Infomation about Glaucoma


Glaucoma is a condition in which damage is done to the optic nerve, ultimately resulting in an irreversible loss of vision.  It is the second leading cause of blindness.  There are two main types of Glaucoma: Open Angle and Closed Angle.  Open Angle Glaucoma progresses slowly and symptoms may go unnoticed as there is usually only subtle vision loss.  Closed Angle Glaucoma happens quickly and can lead to pain and rapid vision loss.  

The signs and symptoms of Glaucoma will vary depending on the type one has.  There are typically no indicators or warning signs that one has Open Angle Glaucoma.  By the time the patient is aware of the vision loss, it is pretty late in the disease. Closed Angle Glaucoma reveals symptoms very quickly in response to the fast-occurring damage. 

Open Angle Glaucoma Symptoms:

  • Patchy Blind Spots (in peripheral or central vision, usually in both eyes)
  • Tunnel Vision (in advanced stages of disease)

Closed Angle Glaucoma Symptoms:

  • Eye Pain (usually severe)
  • Blurred Vision
  • Lights Appear to have a halo-like glow around them
  • Severe Headache
  • Eye Redness
  • Sudden, Unexpected Vision Problems (especially in poor lighting)
  • Sudden Sight Loss

Glaucoma is caused by optic nerve damage.  The reason for the damage is usually tied to increased pressure in the eye.  Pressure is primarily due to a build up of fluid in the eye either because the drainage system in the eye doesn't work properly, or because there is an overproduction of fluid.   Open Angle Glaucoma is when the drainage angle, formed by the cornea and the iris, stays open, but the tissue (trabecular meshwork) stays partially blocked.  Closed Angle Glaucoma happens when the iris bulges forward, causing the drainage angle to close.  This means that the fluid in the eye cannot circulate, which causes pressure and fluid build up.  Other causes are listed below. 

  • Eye Injury 
  • Eye Inflammation
  • Abnormal Blood Vesself Formation (from Diabetes or retinal blood vessel blockage)
  • Use of Steroids (or steroid containing medication such as pills, eyedrops, or sprays)
  • Pigment Dispersion (tiny fragments of the iris circulate within the fluid in the front of the eye and block the drainage system)


Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • Exercise is a great way to help increase circulation throughout the body.  Promoting overall circulation may help decrease or reverse the symptoms of Glaucoma.  A brisk walk or another light yet responsible exercise program are good routines to incorporate into your daily life.  Be careful when it comes to yoga because it involves inverted exercises, which ultimately put pressure on the optic nerve.  It's best to avoid pressure on the optic nerve, as this is the primary cause of Glaucoma. 
  • There is a possible link between Glaucoma and food or environmental allergies.  It's best to eliminate or avoid any known allergens from your life to help curb the effects of Glaucoma.  You may even want to take an allergy or food allergy test to find out what you are allergic to, so that you can eliminate those allergens from your life.  
  • It's best to consume raw foods that are high in vitamin C and antioxidants.  Eating dark colored berries will give you lots of antioxidants and citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C.  You should also lower your insulin levels by avoiding grains and sugars such as bread, rice, pasta, cereal, and potatoes.  High insulin levels can cause high blood pressure and may contribute to pressure in the eyes.  Lowering your insulin levels via exercise is also a viable option. 
  • Germanium helps increase available oxygen to the eyes and can aid in clearing congestion.  You can start off using small amounts, making herbal teas with it, or using it as essential oil.  Slowly increase the amount you use if you feel that it is working. 
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Geranium
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Spinach
  • Dark Leafy Greens (kale, chard, collards)
  • Zinc
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
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