
Garlic: Does It Eat Up The Brain?

Garlic: Does It Eat Up The Brain?

A few herbalists have caused a great stir amongst many people in regards to the use and consumption of garlic, stating that garlic eats up the brain. Despite the numerous health benefits of garlic, scientific research showed that garlic shockingly impaired brain activity.

Well, these particular herbalists are correct, but the facts need some clarification. EXCESSIVE use of garlic over long period of times can damage brain tissue. In high doses, garlic can be toxic and destroy brain synchronization.

Garlic is a member of the Allium family of plants, the same class of plants that contain the chemical “mustard” which is used to manufacture MUSTARD GAS. So while alliaceous plants possess a plethora of beneficial health properties, they also have a downside or downfall.

In its natural (raw) state, garlic can transmit botulism, a neurotoxin that can cause paralysis of the muscles.

Common Alliaceous plants include:

  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Onion (Allium fistulosum)
  • Leek (Allium odorum)
  • Shallot (Allium ascalonicum)
  • Chive (Allium scordoprasum)

Many people simply like cooking with garlic and onion (for taste purposes, of course) and this is understandable, and if you’re hooked on garlic, then it would be wise to compensate, for the sake of your brain, with the use of certain herbs that have an affinity for the brain such as Gingko Biloba, Gotu Kola, Holy (or Blessed) Thistle, Lady’s Slipper, etc.

Medicinally, garlic is a potent and effective antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial agent. Is it okay to consume capsules of pure garlic (perhaps with standardized allium)? I say sure, if you’re attempting to overcome a sickness or illness, i.e. so-called cold, so-called viral infection, weakened immune (defense) system, etc.

Sparse consumption of garlic and other alliaceous plants is of no big concern in my opinion. Just simply don’t consume great deals of them and often. If you do, then you’re in jeopardy of damaging your own brain and impairing your cognition. The research has been done and is convincing.

However, simply put, all things in moderation!

This article is compliments of

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