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Scoliosis is characterized by the sideways or abnormal curvature of the spine. A healthy, normal spine includes a curve at the top of the shoulders and a curve at the lower back, but a spine in someone with Scoliosis will curve side to side, creating a "C" or "S" shape. Most cases of Scoliosis, which affects about 3% of adolescents, are mild, but more severe cases can be crippling. In most cases, no treatment is necessary, but treatment may be needed if Scoliosis is caused by muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy.
The primary type of Scoliosis is known as Idiopathic Scoliosis, and it refers to cases that have no definitive cause (this type accounts for about 80% off all cases). If Scoliosis worsens, it is possible for the spine to twist or rotate, and this can cause the ribs on one side of the body to stick out farther than the other side. Common signs of Scoliosis can include:
- Curved spine
- Uneven shoulders
- Uneven waist
- One hip higher than the other
- One shoulder blade that appears more pronounced than the other
Unfortunately, medical professionals have not determined the exact cause of Scoliosis, but the theory is that hereditary factors play a role in the development. The reason for this thinking is because Scoliosis typically runs in the family. Less common types of Scoliosis may be attributed to the following causes:
- Muscular dystrophy
- Spinal injuries or infections
- Cerebral palsy
- Birth defects that affect an infant's spinal bones (a clear example is spina bifida)
Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!
- In general, there are numerous merits of chiropractic treatment, but it can be an extremely beneficial therapy for people with Scoliosis. It is important to note that chiropractic treatment does not necessarily guarantee a straight spine; rather, it works to improve joint mobility and posture. You can consult a chiropractor to see if treatment will be effective for your Scoliosis.
- Upward and downward dog are two beneficial stretches for people with Scoliosis. When it comes to downward dog, push your hips back and up as far as you comfortably can to help elongate the upper spine. Upward dog, or high cobra, is beneficial for loosening up the lower back to get rid of pain or discomfort.
- Most treatment methods focus on bracing, observing, or surgical procedures to correct the spine. More recently, new physical therapy approaches, especially the Scroth method, have proven to be quite beneficial for both adolescents and adults with Scoliosis. It consists of a series of disciplined exercises and lifestyle coaching that may help patients avoid surgery.
- On top of stretching, exercising, and the occasional chiropractic visit, it is beneficial to attack Scoliosis using a dietary approach. Nutritional therapy is often overlooked as a treatment plan for Scoliosis, but a poor diet can be a contributing cause to the conditions, especially for young children or adolescents. It is best to focus on anti-inflammatory foods (i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices, probiotics like kimchi or kombucha, and healthy fats from oils, nuts, and seeds) as much as possible to decrease the risk of chronic inflammation. Processed foods, pasteurized dairy products, refined carbohydrates, and trans fats/hydrogenated fats can increase inflammation and possibly worsen the condition.
- It is quite common for Scoliosis patients to be deficient in magnesium. Since magnesium is a necessary mineral for spinal, bone, and muscle health, it is wise to increase your magnesium intake to decrease painful muscle contractions or spasms. Magnesium-rich foods include Brazil nuts, almonds, avocados, figs, walnuts, spinach, kale, pumpkin seeds, and quinoa.
- Yoga is one of the best alternative treatments for Scoliosis patients, provided it is done properly with correct posture and form. Certain yoga maneuvers can be harmful to Scoliosis patients, but this depends on the curvature of the spine. Seek out a yoga instructor who understands the condition and what poses are best for it.
- Avocado
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Chia Seeds
- Almonds
- Brazil Nuts
- Turmeric
- Ginger
- Basil
- Oregano
- Green Tea
- Thyme
- Leafy Greens (spinach, kale, chard, & collards)
- Flaxseeds
- Coconut Oil
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Kimchi
- Kombucha
- Quinoa