
Intestinal Health: Problems and Remedies

You may have heard that life and death, sickness and disease start in the colon. To physically heal the human body of any degenerative disease, you must place emphasis on cleansing first and foremost, and if necessary, repairing.

A selection of diseases and challenges of the colon include:

  • Colitis
  • Colon cancer
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Prolapsed colon
  • Constipation

There are many ways to cleanse and repair the colon and there are also many helpful tools that can help you to do such.

Nothing sabotages the health of the colon like the Standard American Diet, which is greatly acid-forming and thus mucus-forming. It is full of unhealthy and toxic meat and dairy products. Refined grains and starches are just as harmful, creating a gluey and paste-like substance that sticks to the colon’s walls.

The body cannot digest meat (especially cooked meat) no matter what you believe or no matter what you have been told or heard. Cooked or process meat lacks enzymes unlike plants and fruits that are loaded with enzymes (life force) and which unlike meat, dairy products, and refined grains and starches – promote peristalsis (bowel movement).

When we consume meat, dairy products, refined grains/starches, and processed foods – the aftermath of these things sit in our colons and rot and putrefy. The stench will sometimes seep through the pores of the skin (which is why some people simply smell bad regardless of what they do, e.g. bathe, shower, wear perfume/cologne etc.).

Bad breath (halitosis) generally is the result of a toxic, compacted, and polluted colon, which in turn results from a diet based on processed animal fats and protein (meat and dairy) and other processed and cooked food.

Diseases of the Colon

The human colon is nearly 30 feet long (27 feet to be exact). With a colon this long, clearly humans are not meant to consume animal flesh. It takes about four days for the human body to digest (to the best of its ability) animal flesh or meat compared to only a few hours to digest (and eliminate) fruits and plants.

When we don’t take care of our colon, a host of colon-specific pathologies may result, i.e., colon or colorectal cancer, colitis, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, colon stasis (constipation), colic, inflammatory bowel disease, and coloptosis to name a few, but also certain medical procedures may also need to be performed (if you are into allopathic medicine), procedures such as colonoscopy, colosigmoidoscopy, colostomy, and colonic fistula.

Colorectal Cancer

A malignant neoplastic disease of the large intestine, characterized by melena, a change in bowel habits, and the passing of blood. Malignant tumors of the large bowel usually occur after age 50, are slightly more frequent in women than in men, and are almost as common lung cancer in the United States.

The high incidence of colorectal cancer in the western world, as contrasted with the low incidence in Japan and in rural Africa, suggests that a diet high in refined carbohydrates and beef and low in roughage may be a causative factor.

The risk of large bowel cancer is increased in chronic ulcerative colitis, in diverticulosis, in villous adenomas, and especially in familial polyposos of the colon.

Most lesions of the large bowel are adenocarcinomas; one half arise in the rectum, one fifth in the sigmoid colon, approximately one sixth in the cecum and ascending colon, and the rest in other sites. Rectal tumors may cause pain, bleeding, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation; they metastasize slowly through lymphatic channels and veins, and occasionally prolapse through the anus. Mosbys supra, p. 279

One of the biggest causative factors of colorectal cancer is meat consumption, especially red meat. Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the U.S. According to the C.D.C. (Center For Disease Control) in 2006, 70,270 men and 68,857 women were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. This same year, 26,801 men and 26,395 women died from colorectal cancer.


Colitis is an inflammatory condition of the large intestine, either one of the episodic, functional, irritable bowel syndromes or one of the more serious chronic, progressive, inflammatory bowel diseases.

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by bouts of colicky pain and diarrhea or constipation, often resulting from emotional stress. Because individuals with colitis may be irritated by different substances, the diet is individualized to avoid known irritants. Kinds of irritable bowel syndrome are splastic colon and mucous colitis. Inflammatory bowel disease is characterized by abscess formation, severe diarrhea, bleeding, and ulceration of the mucosa of the intestine. Weight loss and pain are significant. Kinds of inflammatory bowel disease include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Mosby’s supra, p. 277

Anytime you have the prefix “itis” you are dealing with inflammation and when there is inflammation, there is unhealthy mucus, and when there is unhealthy mucus, there is acidosis or excess acid and excess acid is the result of consuming acidic products, i.e. animals fats and proteins (meat and dairy products) but also refined carbohydrates: starches, grains.


