
It would seem that your sensitivity is in slight conflict with your actions, Leo. You continue to go through the motions and do what you planned to do, but it seems like your heart isn't in it anymore. Don't ask yourself why. It's just that you've worked hard and have been thinking hard lately. You have reached your limit and it's time for you to rest.
Virgo’s Life Horoscope
Holiday home life may be more intense now than later in the month as the December 6 Full Moon pumps energy into the people closest to you. If the sweetness wears thin (or gets overwhelming), some public activity could conveniently call you away. Be in a bright, buoyant mood as the holidays ramp up on the New Moon of December 21. You don't have to get wild and crazy, but why count it out? Be safe and joyous with no regrets. Happy thoughts and memories take you into 2015 as the Moon trines Mercury at the very end of the year.
Virgo’s Love Horoscope
You and a loved one will sample a much-needed dose of humor. If a sense of warmth and shared laughter has been missing from your relationship for some time, then take this wonderful opportunity to get out and see a show, meet up with friends, do anything - but do laugh! It will improve all aspects of your relationship no end.
Virgo’s Money Horoscope
You are like the pilot light in the workplace. You keep on burning when everyone and everything else has burnt out around you. People come to you for advice and wisdom. Give freely to others and these people will be there for you when you need them.
Astrologer’s Advice For Virgo
You may have been spending or saving too much money, Virgo. It's clear that a rebalancing is in order if you're to find pleasure rather than eternal frustration. It's a curious phenomenon. It's as though you have lost contact with your body. Yet it's in your body where you will ultimately find your balance. You certainly won't find it in your head!
Libra’s Life Horoscope
Take some of the pressure off and let your friends entertain you around the Full Moon on December 6. There could be many harmless misadventures and misunderstandings as people tend to act before they think. Finish something magnificent and prepare to start something fantastic as the December 21 New Moon starts a new cycle with the first day of winter. Reconcile with a loved one. Perhaps strengthen a friendship that will become important. Emotions run high and memories pour in on the weekend of December 27. Make time to relax and reflect with friends now as the Pisces Moon sextiles Venus.
Libra’s Love Horoscope
This is a wonderful day for arranging a get-together with close friends, and also for daring to invite someone special whom you have been quietly flirting with for some time. Openness, warmth, and heart-to-heart sharing are all in store. Tell this person how you feel about them, and watch as the barriers between you come tumbling down, and love takes their place.
Libra’s Money Horoscope
You may wonder why everyone has such a sour look on his or her face. Look at your own face in the mirror. Do you have a sour face as well? Perhaps what you are seeing in others is your own face reflected back at you. Put on a happy face instead.
Astrologer’s Advice For Libra
You've been stamping the ground impatiently. You're waiting for the moment to jump into new adventures with renewed vigor after your meditation of the last few months. Libra, know that the moment has almost arrived! You now have the strategy, objective, and means at your disposal to succeed. Just a bit more work remains. Gather your strength and get ready for action!
Scorpio’s Life Horoscope
A lot of people with a lot of opinions about money could keep your head spinning as the December 6 Full Moon approaches. They will all want your opinion, too. Best of all, they'll respect what you tell them. Pick and choose the people you really want to spend your time with as the December 21 New Moon approaches. Then have some rare and great times with those chosen few. Make the most of this. It isn't selfish. The Moon sextiles Mars on Monday, December 29, and you could easily solve others' problems. Do a last-minute chore and become everyone's hero.
Scorpio’s Love Horoscope
You will have a great time at a social gathering today. Talk with those whom you would not normally bother to get to know. This may open doors to new interests, and ultimately to a new relationship. It is by taking a risk and daring to open your heart to someone new that you make more progress then you have for some time.
Scorpio’s Money Horoscope
In many ways, you feel very alone in the workplace. You feel like you aren't being fully supported by the people around you. Hang in there and remember that you are indeed connected - you have the support of the universe with you at all times.
Astrologer’s Advice For Scorpio
If you find yourself tired and irritable now, Scorpio, you should know that this is normal. You may have had a few months that were a little too studious. Would you like to continue with the same rhythm? Be careful that your ambitions don't lead you to physical exhaustion. If you get sick, you will be even more frustrated. So be wise and take care of your own basic needs.
Sagittarius’ Life Horoscope
Holiday romance comes your way under the December 6 Full Moon. Expect a lot of good conversation, sparkling wit, and sizzling good fun. You could get to know someone very well, very quickly. People and money pour in with the December 21 New Moon. It's also the first day of winter. Slow down, appreciate, and hold on to all the good things coming your way. You may not always remember how many friends you have. Let the Universe be generous. Saturn enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 23. There are pleasures and advantages to not being in the fast lane all the time.
