Dherbs December 2013 Newsletter & Discounts

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The true meaning of a preventive approach to health care is to first exclude the "simpler" causes of disease, and then think of the more complicated. The simple truth is that dehydration alone can cause any symptom or disease. Dehydration eventually causes loss of functions, and various "thirst signals" are too often treated as symptoms, rather than getting to the cause. There are three main causes of most sub-health conditions:
  • Intracellular malnutrition
  • Intracellular toxicity
  • Intracellular dehydration
The basic assumption behind natural healing is that the human body is linked to the properties of natural organic substances. The philosophy of natural healing is that your body is capable of healing itself once proper conditions are provided. Herbal therapy is a natural way to help the body heal itself. Herbal remedies neutralize or eliminate from your body the harmful substances that impair its power to heal itself, and provide natural nutrients in their most absorbable form. In the chaotic condition of "modern medicine" and the crying need of the millions, is our grand opportunity to understand the truth about the ancient, honorable, and beneficial science of natural healing with herbs.

Quinoa Stuffing with Apple, Sweet Potato

& Hazelnuts


A new twist on a classic holiday

side dish. A healthy alternative

for pleople on a gluten free or grain free diet.

Prevent Vericose

Veins Juice


This juice has lots of essential nutrients in helping to relieve and prevent varicose veins or the most embarrassing spider veins away!

Food Fact & Trivia


Some yogurts contain beef or pork gelatin. 
The gelatin used in most leading brands of yogurt is derived from beef and/or pork.

Health Tip


Take time to rejuvenate in nature.
Stress is bad for the heart. At
least once a day, if you can, head outdoors to breathe deeply and connect with nature. Doing anything outside, whether it's taking a hike or sitting in the park, significantly reduces stress hormones and lowers your blood pressure, which benefits your heart—and your mood.





As a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Health Coach, and BodyMind Nutritionist, Gary Gibson has been in the fitness, nutrition, and health industry for half a decade. Gary Gibson is also a former professional soccer player and former top weight loss consultant for one of the world’s largest weight management companies.

So click here and ask away!!!






Naimah is a nationally known inspirational speaker and a woman of many accomplishments. Enlightened, dynamic, and courageous are three adjectives that perfectly describe Naimah. Her rise from a humble upbringing can be traced to the development and evolution of 12 daily action steps which are the foundation of her life changing message. She presents her uplifting lessons in a simple format that encourages personal empowerment.

So click here and ask away!!!



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Pet Immune Formula



As with humans, our animal friends are prone to sickness and disease and sometimes require an herbal aid to help strengthen their immune system. Dherbs.com Pet Immune Formula is a unique, powerful blend of immune supportive plants.  








Full Body Cleanse





Pine Forest





Oxy Oil (4oz)





Oxy Oil (8oz.)





Good things come to those
who wait... greater things come to those who get off their
a** and do anything to
make it happen.



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We appreciate your help in spreading the word as we

try to enlighten and properly educate people to the importance of human health and nutrition.