Journal: Yvette Bacote (NaAshaRa) - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Mon, 20 Jan 2025 12:53:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 45 Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:34:31 +0000

Today’s Natural Remedy: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Simple things we do and don’t think about… Have the courage to follow your convictions visit: Have Courage To Follow Your Convictions Today’s Positive Affirmation: I Am Happy, Healthy, & Well balancedI Love Myself Unconditionally &I Love the Way I Feel!I Will B Consistent with My Healthy Lifestyle!I […]


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Today’s Natural Remedy: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Simple things we do and don’t think about…

  • Eating foods too hot or too cold can impair enzymes needed for proper digestion and can create toxicity.
  • Never consume anything (other than plain water) that has sat out more than an hour (even if it is on the stove)
  • Never consume anything that is older than 2 days.
  • Do not consume food or beverage that has chemicals, numbers, colors, and preservatives in it.
  • Never drink out of the same water cup or bottle more than 1 day without washing it out with soap and water.
  • Avoid coffee, including decaffeinated products containing isolated caffeine. It is rough on the kidneys.
  • Never eat or drink out of a plastic container that is exposed to heat.
  • Do not thaw items in plastic anywhere other than in a refrigerator, cooler, or someplace very cold or leave cold items that are in plastic out at room temperature.
  • Beware of all plastic products that food and/or personal care items are stored in, plastic may leech into the product when temperature changes occur.
  • Avoid using plastic containers to heat food in microwaves.
  • Use glass, ceramic, or stainless steel as a safe alternative to plastic.
  • Always keep food or drinks in the refrigerator covered.
  • Avoid using metal utensils or silverware on a Teflon cookware.
  • Wash out the soap holder, left over soap can go rancid.
  • Avoid sleeping on a poor quality mattress.
  • Avoid wearing poor quality shoes with no arch support.
  • Avoid the use of cleaning items that contain harsh chemicals.
  • Do not refill old essential bottles with new essential oils. The old essential oil left behind may be rancid.

Have the courage to follow your convictions visit: Have Courage To Follow Your Convictions

Today’s Positive Affirmation:

I Am Happy, Healthy, & Well balanced
I Love Myself Unconditionally &
I Love the Way I Feel!
I Will B Consistent with My Healthy Lifestyle!
I Am Strong,
I Am Dedicated & Focused!
I Am Productive & Successful with all my Goals!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle”

Site: www.onedestinypublishing

Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 44 Fri, 19 Nov 2010 16:21:12 +0000

Today’s Natural Remedy: Quick & Easy Vegan Recipes One Pot Wonders… Eating healthy does not always require a lot of time. Although we should take the time to eat properly so our bodies will function properly. Preparing your food with joy is good for the soul, mind, & body. So have fun with it, keep […]


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Today’s Natural Remedy: Quick & Easy Vegan Recipes

One Pot Wonders… Eating healthy does not always require a lot of time. Although we should take the time to eat properly so our bodies will function properly. Preparing your food with joy is good for the soul, mind, & body. So have fun with it, keep it simple and enjoy! For more vegan recipes visit: Vegan Salads

NaAshaRa’s Curry Ginger Vegetable Stew (serving 4 to 6 people)
6 chopped potatoes
2 cups of green peas
2 heads of broccoli
2 heads of cauliflower
2 chopped Chinese eggplant
4 chopped corn on the cob
½ of chopped green pepper
½ of chopped red pepper
2 chopped carrots
1 chopped onion
1 chopped garlic clove
½ of chopped celery stalk
1 cup of Irish moss
4 tbsp of curry powder
4 slices of fresh ginger
2 tsp of Bragg Liquid Aminos
2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp of sea salt
Put the potatoes, carrots, corn in a crock-pot or pot with spring water and sea salt. Bring to a boil and let cook until potatoes are soft, add all the other ingredients, and then simmer. Check for flavor and add seasonings if necessary, then serve.

Mangos are high in vitamins A, C & E, potassium, folate, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene, fiber, and potassium. Mangos also assist with digestion, constipation, skin conditions, antioxidant, piles, hemorrhoids, arteriosclerosis, retinal conditions and more.

Zucchini Tomato Stew (serving 4 to 6 people)
5 sliced zucchini
3 sliced tomatoes
1 sliced onions
1 chopped clove of garlic
3 cups of corn
2 cup of soaked black beans
½ chopped red pepper
2 tsp of Bragg Liquid Aminos
2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
Sauté all together over low flame, and then simmer. Serve over brown rice or by itself.

