
I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 3

I awake on day three and all is well.  I‘m off to another great start this morning. This afternoon, things are not going as well as the previous 2 days. My schedule is off for taking my herbs. I had problems at work. I have to make some unexpected trips back, and forth to and I left my detox pill case at the home. Now, I’m stuck in the streets with no detox capsules and no lunch. (HELP)  I’m behind now for sure. OK, it’s 6 o’clock at night, I ‘m hungry! And I am in El Pollo Loco.  I’m in the wrong place, at the wrong time. (people don’t do not try this at home) (LOL)  I grabbed a salad and got out of there.!!!!! Now it’s too late to catch up on the capsules. So, I just went to sleep.



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