Infomation about Celiac Disease

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Celiac Disease

Gluten is a protein that’s found in wheat, barley, rye and other grains related to wheat.  Gluten helps bind food together, maintaining its shape or giving it elasticity.  Gluten does not pose a precise threat on your health; however, some people are more sensitive to the protein than others.  Those who are very sensitive to gluten or have a low tolerance for it, are considered to have a Gluten Disorder or Gluten Allergy; more commonly known as Celiac Disease.  Celiac Disease is an auto-immune disorder, which causes damage to the small intestine when consumed.  For unknown reasons, the immune system attacks the small intestine when the gluten protein is present in their body.  The immune system produces antibodies that are supposed to attack things that are foreign to the body.  Even though it’s fairly simple for people with Celiac Disease to avoid foods with gluten, the ailment can lead to other conditions.  

Celiac Disease is one of many conditions that is overlooked, goes unnoticed or is misdiagnosed.  The signs and symptoms that are correlated with the gluten disorder can be subtle, as some of the things can appear to be normal.  Although some signs can be subtle, others could be relentless as the condition can lead to other health issues.  Children and adults may experience different symptoms, however, there are a lot of similarities associated with gluten sensitivityChildren's symptoms are usually not as severe, since they’ve done less damage to the bodyThe majority of the signs and symptoms that Celiac presents are all in regards to digestion problems.

  • Chronic Constipation
  • Constant diarrhea Or loose bowels
  • Abnormalities in Stool (foul smelling, fatty stools, discolored, slightly bloody)
  • Weight loss
  • Failure to gain weight (mainly seen in children)
  • Anemic or iron deficiency
  • Low Blood Count
  • Abdominal Discomfort (pain, cramping, bloating)
  • Mouth sores or ulcers, Canker Sores
  • Growth Issues (delay in puberty, mainly seen in developing children)
  • Vomiting
  • Decreased appetite
  • Irritability (behavioral issues for children such as ADHD)
  • Fatigue
  • Skin issues (constant itching, dermatitis, breakouts, rashes or blistering of skin)
  • Bone or Joint issues (pain, cramping, arthritis, loss of bone density, osteoporosis, calcium deficiency)
  • Emotional Decline (anxiety, depression)
  • Nerve issues (tingling in feet, hands, balance issues)
  • Slight damage to tooth enamel 
  • Malfunction in Spleen (Hyposplenism)
  • Acid reflux and heartburn
  • Seizures or migraines
  • Irregular Periods 

The reason for gluten sensitivities like Celiac Disease is unknown.  Celiac Disease has only been linked to certain factors and studies that help support probable causes other than just the consumption of gluten.  The immune system pretty much overreacts to the presence of gluten, damaging the villi, which help absorb nutrients, of the small intestine.  There are other means that stimulate or trigger the way the nutrients are absorbed by the intestine besides gluten foods.  All of the factors that contribute to Celiac Disease have been linked to particular diets or other causes that are common for auto-immune disorders.  Some of the causes can also be seen as things or conditions that put you more at risk for having a gluten sensitivity.

Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!


  • Celiac Disease is a chronic condition that doesn’t go away.  The only way to remedy Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity is to follow a gluten-free diet.  Anytime you’re looking to heal your body or avoid flare-ups from a condition, it’s important not to consume the foods that cause the issue.  Those with Celiac Disease must adhere to the lifelong strict gluten-free diet.  Avoiding the foods with the protein, helps repair the villi of the small intestine and alleviate the symptoms that come with eating gluten.  Following a gluten-free diet also helps prevent future health complications.  Although Celiac Disease only affects 1 in 141 people, there are recipes, meals, and even restaurants that accommodate gluten-free diets.
  • Despite the fact that a lot of foods contain gluten, there are other foods that are naturally gluten-free.  Naturally gluten-free foods are all fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, corn, quinoa, flax seeds, chia seeds, yucca and nut flours.  Even though some of the foods are grains and starches, they do not contain gluten.  We always support keeping vegan and raw diets because everything that the human body needs is within raw foods.  When it comes to healing the body from Celiac Disease, giving it only what it needs is best.
  • With the elimination of the gluten protein, some people with Celiac may experience malnutrition.  To help avoid the severe conditions that Celiac and malnutrition can lead to, we suggest consuming foods that have a high source of Omega 3s, Vitamin D, iron, folic acid, B12, and calcium.  These vitamins and minerals can help repair the body from any damage Celiac Disease may have caused to the body.
  • Consuming probiotic foods can help repair the gut from Celiac Disease.  Probiotic foods help with indigestion, balancing out the bacteria in the body, and boost the immune system.  Spirulina, chlorella, and blue-green algae are all great sources of microalgae, which are single-cell fresh water organisms that are incredibly nutritious.  Microalgae also have probiotic properties, which help the body absorb nutrients and restore lost flora and immune cells.  The chlorella in microalgae helps rebuild and regulate the good bacteria.
  • Exercising is always ideal to help improve your health.  It helps increase your blood flow, strengthens the body and reduces inflammation. Yoga specifically has been known to help the body with digestion.  Being active can also help prevent other complications Celiac Disease may present.


  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts
  • Spinach
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Sesame seeds
  • Raw Kombucha
  • Avocado
  • Coconut Oil
  • Portobello Mushrooms
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Pine Nuts
  • Dried Apricots
  • Asparagus
  • Berries
  • Almonds
  • Garlic
  • Sundried Tomatoes
  • Dried Figs
  • Kumquats
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Dark Leafy Green Vegetables (kale, broccoli, arugula)
  • Broccoli
  • Peppermint tea
  • Pineapple
  • Coconut Water
  • Carrots
  • Ginger
Vitamin C
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