Infomation about Anemia

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Anemia, a common blood disorder, occurs when the person doesn't have enough red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.  Because people with Anemia have less oxygen delivered to the body, the organs and tissues may function at a reduced level.  Someone with Anemia will often have a weakened immune system and often feel tired or low on energy.  Anemia can be mild or severe, often affecting pregnant women, women with heavy menstrual cycles, or people with pre-existing chronic diseases. 

Symptoms of Anemia can be identified on a case-to-case basis.  If there is an underlying cause, ulcers, menstrual cramps, hemorrhaging, or cancer, those symptoms will be noticed before those pertaining to Anemia.  During the early stages of anemia, the body can compensate for its red blood cell deficiency.  Those who have had Anemia for a while can experience symptoms like the following:

  • Loss of Energy (easily fatigued)
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Pale Skin
  • Leg Cramps
  • Shortness of Break or Headache (during exercise)
  • Insomnia

Anemia can occur in people if the body doesn't produce enough red blood cells, there is too much blood loss, or there is a low red blood cell count.  People can have Iron Deficiency Anemia, Vitamin Deficiency Anemia, or Sickle Cell Anemia, among a few others.  If you have a bone marrow disease or chronic illness, you can also be susceptible to Anemia.  Iron Deficiency Anemia is the most common type.  Without enough iron, your body cannot make enough hemoglobin for your red blood cells to carry throughout the body.  Another cause of anemia is when your the red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be replaced.  Since there are multiple types of Anemia, the most common causes are listed below. 

  • Vitamin Deficiency (where one doesn't have enough B12 and can feel wobbly or clumsy)
  • Iron Deficiency (people have a hunger for strange things, mouth soreness, or upward nail curvature)
  • Lead Poisoning
  • Red Blood Cell Destruction (indicators are abdominal pain, red or brown urine, or symptoms of kidney failure)
  • Chronic Blood Disease
  • Bone Marrow Disease

Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • Maintaining a raw foods, vegan, or vegetarian diet can help people with Anemia.  Eating green leafy vegetables like spinach, red cabbage, beets, watercress, alfalfa sprouts, wheatgrass, and parsley are greatly beneficial. By eating foods that are rich in iron, for example, beans, lentils, or raw nuts and seeds, you can help increase your body's iron supply. 
  • Consider taking natural, herbal supplements that help with your specific Anemia.  Take an iron supplement (make sure it has folic acid) if you are iron deficient, or B12 if you are deficient in B12, have a heavy menstrual cycle, or are pregnant.  Know that certain iron supplements can be constipating.  If this is an issue, try taking a stool softener (not a laxative), to help relieve constipation.  Some iron supplements now contain softeners, though.
  • By avoiding caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, or soda, you can help your body absorb iron.  
  • Sleep can be extremely important for people with Anemia.  Because people with Anemia often feel fatigued, ensuring that the body gets the proper amount of rest can be beneficial.   
  • Oranges or Orange Juice
  • Spinach
  • Raw Nuts and Seeds
  • Beans
  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Wheatgrass
  • Red Cabbage
  • Beets
  • Parsley
Vitamin C
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