Marinated Vegetables (serving 4 to 6 people)
1 head of broccoli
1 heads of cauliflower
2 sliced yellow squash
1 chopped avocado
2 sliced cucumbers
½ red bell pepper sliced
1 chopped tomato
½ green bell pepper sliced
1 sliced carrot
2 sliced white mushrooms
2 sliced zucchini
½ onion sliced
½ tsp of rosemary
½ tsp of thyme
1 tsp of lemon juice
2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
Combine all ingredients and marinate in the refrigerator, serve chilled.

For more recipes visit: Raw Appetizers

Today’s Positive Affirmation:

I am Open… 2 Growth by Expanding My Knowledge & Understanding. I am Empowered & Encouraged by My Creative Resourcefulness Leading me 2 Realize My Dreams… 2 Experience True Happiness & the Love I Deserve. My Happiness & Success is My Responsibility. So I make a Plan & Prepare while being Patient… Staying Focused on Achieving my Goals 2 Reach my Life’s Purpose, My Destiny…. I see Nothing but Infinite Possibilities & Opportunities!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

Site: www.onedestinypublishing Email:

Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 43 Thu, 18 Nov 2010 13:09:37 +0000

Today’s Natural Remedy: Vitamin C & Mangos Have you had your Vitamin C today? Vitamin C can be extremely helpful for preventing colds and infections by helping keep the immune system strong. It keeps gums, teeth, and bones healthy; it also helps speeds up the healing of wounds. Vitamin C is the most widely used […]


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Today’s Natural Remedy: Vitamin C & Mangos

Have you had your Vitamin C today?

Vitamin C can be extremely helpful for preventing colds and infections by helping keep the immune system strong. It keeps gums, teeth, and bones healthy; it also helps speeds up the healing of wounds. Vitamin C is the most widely used as a dietary or nutritional supplement. It is available in many forms including caplets, capsules, tablets, drink mix packets, and in multi-vitamin formulations. The best sources of vitamin C are in your citrus fruits like….strawberries, raspberries etc. Vitamin C accompanied with vitamin E, is a powerful antioxidant.

Natural Sources of Vitamin C are: Catnip, Chickweed, Hawthorn, Pomegranate, Apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, coconut, cranberries, dates, fig, grapes, kiwi fruit, lemon, limes, mangos, oranges, papaya, passion fruit, pear, pineapple, plums, yams, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, yellow dock, rose hips, red raspberry, kelp, parsley, dandelion, turmeric, walnuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pine nuts, oregano, oregano oil, lentils, cloves, cumin, chickpeas, chilies pepper, cayenne pepper, basil, winter squash, watercress, turnip greens, summer squash, mustard greens, radish, onions, okra, kale, green peas, garlic, cucumber, celery, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, beets, avocado, artichokes, alfalfa sprouts, zucchini and more.

Mangos are high in vitamins A, C & E, potassium, folate, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene, fiber, and potassium. Mangos also assist with digestion, constipation, skin conditions, antioxidant, piles, hemorrhoids, arteriosclerosis, retinal conditions and more.

Frozen Mango Strawberry Smoothie (2 servings)

1 sliced apple
2 cups of sliced strawberries
2 sliced mangos
3 cup of 100% pineapple juice
½ cup of Irish moss (already soaked & blended)
3 slices of fresh ginger

Blend all ingredients together, serve cold or slightly frozen top with granola pieces.
For Irish Moss – clean & rinse a cup of Irish moss then soaked in spring water for about 1 day or boil until soft, then blend with water (a Vita-a-mixer is best), until it’s creamy.

For more great tasting smoothie recipes visit: Fruit Smoothies

Today’s Positive Affirmation:

2day I will Smile & B Happy!
I am Grateful & Thankful for everything good & bad
4 this how I learn 2 grow
I see change as a new opportunity.
I evolve with change… 2 grow 2 the next level
One door closes & another opens.
God is my Strength & suffering is a state of mind.
I must stay focused on the Love & Strength in my Soul.
Never let them see me sweat because I know God got me!
God gives his people Strength & will bless them with Peace! (Psalms 29:11)
I Rebuild anew believing in my Dreams
2 make them come true!
My thoughts create my reality!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

Site: www.onedestinypublishing


Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 42 Wed, 17 Nov 2010 13:35:11 +0000