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of loose, watery stools, generally as the result of increased motility in the colon.

When diarrhea is present, the body (intestinal tract) is quickly attempting to evacuate something. Diarrhea steals water (fluid) from the tissues of the body and thus sodium content in the body is lost. It is very important that when diarrhea is present that you replace sodium and electrolytes. Sea salt is a great source of natural sodium as well as celery (celery juice). You can find an electrolyte solution (e.g. Trace Minerals Electrolytes) on the shelves of good health food stores.


According to Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, colic is a sharp visceral pain resulting from torsion, obstruction, or smooth muscle spasm of a hollow or tubular organ. For many infants, grains are a great cause of colic. Infants should not be fed grains for the first two years of life. Their little digestive systems cannot handle grains. The same applies to honey. Honey should not be given for the first two years of life.

Ulcerative colitis

A chronic, episodic, inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum, characterized by profuse watery diarrhea containing varying amounts of blood, mucus, and pus. Also known as Crohn’s disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Mosby’s supra, p. 1208


Diverticula are pouch-like herniations in the wall of a tubular organ, such as the intestine or colon. When fecal matter penetrates thin-walled diverticula, it can cause inflammation and abscess formation in the tissues surrounding the colon. With repeated inflammation, the lumen of the colon narrows and may become obstructed. During periods of inflammation, the patient will experience crampy pain, particularly over the sigmoid colon, fever, and leukocytosis. Mosby’s supra, p. 382


The presence of pouchlike herniations through the muscular layer of the colon, particularly the sigmoid colon. Diverticulosis affects increasing numbers of people over 50 years of age and may be the result of the modern, highly refined, low-residue diet. Most patients with this condition have few symptoms except for occasional bleeding from the rectum. An increase in the dietary fiber can aid in propelling the feces through the colon. Hemorrhage from bleeding diverticula can become quite severe. Diverticulosis may lead to diverticulitis. Mosby’s supra, p. 382


A variscosity in the lower rectum or anus caused by congestion in the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus. Mosby’s supra, p. 559

Hemorrhoids result when there is excessive straining during bowel movement in order to propel the feces from the rectum through the anus. This is clearly the result of a high meat, dairy, and other processed foods diet greatly low or lacking in roughage or dietary fiber.

This is why consuming enzymatic foods are a must because enzymes help to stimulate peristalsis. Enzymatic foods are living foods and include fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts (and some grains). Raw foods (fruits, nuts/seeds, and veggies) are loaded with enzymes!

If you are straining while on the toilet, you’re constipated. If you are bleeding from the rectum, chances are you have ulcerative colitis or diverticulosis, and in the worse case scenario, perhaps colorectal cancer.


An inflammation of both the colon and rectum. Also called colorectitis. Mosby’s supra, p. 279

This disease clearly suggests that both colon and rectum are inundated with mucus, usually resulting from an acid-forming diet.


The prolapse or downward displacement of the colon. Mosby’s supra, p. 279

Prolapse of the colon (coloptosis) is very common nowadays considering how impacted people are, especially obese people, and how gravity is still on the scene pulling on our organs, and the colon is no exception here.

Intestinal Parasites and Worms

Parasite and worm infestation could also be the cause of colon diseases and disorders, especially if you consume large concentrations of meat. Known worms of the intestines include intestinal pinworms and tape worms.

Several species of tapeworms, such as Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm), Taenia solium (pork tapeworm), and Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm) can cause infection in people.

Parasite and worm infestation is no joke. These little creepy critters can really sabotage your health. It is imperative that people, especially those who consume meat, perform at least one major parasite and worm cleanse (e.g. Parasite and Worm Cleanse) a year.

