Infomation about Low Sperm Count

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Low Sperm Count

Low Sperm Count indicates that there are fewer sperm in the semen than normal.  A man is considered to have a Low Sperm Count if he has fewer than 15 million sperm per millimeter of semen.  While having a Low Sperm Count decreases the chances of conceiving a child, it does not mean that the man is infertile.  The lower sperm count meams that the odds of a sperm attaching to the partner's egg is lower than normal.  If a man has been having unprotected sex with his partner in attempts to conceive a child for over a year, this may be a sign of Male Infertility.  

There may be no obvious signs or sypmtoms, but a primary indicator of Low Sperm Count is the man's difficulty or inability to conceive a child.  It also may take longer to conceive a child with a Low Sperm Count.  There may be an underlying problem, which can be a hormonal change, inherited chromosomal abnormality, or a condition that blocks the healthy passage of sperm.  Other symptoms are listed below:

  • Swelling, lump or pain in the testicle area
  • Problems with Sexual Functions (ejaculation issues, difficulty getting or maintaining erection)
  • Change in sex drive
  • Apparent low sperm count (upon ejaculation, fluid is released however there is little to no sperm exiting the penis.  This is also known as “shooting blanks”)
  • Reoccurring respiratory infections
  • Appearance of semen (it’s rare that the naked eye can visually see an issue, but some men can see abnormal shape of sperm)

Unlike women, men aren’t limited by their reproductive years, however, the strength of the sperm does decline with age.  A male’s sperm count peaks in his twenties, but the production and strength of the sperm starts to decline in his thirties as testosterone levels begin to fall.  The number one cause for Low Sperm Count is not producing healthy sperm to fertilize the female’s egg.  The low production or poor quality of sperm derives from certain health conditions, changes to the body, lifestyle choices and your overall health in general.  All of the things listed below affect the quality of the male sperm. 

  • Varicocele (condition that causes swelling of the veins in the testicles)
  • Hormonal Issues (hypothalamus dysfunction [hormones that are responsible for production of sperm] or a testosterone and estrogen imbalance)
  • Infection of the reproductive organs (ex. Prostatitis, mumps, etc.)
  • STD’s (Gonorrhea and Chlamydia often contribute to inflamed reproductive organs)
  • Dysfunction in male reproductive organs (sperm duct defects, undescended testicles, defect caused by injury to testicle or penis)
  • Ejaculation issue (retrograde ejaculation is a common issue, when the semen travels to the bladder instead of the tip of the penis during an orgasm)
  • Surgeries or procedures (hernia repairs, rectal procedure, vasectomy, procedures that affect the prostate, chemotherapy)
  • Certain health conditions (Diabetes, Lupus, Celiac Disease, and Hyperthyroidism may cause Low Sperm Count)
  • Hypospadias (urethral opening beneath the penis)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
  • Antibodies that attack sperm (the immune system can mistakenly identify sperm as a foreign thing to the body)
  • Chromosome Issue (Some men born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, instead of just having one of each.  This inlcudes conditions like Klinefelter's Syndrom, Kallmann's syndrome and Kartagener syndrome)
  • Medication (hormonal supplements, steroids, certain medications for cancer, antifungal and ulcers)
  • Stress
  • Poor Diet and lack of nutrition
  • Smoking
  • Excessive Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug use
  • Athletic Training (excessive stress to the body can contribute to low sperm count)
  • Environmental factors (exposure to lead, chemicals, radiation)

Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • Nutrition is key to helping with infertility for both men and women.  The body requires proper vitamins and minerals to help it function the way it should and plays an even bigger role when it comes to trying to conceive.  Eating processed foods like sugar, caffeine, dairy, alcohol, and certain meats affects your overall health and can cause hormonal issues.  Alcohol harms the condition of sperm, reducing the chance of fertility.  Dairy and caffeine also play major roles in hormonal imbalances, as they can increase and alter your testosterone levels.  Soy should also be avoided as it increases estrogen levels.  Eliminating these things out of your diet can help enhance fertility and your health in general.
  • Certain nutrients are more beneficial to the body when trying to conceive so it’s important to ensure that your body receives them.  Some of the better nutrients that help enhance fertility for men include zinc, selenium, folic acid, vitamin C vitamin A, and vitamin D.  All of these nutrients are key to improving the health of sperm, boosting your testosterone levels and helping the motility of the sperm.  Vitamin C and folic acid specifically help improve abnormal sperm and prevent it from clumping.  You can ensure that your body gets these nutrients by eating natural healthy foods that provide a high source of the minerals and vitamins.  You can also take supplements that are all natural.
  • Addressing underlying health issues is a great way to increase fertility.  When your overall health is in a better state it makes it easier for your body to function properly.  When you have underlying health issues, they can affect fertility rates.  Your body has to work twice as hard when there are conditions that disrupt your health.  Your health is the number one factor when it comes to fertility.
  • Knowing your partner's fertility window is important so that you can increase the amount of intercourse you’re having during these peak times.  Even though keeping track of ovulation is the female’s responsibility, it helps to take interest and work together.
  • Having frequent sex is important.  It increases the chances of conceiving and is a key action when trying to get pregnant.  Certain sexual positions can even help.  For example, the missionary position allows sperm to travel faster, while “doggystyle” can help if a female has a tilted uterus.  Avoid having sex standing up to help the sperm in transit.  Because testosterone levels are highest in the mornings, it’s best to give conceiving a try then.  Having sex every other day is best.  If you ejaculate regularly it affects the sperm production.
  • Avoiding lubricants is always best when trying to conceive.  Lubricants contain chemicals that kill off sperm aren’t always welcomed by the female’s body as well.  You can use botanical oils like coconut oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, or grape seed oil to as a lubricant.  All of these botanical oils are good for the body, safe to consume, and safe on the genital area.
  • Acupuncture has been linked to helping with fertility as well.  It can help increase the blood flow, which is always beneficial when it comes to fertility.  It can also help relax the mind and body, which is important.  Acupuncture has been known to help balance out hormones too. 
  • Decreasing the amount of stress in your life helps improve your overall wellbeing.  When you’re stressed, it causes your immune system to change almost instantly and affects your hormonal levels.  Hormones are very sensitive to stress.  Keeping your stress levels down helps your endocrine system carry out its normal function. 
  • Avoid environmental and other types of toxins by any means.  Toxins are generally bad for your health, and certain ones have been linked to directly causing infertility.  Cigarette smoke, BPA chemicals in plastic, mercury in water and in fish, lead exposure, pesticides, and herbicides from farms are all common toxins from the environment that can affect the health of the sperm. 
  • Exercising is always ideal to help improve your general health and increase the sperm count.  It helps increase your blood flow, strengthens the body, and reduces inflammation. Yoga is a great workout because it relaxes the mind and body, which decreases your stress levels.  It’s important to be mindful about how much you workout.  Being under or overweight makes a difference.  Excessive stress to the body and low body fat can contribute to infertility.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of heat, radiation, and stress to the prostate area.  Studies have shown that heat and radiation reduce sperm count and increase the risk of prostate cancer.  Laptops, cellphones in the pocket, and excessive amounts of time in hot tubs or baths are all things you should avoid or be mindful of.  The scrotum needs to be a few degrees lower than the body temperature.  To help keep things cool you can ice the testicle area.  Tight clothing can also bring stress to the area.  You should avoid wearing briefs and let the testicles breath by wearing boxers.
  • All Dark Leafy Green Vegetables (spinach, kale, mustard greens, collards)
  • Asparagus
  • Pomegranate
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • All Berries
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Brazilian Nuts
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Kiwi
  • Sun Dried Tomatoes and regular Tomatoes
  • Mangos
  • Papaya
  • Plums
  • Broccoli
  • Avocado
  • Cabbage
  • Watermelon
  • White Mushrooms
  • Lemon Grass
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Banana
  • Chia Seeds
  • Snow Peas
  • Guavas
  • Flaxseeds
Vitamin C
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