Today’s Natural Remedy: Delicious Fresh Juices Juicing is an excellent source of “live food” (uncooked or raw) providing many vitamins, minerals, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, water, and chlorophyll. Fresh juices cleanse, rebuild, protect, & energize the cells in minutes providing the body with essential nutrients to stay healthy. Juice everyday to keep disease away! Here […]


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Today’s Natural Remedy: Delicious Fresh Juices

Juicing is an excellent source of “live food” (uncooked or raw) providing many vitamins, minerals, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, water, and chlorophyll. Fresh juices cleanse, rebuild, protect, & energize the cells in minutes providing the body with essential nutrients to stay healthy. Juice everyday to keep disease away!

Here are some juicy ideas…

NaAshaRa’s Green Pineapple Passion
1 chopped pineapple
2 tbsp Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
4 slices of ginger
1 cup of Irish moss
2 tsp spirulina
3 cups of apple juice
2 sliced mangos
Ice optional

Put all items in a blender, mix, and serve.

Other Fruit Combinations

Apple and cucumber
Apple, pear, and mango
Cantaloupe w/seeds*, ginger, and Irish moss
Mango, pineapple, and pear
Papaya w/seeds*, mango, apple, and ginger
Pineapple, strawberries, and mango
Strawberries, papaya, mango, and pineapple
Watermelon w/seeds*
*include seeds only if you have a strong blender like a Vita-a-Mixer.

Vegetable Combinations
Carrots, celery, and parsley
Carrot, ginger, and orange (fresh juice)
Carrots, parsley, beets, cucumber, and celery
Cucumber, celery, and ginger Spinach, kale, alfalfa sprouts, and celery

Blend all fresh and/or frozen ingredients together (ice optional). If you need to make the juice sweet, use apples, bananas, berries, raw sugar, honey, agave nectar or stevia.

Today’s Positive Affirmation:

2day I will Smile & B Happy!
I Know Perception is key!
2day I choose 2 see the positive in everything!
I reflect on the simple joys of life,
Expressing Peace & Love,
Shining brightly 4 all 2 see.

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

Site: www.onedestinypublishing


Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 41 Tue, 16 Nov 2010 16:27:29 +0000

Super Foods Rebuild – Rejuvenate – Restore Super-Foods are foods that are rich with many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and more. They are the ultimate foods to keep you well, making you strong mentally & physically. Super foods feed your body on a cellular level assisting the body in rebuilding itself. Enabling people to […]


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Super Foods

Rebuild – Rejuvenate – Restore

Super-Foods are foods that are rich with many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and more. They are the ultimate foods to keep you well, making you strong mentally & physically. Super foods feed your body on a cellular level assisting the body in rebuilding itself. Enabling people to overcome infertility, cancer, and many other illnesses. Here are some common super-foods; do your research there are many other super foods like chlorella, blue-green algae and more.

For more on infertility visit: Infertility

Spirulina is a fresh water algae. A form of bacteria with 60% protein, and contains all essential amino acids, vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (folate), vitamin E, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, beta-carotene, inositol, and minerals. Spirulina is known to be one of the most nutritious whole foods on earth.

Irish Moss is a red algae or purple seaweed super food that is a great energy booster. It revitalizes and strengthens the body and is good for thyroid disorders. It is a good source of calcium, magnesium, chlorophyll, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, and sulfur. To prepare Irish moss, clean and rinse a cup of Irish moss then soaked in spring water for about 1 day or boil until soft, then blend with water (a Vita-a-mixer is best), until it’s creamy. Add to soups, stews, juices, and baked items to thicken them making it healthy and hardy.

Wakame Sea Weed has great amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. It has been used for blood purification, skin, hair, intestinal strength, reproductive organs, and cycle regularity. Wakame also helps with weight loss, energy, clear skin, and improved overall health.

Barley/Wheat Grass is a great energy booster and is the young grass of the wheat plant containing chlorophyll, amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Fresh juiced wheat grass shots are best but it is also available frozen, in tablet, or powder form.

Acai Berry is an anti-oxidant from the Amazon Forrest. Acai berry has 10 times the anti-oxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blueberries. It also increases the metabolism encouraging weight loss, increasing energy, reducing fatigue. Acai berry is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial fruit that assist with constipation, gas, bloating, and water retention.