Sagittarius’ Love Horoscope
Today you should try and work out how you really feel about your relationship with your latest partner or love interest. If you have had mixed feelings for a while, then take some time to mull over exactly what is bothering you. It may only be a minor issue that is being blown out of all proportion, creating a sense of alienation.
Sagittarius’ Money Horoscope
You are giving birth to a new idea or project. You are well supported. Do not resist this new path. It will bring you a great deal of happiness and success in the long run. Your energy is quite strong at this time. Have complete faith in yourself.
Astrologer’s Advice For Sagittarius
This is going to be a good moment to look elsewhere, Sagittarius. You should do just as the artist does when he has worked on a painting for too long, which is take a step back. You need to see some people, travel, go to the theater, and clear your head. This is never easy for you, but don't hesitate. You will realize afterward that it was the best thing for you to do.
Capricorn’s Life Horoscope
You may crave some privacy and alone time, but that will have to wait until after the December 6 Full Moon. There are simply too many people who want and need your company. Open up a little and let a few people in. The December 21 New Moon is supercharged especially for you. Treat it as the start of your personal new year. Start something important for your future. Don't hesitate. Feel great about it and about yourself. Mercury and Pluto conjoin on December 24. Solve a mystery and have a deep revelation about someone (maybe you).
Capricorn’s Love Horoscope
You would benefit by taking any opportunity you get to articulate just how you feel about your current relationship. It is not often that you get the chance to talk in depth about certain issues that may be leading to feelings of separateness. You have a lot to discuss. And it's definitely worth the effort, as your partner (current or prospective)ship still has plenty of mileage in it.
Capricorn’s Money Horoscope
In many ways, you feel trapped by your surroundings. Social pressures have you believing that you need to act or think a certain way. Embrace the courage you have within and know that ultimately, the most important thing is to be true to yourself.
Astrologer’s Advice For Capricorn
This is the right moment to extricate yourself from relationships that have seen their day, Capricorn. This won't be easy, but you must. In your professional and private lives, you're too hesitant to get out of distasteful situations or obligations. You're afraid of hurting people or making them mad. But in the end, you're hurting yourself. Give more weight to your own needs and follow your own path.
Aquarius’ Life Horoscope
Friends abound in the early part of the month - and several may be new. The December 6 Full Moon guarantees scant quiet time, so surrender to the social demands and enjoy some great times. The New Moon on December 21 may seem subdued in comparison to the festive days earlier in the month, but the people who care most about you are close at hand and love you. Hug and be hugged. Thursday, December 25, is Christmas, and an Aquarius Moon opposes Jupiter. Without even noticing, you can be the calming force and anchor for a happy last week of the year.
Aquarius’ Love Horoscope
Today brings a chance to talk your way into that special relationship. You certainly have a way with words, and you certainly should use this to the fullest. Just don't go over the top. You might find that you have to retract some of what you already said when you discover that the object of your attraction does, after all, have a few faults and foibles.
Aquarius’ Money Horoscope
You have just completed a major task. Celebrate your success! You have persevered, and it has paid off. You have great power. If you feel ready to take the next big step, then go for it. There is no need to hesitate. You are on the right path.
Astrologer’s Advice For Aquarius
You took off like a bullet a few days ago, Aquarius, making great progress in a short amount of time. But now you're grappling with doubts that are undermining all your energy. Reflecting on the events of the past few days, it's obvious that you were somewhat reckless in your headlong pursuit of your goals. Don't give up! Just rethink your strategy.
Pisces’ Life Horoscope
There is some likelihood that thoughts of your love life will haunt you today, Pisces. Perhaps you're intrigued by the idea of exploring certain realms of your relationship that remain secret, but you're unsure how to communicate this to your mate. Perhaps you're still testing the waters, waiting until you're sure of how you feel. In any case, you may make a decision to proceed!
Pisces’ Love Horoscope
There is no point in wasting a great chance to share how you feel with that someone special. You will come out from your shell. However, there is no need to hit them verbally with the depth of your passion straight away. Just let your partner (current or prospective) gaze into your wonderful liquid eyes, and let your gaze express how you feel. Don't spoil it all, though, by bursting into tears!
Pisces’ Money Horoscope
Everything is falling into place. People, situations, and opportunities are all making sense to you. Merge with other people, jobs, or ideas. It is a good time to partner up with someone or something that you believe strongly in. Success is yours.
Astrologer’s Advice For Pisces
Work could get busy in the first week, peaking around the December 6 Full Moon. Be calm and refuse to be rushed. The holidays are coming, after all. The New Moon on December 21 gives you the first day of winter, the longest night of the year, and one of the busiest and most glamorous holiday weekends of the whole year. Surround yourself with happy friends (and strangers) and let your heart swell. There's a lot to celebrate. The Pisces Moon sextiles Mercury and then Venus on December 27. People will want to cooperate, commiserate, and see your smile.