For many people, the New Year marks the start of something new and exciting. There are so many workout, weight loss, and diet resolutions, and only a select percentage of people see them through. There are those who don’t abide by the “New Year, new me” mentality, and perhaps they consider the spring season a fresh start. The warm weather and longer days inspire people to not only spring clean their homes, but also their health.
Sticking to new habits is difficult, no matter what the start date is. In general, it’s better to take baby steps and slowly build a habit. Jumping into the deep end, while it may work for some, is not the best plan of attack to accomplish goals. Don’t enter a state of exhaustion because you overwhelm yourself from the start. Many nutritionists state that wellness doesn’t happen overnight. It’s impossible to completely change your health by snapping your fingers.
It is possible to change your health, and spring is an excellent time to adopt healthier habits. Consistency is key, but it’s easier to attain better health when you create a successful environment for yourself. Convince your brain that the process will not be miserable and you’ll be lightyears ahead on your way to better health. Dive into the following springtime habits to spruce up your wellness.
Opt For Natural Sugars
The body is ready to detox as it emerges from the darker winter months. Many health experts recommend swapping conventional sugar for fresh fruit to increase your intake of micronutrients. The natural sugars in fruit do wonders for the body, so long as you don’t overload on them. A juicy, sweet fruit on a warm day is more satisfying than you can imagine. Shop seasonally and locally for the freshest fruit varieties!
Get Outside
There are people who can’t get enough of the outdoors, no matter what season it is. The colder winter weather, however, tends to bog some people down. Not to mention, the darker days tend to cause seasonal affective disorder. The best way to counteract that and revive yourself is by going outside in the spring. Open the windows, go out into the world, and replenish your body with vitamin D and energy! A 2021 study found that being in an outdoor green environment relaxed people and made them feel better.
Shop Locally
Spring may have some of the best seasonal produce, and it’s a season that exemplifies freshness. Head to your local farmer’s market weekly and make a commitment to buy a new produce item each week. Converse with the growers about the flavor profile of the produce item and how you should handle it. By incorporating new produce items into your diet, you increase your recipe arsenal and your intake of different nutrients.
Move In Ways That You Enjoy
Gyms are not for everyone, and that’s perfectly fine. Movement is an essential component to optimal health, though. Get active in a way that excites you! Because the weather is warmer and the days are longer, you have more options for activities. You can take an evening neighborhood stroll without experiencing the frigid cold of winter. It’s also possible to head to the beach or lake for a day of swimming. A mere 30 minutes of movement every day is a big step in a healthier direction.
Spend Time With People Who Motivate You
The people you hang out with can have a massive impact on your health and well-being. Spring is a time for personal growth, so try to surround yourself with people who motivate you. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver and gallbladder are the organs related to spring. The gallbladder relates to your ability to finalize decisions, while the liver relates to an ability to plan ahead. Work on your relationships and surround yourself with motivational and supportive people to encourage positivity within your being. In doing so, you can help protect the liver and gallbladder!
Release Your Tension
Many people can’t wait for the transition from winter to spring, but spring is a transitionary season in and of itself. It’s a time to evaluate what changes you need to make as you move forward. Since stress tends to be the starting point for anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, addiction, obesity, etc., it’s wise to practice relaxation techniques. Be it breathing exercises, massage, or acupuncture, release your tension and you’ll free yourself from internal blockages that get in the way of optimal energy flow.
Vincent Stevens is the senior content writer at Dherbs. As a fitness and health and wellness enthusiast, he enjoys covering a variety of topics, including the latest health, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle trends. His goal is to inform people of different ways they can improve their overall health, which aligns with Dherbs’ core values. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of Redlands, graduating summa cum laude. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.