Bee Pollen is one of the oldest healing foods on the planet and is a great source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, and fats. This super-food contains phytonutrients; some that have not even been identified as of yet. Scientist say Bee Pollen has everything we need to live! It is a powerful detoxifier, helps with PMS, mental clarity, concentration, improves metabolism, and food cravings. It helps with sexual performance, and may prevent prostate problems, boost fertility, and sperm counts.

Today’s Positive Affirmation:

2day I will Smile & B Happy!
4 it brings good health & Joy 2 the heart!
I have the Power
2 heal myself &
make my life what I desire it 2 B.
I Must Stay Positive
4 Great Results!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

Site: www.onedestinypublishing


Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 40 Mon, 15 Nov 2010 12:05:34 +0000

Iodine & Sarsaparilla What is Iodine? Iodine is the essential mineral that aids in the development and functioning of the thyroid gland. It regulates the body’s metabolism. Sarsaparilla is a member of the lily family originating in the rain forests of Central, South America, and Caribbean islands. This powerful herb contains iron, manganese, sodium, silicon, […]


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Iodine & Sarsaparilla

What is Iodine?

Iodine is the essential mineral that aids in the development and functioning of the thyroid gland. It regulates the body’s metabolism.

Sarsaparilla is a member of the lily family originating in the rain forests of Central, South America, and Caribbean islands. This powerful herb contains iron, manganese, sodium, silicon, sulfur, copper, zinc, iodine, amino acids, vitamins A, B, C and D. Sarsaparilla helps purify the blood, skin, strengthen nerves, brain tissue, spinal cord, intestines, circulation, throat, and lungs. It was used back in the sixteenth-century as a blood purifier for syphilis and rheumatism. Sarsaparilla is a great eye wash, protects against radiation exposure, boost stamina and energy, corrects nutritional disorders with improved appetite, relieves upset stomach, assist with hair growth, balance progesterone and testosterone hormones in the body, build muscle mass, and increases the quality and quantity of semen and urine. Sarsaparilla purifies the blood getting rid of fever, acne, gonorrhea, syphilis, liver disease, hot flashes, infertility, impotence, gout, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, mercury poisoning, breathing disorders, eczema, ringworm, Psoriasis and other skin disorders.

Other natural sources of iodine… black cohosh, Irish moss, kelp, parsley, garlic, kelp, strawberries, white oak bark, black walnut hulls, watercress, chickweed, sea weeds, nori, dulse, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, hiziki, arame, wakame, red marine algae, and blue green algae.

For more on thyroid health visit: Things You Can Do To Keep Your Thyroid Healthy

Today’s Positive Affirmation:

I Seek the truth 4 it will set me free.
I Let go of fears, anxieties, beliefs, and misconceptions
That serve me no purpose!
I strive 4 knowledge & understanding
So I can B Wise making beneficial decisions that keep me
Staying focused on my goals!
I will b successful just because I plan 4 it!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle


Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 39 Fri, 12 Nov 2010 12:16:48 +0000

Epsom Salt Flush A quick & easy detox The liver is responsible for assisting with digesting food, absorb nutrients, and cleanse the body of toxins. Your liver is one of the largest organs in your body on the right side of your stomach under your rib cage. When the liver works well, the whole body […]


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Epsom Salt Flush

A quick & easy detox

The liver is responsible for assisting with digesting food, absorb nutrients, and cleanse the body of toxins. Your liver is one of the largest organs in your body on the right side of your stomach under your rib cage. When the liver works well, the whole body works well. Eating fatty foods causes digestive disorders and drinking alcohol creates liver and gall bladder disorders, primarily gallstones. Gallstones form from too much fat in the diet. Detoxing the liver is essential to optimum health.

For more on the liver visit: Liver Problems

The flushing the liver and gall bladder stimulates and cleanses the organs starting the healing process, assisting with overcoming addictions and preventing illness, like HIV, Herpes and Hepatitis. During this cleansing, you may find small to medium size, light green or dark green gallstones in your stool. If you have many stones, the flush could be repeated in two weeks.

For more on healing hepatitis visit: Hepatitis

The Epsom Salt Flush

Decide you are going to do the flush a week ahead of time and you have two (2) consecutive days to relax – no fasting is required.

