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Many people have Eczema, which is a term that can be used to decribe rash-like skin conditions or the primary condition of Atopic Dermatitis. Roughly 30 million Americans have Eczema, which commonly starts during infancy and continues into childhood. Sometimes people grow out of the condition, but some people have it into adulthood. Eczema is the inflammation of the skin, which often results in red and raised skin, and people with dryer, more sensitive skin often suffer from the condition. Many people will have rashes on their necks, elbows, knees, behind the ears, wrists, ankles, or other areas that bend.
Eczema symptoms will vary depending on the person. People with Eczema most commonly complain about persistant itching. Sometimes the symptoms will flare up or get worse, while other times people won't experience symptoms at all. Sometimes the itching gets so intense that the person will scratch until they bleed. More symptoms are below.
- Intense Itching
- Dry & Red Skin
- Recurring Rash
- Scaly Areas
- Rough Leathery Patches
- Areas of Swelling
- Oozing or Crusting
The exact cause for Eczema is unknown, but the common belief is that it is caused by either hereditary or environmental factors. If a parent has Eczema, there is a greater possibility that the child will develop it. On the other hand, doctors believe that the cause of Eczema is linked to Hay Fever or Asthma. It may also be caused by another allergic disease, or one of the following:
- Irritants (soaps and detergents, disinfectants like chlorine, or contact with juices from fruit, vegetables, or meat)
- Allergens (house dust mites, pollens, pets, mold, or Dandruff)
- Microbes (viruses, certain fungi, or bacteria)
- Temperature (hot weather, high or low humidity, or sweat)
- Food (dairy products, wheat, soy products, nuts or seeds, and eggs)
- Stress
- Hormones
Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!
- Apple cider vinegar is a great natural solution that can be ingested or applied directly on the skin. If you mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 8oz of water and consume that twice a day, this can help to restore your body's pH balance, which is sometimes all that is needed to help Eczema. For topical use, mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and distilled water and spray this on the affected area several times a day. You can also add apple cider vinegar to baths if the Eczema is larger.
- An oatmeal bath can help reduce skin irritation because it helps moisturize the skin. Mix one cup of blended oats in a luke warm bath and soak in it for 15-20 minutes every day until symptoms decrease.
- Since coconut oil is an incredible moisturizer and has antimicrobial properties, it can help reduce the symptoms of Eczema if applied to the affected area(s). For best results, gently apply warm coconut oil nightly before bed, as this softens the skin. Symptoms may take a few days to reduce.
- Because aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, it is commonly used to reduce the symptoms of Eczema. Applying the aloe vera to the affected area(s) helps to restore your skin's pH balance and relieve itching and irritation. Like coconut oil, aloe vera also has moisturizing and antimicrobial properties.
- Make sure you stay hydrated. Drinking alkaline water can be beneficial as it helps restore the body's natural pH balance. The suggested amount of water to drink is eight 8oz glasses per day.
- Take a magnesium bath can sometimes decrease the symptoms of Eczema. If the person can tolerate the soak, mix magnesium flakes or Epsom salt into the warm water. You can also add sea salt, a few drops of vanilla extract, and the essential oil(s) of your choice.
- Avoid eating processed food, meat, dairy products, salt, sugar, and genetically modified foods and commit to eating raw fruits and vegetables. Many raw fruits and vegetables are anti-inflammatory and can help reduce the inflammation of Eczema.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Aloe Vera Juice
- Coconut Oil
- Berries (as they have many antioxidants)
- Olive Oil
- Leafy Greens (spinach, kale, and collards)
- Raw Almonds and Walnuts
- Oranges (provided you are not allergic to citrus)
- Beets
- Bok Choy
- Pineapple