The main secrets to a healthy life are:
1. Be thankful.
2. Bless the lives of others.
3. Healthy people serve others while the unhealthy are too often consumed with themselves and their own problems.
4. Learn to forgive and let go, so you can get on with your life. Many studies have now shown that forgiving enhances health and helps prevent chemical changes in the body that may lead to disease.
5. Live in harmony with those around you. Be a peacemaker.
6. Learn to accept whatever decision is made. Do your best to keep your peace of mind. Peace is a healer.
7. Learn from your mistakes and allow others to do the same. Don't stand over people and supervise every move. Learn to give others the opportunity to grow and grow up.
8. Don't talk about your misfortunes or illnesses. It doesn't do any good for you or the other person you tell, and it presents an opportunity for them to do the same to you. Save it for your doctor. He's paid to listen to your problems.
9. Don't gossip. Gossip that comes through the grapevine is usually sour grapes. Be a person who speaks for the one who can not.
10. Spend 10 minutes a day meditating on how you can become a better person. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Listen to and follow your conscience.