  • For six (6) days, let’s use Monday through Saturday as an example, drink as much 100% apple juice you can with your regular meals.
  • On the sixth (6th) day, in our example – Saturday eat a normal lunch.
  • Three hours later, take one tablespoon of Epsom Salt dissolved in one-quarter cup of warm water.
  • Two hours later, take one tablespoon of Epsom Salt dissolved in one-quarter cup of warm water.
  • For dinner, drink a pineapple or citrus smoothie for your meal.
  • At bedtime, drink one-half cup of warm unrefined extra-virgin olive oil blended with one-half cup of fresh organic lemon juice (if possible).
  • Go to bed immediately. Lie on your right side with your knees pulled up close to your chest for thirty minutes. Soon you will use the bathroom.
  • The next morning, one hour before breakfast, take one tablespoon of Epsom Salt dissolved in one-quarter cup warm water.
  • Your flush is complete. You should feel lighter and cleaner.

To see your results, use a strainer when using the bathroom to collect the stones passed.

Today’s Positive Affirmation:

I Seek the truth 4 it will set me free.
I Listen closely 4 the truth shall always B revealed.
No matter how painful at first….
Truth is the only way 2 Peace & Unconditional Love,
The Creator is The Truth &
So Am I –
The Truth!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

Site: www.onedestinypublishing


Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 38 Thu, 11 Nov 2010 11:58:48 +0000

Today’s Natural Remedy: Rosemary, Sage, & Thyme Do you know the health benefits of Rosemary, Sage, & Thyme?These powerful herbs have antioxidant healing qualities, each herb and its essential oil improve brain function, calm the nerves, stimulate blood circulation, relieve pain and more… Rosemary is an antioxidant containing fiber, calcium, carbohydrates, fatty, & amino acids […]


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Today’s Natural Remedy: Rosemary, Sage, & Thyme

Do you know the health benefits of Rosemary, Sage, & Thyme?
These powerful herbs have antioxidant healing qualities, each herb and its essential oil improve brain function, calm the nerves, stimulate blood circulation, relieve pain and more…

Rosemary is an antioxidant containing fiber, calcium, carbohydrates, fatty, & amino acids that boost the immune system, improves circulation increasing the blood supply throughout the body. It relieves muscle pain, asthma attacks, digestive and gallbladder disorders. Rosemary is also used to increase urine production. When used in combination with St. John’s Wort and ginkgo biloba, it may improve brain inflammation disorders. Rosemary relieves eczema, rheumatism, depression. Rosemary relieves constipation, anxiety, headaches, muscle aches, cold, flu, respiratory conditions, improves memory brain function and mental fatigue by calming the nerves, relaxing muscles, and easing tension. Rosemary protects and may prevent cancer and tumors cells in the liver and bronchial areas. Rosemary oil & tea revitalizes and strengthens dry flakey hair promoting hair growth.

Sage is a 2,000-year-old healer that is very effective against bacteria and viruses, also used as a preservative as well as a spice. It has been used to treat everything from snakebite to mental illness. Sage can help reduce excessive perspiration, and it is effective against bleeding gums, canker sores, herpes, HIV, joint pain, gingivitis, liver disorders, laryngitis, lung disorders, sinusitis, sore throat, cold, flu, cough, tonsillitis, and menopausal symptoms. Sage has also been known to stimulate the nerves, boost brain function, and memory. Sage is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, menstrual cramps, intestinal antiseptic, bronchial asthma, urinary tract infections, atherosclerosis, and improves brain function. Clary Sage Oil calms panic attacks, restlessness, euphoria, balances mind-emotions, clears negative energy, anxiety, muscle fatigue, PMS, stress, nerve tonic, insomnia, inspires dreams, and infertility. Has an astringent quality that can stop diarrhea, heal mouth, and throat ulcers. Sage acts like a diuretic and is also used for kidney related disorders like renal calculi, for more on calculi visit: Calculi

Thyme is a powerful antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-microbial, and antioxidant containing vitamin K, iron, manganese, calcium, and fiber. A member of the mint family thyme is not just for seasoning food, it has been known to possess anticancer qualities, relieves aches and pains. Egyptians used it as a preservative in embalming fluid. Thyme also has a calming effect on the nervous system, uplifting the spirit. It helps with styes, pink eye, conjunctivitis, fungus, menstrual cramps, PMS, coughs, chest congestion bronchitis, digestion, whooping cough, and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Thyme oil is used to treat inflammations of the mouth, and throat infections.

