When it comes to breast cancer, it is important to be proactive about feeling for lumps, tenderness, or any irregularities on the breasts. Rather than doing it yourself, though, you may as well get your partner to examine breasts, since he/she is already familiar with them anyway. You can also return the favor, since breast cancer can occur in both men and women. About 240,000 women and 2,000 men are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every year. About 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer over the course of her life. Aside from lung cancer, breast cancer death rates are higher than any other cancer for women in America. If diagnosed and treated early, the five-year survival rate is 99%. Risk Factors for Breast Cancer: • Obesity • Began menstrual period before age 12, and menopause after age 55 • Family history of breast, colorectal, or ovarian cancer • Personal history of ovarian cancer • Smokes or uses tobacco products • Takes or has taken birth control pills • Not physically active Symptoms To Look For: • A lump, firm knot, or thickening in the breast • A change in size or shape of breast(s) • Lump under the arm • Nipple pain, tenderness or discharge, including bleeding • A nipple turning inward or inverted • Change in texture or skin color • Breast that feels swollen or warm • Itchiness, soreness, or rash on the nipple It’s time for the exam… |