Infomation about Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and potentially disabling disease that involves the central nervous system (CNS).  Your brain, eyes, and spinal chord can be affected, therefore debilitating your vision, balance, muscle control, or basic bodily functions. The immune system attacks myelin, the protective layer around nerve fibers, causing inflammation and scar tissue. This makes it difficult for your brain to send signals throughout the body and can interfere with regular bodily functions.  

The symptoms of MS will vary depending on the person.  There are a wide variety of symptoms that can be minor and go without treatment, or they can be severe and make it difficult to perform daily tasks like walking.  One of the most common symptoms of MS is fatigue, which affects about 80% of people with MS.  Other symptoms are listed below.

  • Partial or Total Loss of Vision (usually happens in one eye at a time)
  • Numbness or Weakness (in one or more limbs, usually in the legs and feet)
  • Tingling or Pain in Body Parts
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Fatigue
  • Sexual Problems 
  • Slurred Speech
  • Dizziness
  • Poor Bladder of Bowel Control
  • Acute or Chronic Pain


MS is considered an autoimmune disorder because the immune system attacks its own tissue.  When it comes to MS, the immune system attacks myelin, the protective layer around nerve fibers throughout the CNS.  Inflammation occurs once the myelin is destroyed and this causes scar tissue or lesions, both of which can disrupt brain signals to the rest of the body. Although it isn't exactly clear why MS develops, it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors.  Causes are below.

  • Immune System Dysfunction
  • Viruses, Bacteria, or Toxins
  • Genetics (a history of MS in your family doesn't mean that you will have it, but it can make you more prone to the disorder)
  • Viral Infections
  • Smoking

Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • Stay away from the microwave because irradiated food is not healthy for you.  In combination with this, you can use glassware to store foods and beverages, so as not to have the chemicals in the plastic poison your food. 
  • Taking a food allergy test is a good idea because certain food allergies or sensitivities can make symptoms worse because the promote inflammation. 
  • It's beneficial to eliminate meats, processed foods, genetically engineered foods, dairy products, sugar, and salt from your diet.  Additionally, avoid any foods with hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils.  Switching to a plant-based diet can promote overall health.  It's best to consume fresh, organic fruits and vegetables for best results. 
  • Turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon all have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain that is associated with MS.  You can brew turmeric or ginger tea by slicing pieces and pouring boiling water over it. You can also mix turmeric powder, ginger, powder, and ground cinnamon in a cup of hot water with raw, organic, honey to drink. 
  • Since most people who have MS are vitamin D deficient, having a diet rich in vitamin D foods can be beneficial. Getting sun exposure, in addition to consuming vitamin D-rich produce, can also help boost vitamin D levels.  
  • Balancing your body's pH level can help relieve symptoms of MS.  Drinking alkaline water can make your body more basic on the pH scale.  Having a neutral or alkaline pH balance helps to decrease inflammation. 
  • Acupuncture can be a great alternative therapy in some cases, depending on the person, because it can help relieve muscle pain or tension.  If you do engage and acupuncture sessions, it's best to avoid ginseng and astragalus because they can activate the immune system and worsen MS symptoms, which acupuncture attempted to remedy.  
  • Since meditation is a mind/body therapy, it may help relieve pain and fatigue that is associated with MS.  Meditation also helps to relieve stress, which can build up in people with MS.  To practice meditation, set aside a certain amount of time (it can be 10 minutes a day) to be alone, sit in quiet, and focus on your breath.  You can also repeat a phrase in your mind to help your meditation. 
  • Dark Leafy Greens (spinach, kale, chard, & collards)
  • Seaweed (spirulina)
  • Dark Berries (blueberries & blackberries)
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Lemon
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Flaxseeds & Flaxseed Oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Raw Walnuts
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