Celebrity Detox with Dondré Whitfield

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 20

Dherbers, PEACE and hair grease! I have arrived. I am officially at the end of my cleanse. This was great and therapeutic. My herbs did the job, I have to trust that the magnets did as well (They better after putting them there all those days. lol) and meditating definitely helped keep me centered through […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 19

What’s up my fellow Detoxers!  Being close to the last day,  you start to get the feeling your just about to the end of a journey. Looking at all the benefits of your discipline and determination over  the last  19 days  really motivates you to finish the race. I go through moments when I feel […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 18

Dherbers, It has a been long journey and worth every step. This is my 18th day and I feel great. My swagger is in full effect. Imagine yourself being like a wave of radio frequencies. Sometimes high and sometimes low. But today, I’m feeling like the equalizer. Perfectly balanced. And though you may think, that […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 17

Dherbers, Not much new to report from this end. I’m continuing to enjoy the encouragement of strangers to do what we’ve been doing since the beginning of time; eating to live. Although I must say, a fresh piece of Salmon is on my agenda immediately upon cleanse completion. Better yet, Black Cod with a Maple […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 16

What up Dherbers, Well, I’m out of the country and it’s amazing how much more receptive other cultures are of taking care of one’s health. People seem to be really respectful of those who take a proactive approach to looking after their health needs. Unlike the states where I find a “not so subtle” attitude […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 15

Dherbers, How quickly the tide turns. Today is one of those days where I feel like I’m drowning in the midst of the days tasks. I can’t wait to get through the day because it’ll be my indication that I’ve accomplished a lot. Today I’ll be concentrating on breathing so I don’t get too overwhelmed. […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 14

Dherbers, What it is? Just carrying over all this good energy form one day to the next. Having a few good meetings and seeing your efforts come to fruition never hurt either. lol There is no doubt that there is a correlation between how your day goes and how much better your food tastes. However, […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 13

Dherbers, What’s da deal? I can’t believe I’m still doing this. I’m feelin’ super fresh and clean! Bring on the next 7 days. I’m feeling great. My weight is good, my thoughts are clear, my skin is supple (oh wait a minute. I can’t say that. that’s a little too metro) my skin is handsomely […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 12

What up!! It’s  day 12, and I am just about in the home stretch. I can only speak for my self in saying I can feel the effects of a clean mind, body, and spirit, 360 degrees. In other words, at home with (kids) at the gym, on the golf course, on the basketball court, […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 11

What up! Today is all about energy. Becoming more positive in every aspect of  my life. Directing bad energy out of my universe. Detoxing will take you there some time, I guess it’s sort of natural  once your body becomes free to toxins and waste your brain immediately  wants all negative energy to become positive […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 10

Dherbers, What it is? Today is day 10 of my cleanse and I’m now starting to really feel in sync with it. Each day feels much easier to contend with the proverbial “food monkey” being on my back. As discussed before, food can be sooooo addictive. However, if we start reprogramming our palate and eating […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 9

HEY DHERBERS, Today is day 9 and I’m feelin’ fine!  Today started with a lot of moving around.  My wife is out of town this week, so that means daddy duty is in full effect.  The kids are a wonderful reminder of why I am choosing to go through this detox.  Children show us how […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 8

Dherbers, Today is Monday and I’m feelin’ “light”. (if you catch my bowel reference) I know this is not a popular subject and I feel ridiculous writing about it. However, everything is coming out the way it was intended to. It’s amazing how you feel when you’re eating the way you’re supposed to. When you’re […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 7

What up again, Too early in the game to start counting days, just going to go with  the flow of each day as it comes. Doing much better with my  temptations today. My energy level has sky rocked form medium to super  drive. Putting the correct food in your body on a daily basis (ALL  […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 6

Dherbers, The weekend is really here. Saturday marks the day for treats and goodies. A time to celebrate all the hard work you’ve put in during the week. The sacrifice of five days to be undone in two days. (LOL) It’s the natural cycle of life. Yes, the natural cycle until you’re cleansing. This now […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 5

What up again, Just a line or two to alert to my everyday activity. Just returned from taking my son to his Father/Son class. Doing things with my kids always reminds me of what true purpose is, and also reminds me of my own smile. Your smile can affect someone’s whole day when given in […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 4

What up Dherbers, Today is going to be really simple for me, why because I am going to make it simple.  It’s day 4, and I want a turkey burger really bad. I can taste it going down my throat!!   My angel dressed in white sitting my shoulder is  telling me ” “You can […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 3

What up Dherbers, I woke up this morning at 5:30 because my 13 month old son doesn’t understand the concept of sleeping until at least 7 a.m. yet. We got up and immediately started the day the way we normally do before I wake up my daughter; watching SportsCenter. Already, I think he understands the […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 2

What up Dherbers, It’s my second day on the detox, and it’s extremely refreshing to have my wife preparing most of my meals. She has completed the Full Body Cleanse several times and is quite familiar with menu choices. My main concern is will I have enough will power to resist what the family is […]

Celebrity Detox with DondrĂ© Whitfield – Day 1

What up Dherbers, This is DONDRÉ or affectionately known to my family and friends as Big DrĂ© since the birth of my son DRÉ TERRELL WHITFIELD. He just had his first birthday on Sunday. What up Lil DrĂ©!!! I started my Total Male Cleanse on Monday and this afternoon, which is day 1, I’m feeling […]


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