The Value of Villi

One of the detriments of a compacted and toxic colon full of hardened fecal matter is that the villi are obstructed. These little shaggy hairs that stick out from the surface of the small intestine absorb nutrients (i.e. vitamins and minerals) from the foods we consume (if we are in fact consuming real food which would naturally contain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals).

When the colon is impacted, the villi are obstructed from its designed function. Think about it, even if we are eating something that does contain nutrition (as an exception to what we commonly eat), if the colon walls are impacted with hardened fecal matter, no nutrition will be absorbed via the villi.

When we think about the colon, we also have to think about the villi.

Intestinal Ecology

We must also think about the state of our good bacteria that resides in our colon.

A toxic and impacted colon is probably going to have an imbalance of good and bad bacteria thus leading to yeast infection. A healthy colon is going to have a balanced ratio of good bacteria (probiotics) and bad bacteria, or healthy bacteria and unhealthy bacteria.

You shouldn’t just be concerned with probiotics (acidophilus) after having a colonic performed, but all the time. Intestinal ecology is very important! Yeast infections are not just limited to the vagina of females, but also the blood and the intestines. So colon or intestinal health also takes into consideration the ratio of good and bad bacteria.

Natural Remedies For Intestinal Diseases and Disorders

Weekly enemas
are very helpful for keeping the rectum clean, healthy, and evacuated. These are highly recommended by us at Enemas can be performed in the comfort of your own home (bathroom). Enemas are best performed in the morning or in the evening time. Mornings are more ideal in my personal opinion. You can add liquid chlorophyll to your enema water (1-2 ounces), 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide (half an ounce), and/or liquid bentonite clay (1 ounce). For more information on enemas, please read our article “Enemas” in the “articles” section.

are even better than enemas. Colonics allow the entire colon to be flushed of toxins, pollutants, old fecal debris, parasites and worms, etc. Colonics can be performed weekly or monthly or perhaps every 3 months. To learn more about colonics, please read our article Colonics in the articles section.

Carnelian water
is a concoction of crystal energy (vibration) and water, basically an elixir. There is no better stone (crystal) to aid in stomach and intestinal complaints than carnelian. This stone can provide fast-acting results when placed directly on the tummy. This is a most ideal stone for females and can be used for stomach complaints as well as female complaints, e.g. abdominal cramping and/or spasms (perhaps during that time of the month). The bigger the piece of Carnelian, the better!

Daily anti-gravity exercise, in addition to colonics and enemas, is a great natural remedy for coloptosis.

Other great exercises that can help to keep your colon optimally healthy and functioning include yoga, Tai chi, and deep breathing to name a few.

Rubbing the belly with warm natural oil (coconut, olive, caster) in a circular motion will help to stimulate the colon and thus bowel movement. This is great to do before performing an enema. Oil in a glass container can be warmed up with hot water (in a sink). Run hot water from the faucet on the bottle for a few minutes and/or let the bottle sit or float in a sink full of hot water for a few minutes (10-15 minutes).

If you follow the foregoing information, you won’t need to take harmful and addictive man-made pharmaceutical drugs such as Ex-lax, Dulc-lax, Kaopectate, Milk of Magnesia, and Pepto-Bismol which all pollute and toxify the liver and blood; nor will you have to undergo or receive a colonoscopy, colostomy, and/or colonic fistula.

By all means, you’d be wise to avoid bulk-forming laxatives, lubricants, stool softeners, saline laxatives, stimulant laxatives and combination medicines. They do harm in the human body and they never knock out the root cause of the problem. Drugs only masquerade!

Dietary Intervention

Diet, a bad or poor one, can really sabotage health, especially colon health. One of the most harmful things a person can do is eat three square meals per day, especially if those three square meals contain or include meat and dairy products.

Did you know that if you eat three meals per day you should be having three bowel movements per day? You should have a bowel movement for every meal you eat and if you don’t, something is wrong.

