
Celebrity Detox with Comedian Aida Rodriguez – Day 7

I have been receiving several emails from people telling me that the Detox is unrealistic and that I should stop because I am anemic and so on and so forth.  I am a bit cranky at this time because I am really  hungry and if I eat another grape I am going to scream.  I can’t really move throughout my day because I am going to the bathroom a lot and the smell of cooked food makes me mad.  

I ate at a Raw Food’s restaurant and I can honestly say that I am tired of it.  I don’t know if I can be a Raw Foodist because I really don’t like the taste.  Though I can’t appreciate the complete Raw Food experience I can tell you that my body feels different.  I am shrinking and my stomach is flat.  This is important to me because as an entertainer body image is important to me, still in light of my anorexic past, I want to be more intelligent about how I take care of my body.

I think that I need to increase my calories and I certainly realize how carbs affect my body, I can feel myself slow and not as sharp as usual.  I am a bit angry because I am hungry and I just want to go to sleep.


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