
We Want To Hear Your Weight Loss Story

We Want To Hear Your Weight Loss Story

Every person’s health journey is different, meaning each person has advice and helpful information to share. It’s empowering to share your weight loss transformation because others are most likely where you were at one point in your life. We believe that your story is compelling, interesting, and unique, which is why we want to hear from you. There is nothing quite like hearing success stories from our customers!

We are searching for the next big transformation story from a Dherbs customer! In the past, we’ve received some amazing stories, some of which have brought us to tears. It’s truly inspiring to see someone turn their life around and watch them continue the success into life after cleansing. You see…anyone can do the cleanse and benefit from it, but it’s about maintaining your success and sticking to the healthy path. The Full Body Cleanse, for example, is the catalyst for your health transformation, and many people benefit from cleaning again and again as the years go on. Like we always say, “it’s a product that helps you hit the reset button on your health.”

How Does The Submission Process Work?

Have you lost 20, 30, 40, even 50 pounds while cleansing? Send us an email at with the following information*:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Height
  • Weight (before cleansing, after cleansing, and current weight)
  • A before and after photo
  • One to two paragraphs about cleansing journey (a video entry is also acceptable)

Confused on what to say about your journey? Tell us about why you decided to cleanse in the first place. How was your cleansing journey? Did you complete one or multiple cleanses? What recipes did you enjoy while cleansing? Once you finished your cleanse, how did you feel? We want to know all of this information and more! 

If selected, Dherbs Inc will fly you out to Los Angeles for a weekend to record your story. The reward will also include $500 to the best weight loss story.

*Dherbs will use this information for promotional purposes and potential advertising campaigns.

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