Ginger – 13 lbs to go

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO – Final Day

Over the past week, the ritual has finally become automatic.  I joyfully travel with my own food, and my body has acclimated to the new food diet and repaying me with vibrant energy, clarity and the ability to stay calm and grounded.  I have released a total of 10 pounds. I am confident that my […]

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO – Day 13

I weighed myself today.  I released 2 more pounds.  I am at 8 total.  My goal is to release 13 pounds.  I think my body takes longer to release, but when it does it happens fast.  This has been great test ground for how my body works.  It used to happen so fast when I […]

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO – Day 10

Weekends are hard, I hate having to get up at 7am to take capsules, on my only two days to sleep in, so I usually take them late.  Working on that.  Still determined to keep going.  I am enjoying the small weight release I have had, but I really expected it to happen much faster. […]

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO – Day 9

Stayed up too late last night.  All jacked up on my capsule times.  I am getting bored of eating the same foods. This is week 4 of raw food for me. I am craving fried Tofu and Brown Rice.  Didn’t use the bathroom much today.

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO – Day 8

I weighed myself today.  Booooo. I didn’t loose any weight in 7 days.  Trying to keep my head up. Had a Birthday party at a restaurant, I had some cooked veggies. Not really feeling the love for my detox right now.

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO – Day 7

I am still feeling great.  Trying out some new variations on morning smoothies to see which ones make me feel the best.  My morning smoothies will definitely become a life long habit for me.  It is so fast, so good and healthy and you feel so good. I am still trying to get the timing […]

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO – Day 4

Friday and the weekend was tough.  Friday was great during the day, but I got home late and was starving by the time I got there, so everything I shouldn’t be eating was looking really good. I snuck a turkey hotdog without the bun and had some vegi soup.  The week end was tough also,  […]

Ginger – 13 LBS TO GO

Let me introduce myself.. I am a 44 year old mother of three beautiful boys. Over the past 10 years I have lived through some life changing events. During that time I have always had a strong spiritual center, but found that I was attracting people who were “takers” and that wasn’t good because I was […]


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