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Crohn's Disease
Crohn's Disease is medically defined as: "A chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown origin, usually affecting the ileum, the colon, or both structures. Diseased segments may be separated by normal segments." (Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd ed., p. 321) Crohn's Disease is typically diagnosed when by clinical signs, X-ray studies using a contrast medium, and endoscopy. The disease can be confused with ulcerative colitis, which happens to be an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon and rectum. Because Crohn's Disease is known as 'ileocolitis', it is characterized by inflammation of the ileum section of the colon.
People with Crohn's Disease may often experience frequent diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, nausea, or even weight loss. Children who develop the disease often suffer physical developmental growth. Anal fistulas are also very common in those with Crohn's Disease. An anal fistula is, "An abnormal opening on the cutaneous surface near the anus, usually resulting from a local crypt abscess." (Mosby's supra) Crohn's Disease is most commonly indicated by these symptoms:
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Fever or chills
- General weakness
- Anorexia or weight loss
- Nausea
Although Western medicine doesn't entirely know what causes Crohn's Disease, it can most likely be attributed to by a poor diet and excessive lifestyle. Because Crohn's Disease deals with inflammation in the colon, it is a disease physically caused by mucus, due to excess acidity in the body, the colon in particular. All inflammation is caused by extreme acidity (acidosis), which is created by the breakdown and byproduct of meat, dairy products, refined grains refined starches, and a host of other things that have no business in the human body. The waste that gets lodged in the colon can create this inflammation and cause a host of other problems or diseases. Other causes include:
- Genetics (people who have family members with the disease)
- Weakened immune system
- Undigested waste
- Environmental factors (pollution, diet, & airborne toxins)
- Diet & lifestyle choices
Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!
- Herbs can stimulate peristalsis and help tone, strengthen, nourish and repair the intestinal tract. Herbs that help remedy or prevent Crohn's Disease include all cathartic and laxative herbs such as Senna Leaf/Pods, Cascara Sagrada, Aloe Vera Resin, Glucomannan, Buckthorn, Trifala, Bibitaki, Bilwa, and Ipecac Root.
- Catalyst family herbs such as cayenne, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon are also helpful in cases of Crohn's because they facilitate a fever; not breaking it, but working with it. These different ingredients can also help naturally break chills and counter nausea, especially ginger.
- Antispasmodic herbs are also beneficial for Crohn's Disease. These herbs include cramp bark, wild yam, and black haw. They address and resolve painful spasms that are common in the abdomen, a common symptom of Crohn's Disease.
- Nutritive herbs are also important in remedying Crohn's Disease. A nutritive herb provides nutrition to the body. Nutritive herbs are usually rich in minerals, vitamins, B-vitamins, and amino acids (protein). Some of these herbs include moringa seed, Irish moss, spirulina, alfalfa, chlorella, blue green algae, suma, dulse, sheep sorrell, kelp, barley grass, and wheatgrass.
- Carminative herbs are also recommended for Crohn's Disease. These herbs soothe the digestive system and help to promote healthy gut flora. These herbs include cardamom, chamomile, anise seed, fennel seed, and caraway seed.
- Crystal elixir of carnelian is very helpful in cases of Crohn's Disease. No other crystal impacts the colon to the degree that carnelian does. A crystal elixir is made by placing a crystal in distilled water for 24 hours (overnight, for the moon's influence on the elixir). After 24 hours, the elixir can be drunk (1-4 ounces per day).
- Because diarrhea is associated with Crohn's Disease, sodium loss is inevitable as diarrhea causes a sodium depletion. The sodium can be replaced by drinking celery juice (4 ounces per day) and/or drinking a glass of warm water with sea salt (one-third teaspoon of sea salt).
- People suffering from Crohn's Disease should switch to a plant-based vegan diet balanced with raw foods. All meat, meat products, dairy products, processed foods, junk foods, refined sugars, and genetically modified foods should be cut out of the diet. It is also recommended to entirely avoid refined starches and grains.
- Enemas and colonics should not be performed during severe bouts of Crohn's Disease, but nevertheless should be performed after recovering from Crohn's Disease. Weekly enemas and monthly (every 3 months) colonics are a great preventive measure of Crohn's Disease.
- Butternut Squash
- Carrots
- Pumpkin
- Parsnips
- Steel Cut Oats
- Papaya
- Beans
- Avocado
- Leafy Green Vegetables (spinach, kale, Romaine lettuce, butter lettuce, & chard)
- Roasted Bell Peppers
- Pineapple
- Apples
- Raw Almond or Cashew Butter
- Celery Juice