Infomation about Hot Flashes

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Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes are quick feelings of heat that are usually most intense on the chest, face, and neck.  The Hot Flash often results in a red, flushed face or sweating.  Hot Flashes are the most frequent symptom of Menopause, the time when a woman's menstrual period stops.  Each woman may experience hot flashes differently, but they can occur once or twice a day to once an hour. 

Hot Flashes will vary in frequency, but they usually occur at night.  Women will most commonly experience Hot Flashes for over a year, but they shouldn't persist longer than four or five years.  The symptoms of Hot Flashes include:

  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Feeling of Warmth (throughout the upper body and face)
  • Flushed Red Skin with a Blotchy Appearance
  • Upper Body Perspiration
  • Chills After Hot Flash

The exact cause of Hot Flashes is unknown, but the primary belief is that they are mostly caused by circulation changes or the hormonal changes during Menopause.  Roughly two-thirds of American women experience Hot Flashes during Menopause.  The drop of estrogen levels somehow confuses the hypothalamus, the body's thermostat, and makes it read "hot."  When the blood vessels near the skin's surface dilate to a cool temperature the Hot Flash takes place.  Some women may also sweat during Hot Flashes to cool down their bodies.  Other causes are listed below.

  • Menopause
  • Dramatic Halt of Menstrual Period
  • Changes in Reproductive Hormones
  • Circulation Changes
  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Genetics

Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • Acupuncture has been proven to reduce the amount of Hot Flashes women experience during Menopause. Additionally, it can help lower other menopausal symptoms.  Acupuncture helps to naturally de-stress the body and calm the nerves.  A woman can also practice meditation to manage her stress levels.  Since stress is a common Hot Flash trigger, it's best to keep stress levels down. 
  • To help keep stress levels down, you can also eat magnesium-rich foods.  Foods that are high in magnesium include avocados, raw almonds, cashews, dark leafy greens, pine nuts, chia seeds, bananas, and pumpkin seeds. 
  • It's always a good idea to make a dietary change when there is a big shift or change in your lifestyle. Eliminating sugars, alcohol, salt, meat, dairy products, or tobacco from your diet is a great place to start. Switching to a plant-based diet is ideal because those foods can provide you with essential nutrients and minerals that contribute to a healthy diet.  Watching the amount of food you eat is also crucial.  Be aware of the size of your portions. 
  • Flaxseed oil, which is believed to help reduce menopausal symptoms, contains healthy fatty acids.  Flaxseed contains plant lignans, which are similar to estrogen, and they may cause estrogen levels to stabilize in menopausal women.  You can also eat foods with antioxidants or high vitamin E content to help reduce hot flashes.  Sage tea is also beneficial as it not only helps decrease the intensity of hot flashes, but it also improves digestion and headaches.  
  • It's a good idea to wear loose clothing because tight clothing can make the hot flashes seem more intense. Hang up the form fitting clothes for a little while and start wearing more comfortable, stretchy clothing.  At night, you may find it better to wear cotton pajamas because they can absorb the moisture from night sweats. 
  • Garlic
  • Bell Peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries
  • Herbal Teas
  • Broccoli Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Raw Nuts & Seeds
Vitamin C
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