The best area to start in as far as healing from intestinal diseases and disorders is that of diet. Cut out or greatly cut back on consumption of animal derived products (such as meat and dairy products).

Eat plenty of raw foods [fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts] as they are enzymatic and fiber-rich, which greatly helps with peristalsis (bowel movement).

Eat a big green leafy salad every day or at least 3-4 days per week. This is a great roughage provider. Salad (as other greens and veggies) will sweep the walls of the colon helping to maintain the health and wellbeing of the intestinal tract.

Prunes and figs are great foods and aids for maintaining the health of the colon and ensuring consistent bowel movement. These are highly recommended, perhaps as snack foods.

Prune juice and/or plum juice are considered liquid plumbers. These will get a clogged colon moving again in a short period of time. A cup or half a cup nightly should suffice.

Eliminate refined and processed foods from your diet as much as possible. Refrain from eating a lot of cooked foods. The best-cooked and processed foods to consume are vegan in nature.

Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice daily (about 4-8 ounces). Invest in a good juicer (i.e. Jack Lalane’s brand, c. $150 in price).

The best water to drink while performing any cleanse (including a colon cleanse) is hands down alkaline water. If you can’t find alkaline water, your next best choices are distilled water and/or spring water. Drink 6-10 glasses of water daily. Water helps keep the body in general and the colon in particular, lubricated.

Aloe vera juice is a great beverage to assist with maintenance of the intestinal tract. It is especially helpful when there are ulcers present, including ulcerative colitis. It is also helpful for coloproctitis. Aloe vera juice is an intestinal tonic.

Colonically Beneficial Herbs

There are a plethora of beneficial therapeutic herbs that help cleanse, repair, tone, fortify, and strengthen the intestinal tract. Laxative (as well as aperient and cathartic) herbs are very important as they help stimulate peristalsis and evacuate the bowels.

Good laxative herbs include Senna Leaf (and Pods), Cascara Sagrada, Buckthorn, Glucomannan, Bilwa, Bibitaki, Rhubarb, Aloe Vera (resin), Jalap Root, Musta, and Mandrake. These herbs are great for the most severe and stubborn colon problems, especially constipation.

Good colon conditioning herbs include Black Walnut Hull, Chamomile, Goldenseal Root, and Licorice root. These herbs help cleanse and tone the colon.

Good mucous-membrane soothing (mucilaginous) herbs include Slippery Elm Bark, Irish Moss, Agar Agar, Acacia Gum, and Marshmallow. These herbs help soothe an inflamed and irritated colon.

Good carminative and antispasmodic herbs include Fennel Seed, Anise Seed, Cardamom Seed, Caraway Seed, Cinnamon bark, and Ginger 
root. These herbs help calm an upset stomach and counteract indigestion as well as flatulence (gas).

Good fiberous herbs include Pamita, Psyllium Husk, Fennel Seed, Apple Pectin, and vegetable cellulose (technically not an herb). These herbs provide dietary fiber that sweep the walls of the colon and aid in the formation of bulky stools.

To help rid the body of parasites and worms, consume anthelmintic and vermifuge herbs such as Peachtree Bark, Wormwood, Tansy, Betel Nut, Southernwood, Epazote, Pumpkin Seed, Worm Seed, Black Seed, Male Fern and Pink Root.

Senna is a great herb that not only help evacuate the bowels of hardened and stubborn fecal matter but also helps to kill intestinal worms and parasites in the intestines.

To further help get rid of parasites and worms in the intestinal tract, drink pomegranate juice (4 ounces daily for a specific duration or period of time).

In addition to pomegranate juice, consume one tablespoon of olive oil and/or castor oil daily (for a certain period of time) as these oils not only lubricate the colon, but also smother and kill worms and parasites in the colon, especially pinworms.

For more insightful information on colon problems and remedies (in addition to the information infra), please visit the articles section and read our articles on:

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