Dherbers, It has a been long journey and worth every step. This is my 18th day and I feel great. My swagger is in full effect. Imagine yourself being like a wave of radio frequencies. Sometimes high and sometimes low. But today, I’m feeling like the equalizer. Perfectly balanced. And though you may think, that I should be feeling high all the time, I celebrate the leveled space of today. I encourage you all to gauge where you are at in your frequencies today. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be in the moment. You gotta know where you are to get where you going. And you gotta know that we are in constant motion, so don’t plan on staying in any one place for too long. That’s what life is about… living is action. Keep it moving! And as always, keep it positive!!
BREAKFAST – Smoothie strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and pineapple.
LUNCH – Mixed green salad, with cashews, walnuts, raisins, and cranberries.
DINNER – Veggie stir fry, with brown rice.