I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED!

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 20

OK, today was another great day, I’m feeling great and I found a new “raw foods” restaurant to try out. I’m going this afternoon. I’m on schedule with my herbs. I made it to the place put in my order and everything was lovely (food wise). There is only one problem; I have gotten use […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 19

Next to my last day on the detox and all is well. My morning and afternoon went well I’m on schedule with my herbs and I’m eating the proper foods for the detox. I’m in my last week of the detox and now is the time you start feeling like you can do this forever! […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 18

Thursday, off to a great start first thing this morning I took my first set of herbs on time. It’s a regular work day today so all should go well. OK by the afternoon I’m a little behind with taking the capsules, but not to worry I will catch up! This evening I have to […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 17

I was traveling around in the after noon to the late evening. I got a little behind schedule with my herbs (but I’m still taking them). I had to go with the family to a restaurant but I was able to resist the food.  I am too deep into the detox to turn back now! […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 15

Today is the first day, of my last six days on the detox and I am off to another great start in the morning. I am so happy I took home leftovers. Lunch was superb thanks to my left over (tacos). Carolyn

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 16

Great day for detoxing! Smooth sailing all day. I got a little hungry in the late evening so I steamed myself some sting beans for dinner. I had a Fruit smoothie later that evening. (I CAN SMELL THE FINISH LINE COMING!) Carolyn

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 14

We got lucky, Tyrone and I got invited to an all raw food lunch today, I’m so happy. I should be able to breeze thru this day. I had a banana for breakfast and went to church. They were fixing chicken dinners at church today so I had to leave in a hurry. I was invited to […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 13

Good start I haven’t broke any detox rules yet, OK…………….but It’s still the morning. OK this afternoon I’m still on track and going strong. Keep it together, Keep it together, Keep it together. Not feeling hungry these days. The capsules have taken their toll on me. ( I KNOW I CAN DO THIS I JUST […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 12

Great day I stayed on track all morning, my time slipping away during the afternoon so I am behind on taking my capsules. I got real hungry in the evening and I steamed some green beans, and squash for dinner, but I’m still on the detox.  Carolyn

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 11

Stayed on track all day, but I ate a little steamed corn in the evening (THAT’S NOT SO BAD??). Outside of that I stayed on course all day. Capsules taken on time and eating the proper detox foods. (YIPPEE!!! I JUST MIGHT MAKE TO THE END AFTER ALL!)  Carolyn

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 10

I’m on time with my capsules today, but I am craving peanuts. So I had some peanuts. Yes, I know I should not be eating them but I am. It’s not meat. OK Carolyn

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 9

I took my first set of herbs at 10:00 today (I’M A LITTLE BEHIND THE 8 BALL TO SAY THE LEAST)). Things are looking up now I have caught up with my capsules and eating the right foods back to my old stand by.  Fruits, nuts, and salad! ( SOMETIMES IT’S BETTER TO STICK TO […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 8

First day of the second week hallelujah! One week down. I’m back on track with the detox everything is lovely. I can’t believe how hard things are this time around on my 5th detox.  ( I GUESS NO MATTER HOW MANY TIME YOU COMPLETE A DETOX COMPLETING ONE REQUIRES DISCIPLINE) Carolyn

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 7

Today ends the first week of my detox. Not too bad so far. My morning is going well enough everything is fine until after church.( MY STOMACH IS GROWLING) I am really hungry (I need food) I went home and found myself in the kitchen fixing brown rice, salad and vegetables. ( NOT EXACTLY RAW […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 6

I had to go to a Birthday celebration (you know how this can be, BAD)! You’re sitting around a table with everyone staring at the foods you cannot have (SUCKS). Afterwards I went to a vegan restaurant for lunch but I ordered dinner. I’m getting a little food crazy now. My hunger is coming thru.  […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 5

This morning I’m a little hungry, so I had 2 bananas and a fruit smoothie for breakfast ( UMMM GOOD). I’m taking the capsules on time ( NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS).  It’s the afternoon, and I am craving peanuts. So I mixed a few peanuts in my trail mix. The trail mix held me till […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 4

My day 4 started off great, but by the afternoon my schedule is slipping away from me  ( OH NO!! NOT AGAIN ).  Now I am 2 hours behind taking my capsules. I have to play catch up. By the evening I’m on the right time schedule with the capsules  ( I DID IT). I […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 3

I awake on day three and all is well.  I‘m off to another great start this morning. This afternoon, things are not going as well as the previous 2 days. My schedule is off for taking my herbs. I had problems at work. I have to make some unexpected trips back, and forth to and I left my […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 2

Here I am on day two of my detox. This week I am concentrating on fruits, juices, nuts and salads. I eat a lot of fruits, juices and nuts during the day time hours. I will make myself a big salad tonight. I feel great. My day was next to perfect, I stayed on track […]

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 1

I  usually start my day at 5:30 each week day. Today will be  my first day of the detox. My daily routine has to be altered since I am starting the detox,  things will be a little different. I haven’t planned out my meals for today so I feel a little unsure of myself, but […]


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