Today’s Positive Affirmation:
2day I understand stress is only
my perception of things,
judging them 2 B good or bad.
I Accept what is &
change what I can
Leaving the rest behind because
it is 2 heavy 2 carry &
is not beneficial 4 me.
I Let Go & Let God
Moving 4ward!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of  “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

Site: www.onedestinypublishing


Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes.  If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 37 Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:29:52 +0000

Today’s Natural Remedy: Herbs for HIV & STD’s It is going to be okay… The key here is keeping the immune system strong and staying positive. Having HIV or a STD is not the end of the world; however, you must make some changes in your lifestyle if you want to truly heal. It starts […]


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Today’s Natural Remedy: Herbs for HIV & STD’s

It is going to be okay…

The key here is keeping the immune system strong and staying positive. Having HIV or a STD is not the end of the world; however, you must make some changes in your lifestyle if you want to truly heal. It starts with unconditionally loving yourself. Love yourself so much that you eat well, fresh fruits and vegetables, less preservatives and cooked foods. Exercise 10 minutes a day to get the heart pumping, allowing the oxygen to flow to the brain and all the other important cells throughout the body; get proper rest, good restful sleep on an empty stomach, allows the body to repair itself while you sleep and not spend the time digesting food.

Accept what is and move on, not wallowing in self-pity about the choices you made, make a plan to make things better, easier. Relief comes quicker when we do not worry; worrying blocks opportunities and future blessings. Detox! Drink and eat alkaline water and foods. It has been said that disease cannot live in an alkaline environment. All viruses, diseases, and illness are a build-up of toxins, parasites, worms, and/or yeast, coupled with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Correct the vitamin and mineral deficiencies, get rid of the toxins, parasites, worms, and yeast or get them under control. Then the body is balanced working properly.

Natural Remedies for HIV & Herpes…
Black walnut, oranges, wormwood, lemon balm, cloves, sage, peppermint oil, oregano oil, cinnamon oil and more. For more on HIV/AIDS visit: AIDS and HIV

Natural Remedies for Genital Herpes visit: Genital Herpes 

Today’s Positive Affirmation:
I keep my thoughts positive
4 my thoughts Create My Reality!
I Am Determined 2 Succeed!
I will Turn my fears n2 Stepping Stones,
My doubt n2 Confidence,
Obstacles n2 Opportunities,
My anger n2 Self control 2 B Successful!

NaAshaRa Yvette Bacote-El: Author of  “Winning the Game of Life – A 45 Day Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

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Note: One Destiny Publishing Inc, share this information with the intent of educational purposes.  If you have any health issues or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.


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A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 36 Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:37:41 +0000

Today’s Natural Remedy: Willow Bark Willow Bark is an anti-oxidant that was commonly used by Egyptian physicians centuries ago. It is widely used in Germany, France, and England for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic healing properties. From the white willow tree, also known as the weeping willow tree, its bark contains salicin, also the main ingredient […]


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The post A HEALTHIER ME IN 45 DAYS – DAY 36 appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.


Today’s Natural Remedy: Willow Bark

Willow Bark is an anti-oxidant that was commonly used by Egyptian physicians centuries ago. It is widely used in Germany, France, and England for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic healing properties. From the white willow tree, also known as the weeping willow tree, its bark contains salicin, also the main ingredient in aspirin. Willow bark is a great pain reliever, inflammation, and fever reducer. A good source of magnesium, it boost the immune system, relieves headaches, toothaches, backaches, wounds, burns, colds, flu, gout, osteoarthritis, cuts, baldness, PMS, menstrual cramps, muscle pains, strains, cardiovascular disorders, tendinitis, bursitis, arthritis, dandruff and other painful disorders.

Other Natural Remedies for Headaches are…
Black Cohosh, blessed thistle, Cashews, Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus oil, Sesame Seeds, grapefruit oil, peppermint Oil, and Rosemary Oil. For more on headaches visit: Headaches

Other Natural Remedies for Gout are… Bananas, Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Alfalfa, Burdock, Parsley, Safflower, Sarsaparilla, St. John’s Wort, Tomatoes, Watercress and Yellow Dock. For more on gout visit: Gout

Today’s Positive Affirmation:
Knowledge is Power, Understanding is Strength, Wisdom is Insight.
I will Listen, B Patient, Kind & Compassionate
2 myself & others.
Knowledge & Understanding conquer
fear leading U 2 a life of Abundance!

For Wisdom will enter your Heart,
Knowledge will be pleasant 2 your Soul,
Discretion will protect U &
Understanding will guard U.


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