What is: Raw Foods?
What is wrong with man that he does not know what to eat or what his food is today?
What is wrong with man that he does not know what to eat or what his food is today?
Some of the best yet most difficult advice is to follow your heart. It’s so simple, yet so profound.
A birthmark is not only a physical mark on the body since birth, but a code pertaining to a past-life experience. Not the result of a nutritional deficiency. Little white spots have not always been present, though they have always been there.
In addition to working on the brain, nervous system, and endocrine system the natural practitioner must work on the liver of the bipolar individual. Drugs exacerbate the problem. Natural substances from earth used to help assist the bipolar person.
Medical literature tells us that gluten is used as an adhesive agent. Adhesive means sticking. Intolerance to gluten means one has eaten too much of it. Body rebels, manifesting as an allergy, to save the person’s life. Allergies are warnings.
The first step in addressing high cholesterol in order to reverse it is to modify your diet and totally eradicate all animal and animal by-products.
To fail only means to achieve a result you did not desire; but nevertheless, so-called failure gives us beneficial information.
In order to heal you must positively change your thoughts and thinking.
It is normal to be concerned with the health and wellness of your body, including your sexual health.
Every step a female takes on cement or carpet while wearing high heel shoes, sends an electrical shock from the metatarsal bones in her feet up the bone in her legs to her uterus, frying the uterus over long term. Direct contact with Nature grounds your feet and base chakra. Go to the beach, bury your feet in the sand.
A disorder characterized by pronounced hyperthyroidism usually associated with an enlarged thyroid gland and exophthalmos.
A majority of protein bars that have been popping up over the past ten years and making their way into local gyms and health food stores and even commercial super markets are crap. A few exceptions do exist. Beware of protein bars, especially those made from whey, a dairy product. Listed are a few natural sources of protein.
Mammograms are not as safe as you think they are. Could you be doing better treatments that are more effective and safer?
Mineral oil is an odorless, colorless substance made from petroleum. The product is related to petroleum jelly. The substance is mass produced and has many uses. You can generally find mineral oil at a drugstore. Don’t risk your health or the health of your family by using mineral oil products. Switch to safer, natural alternatives. […]
Generally speaking, herbs are safe to consume. The real question should be, are man-made pharmaceutical drugs safe.
Do not confuse Ephedra with Ephedrine, which most people did and do due to blindly trusting the media. To do the above would be tantamount to confusing Coca with Cocaine. Cocaine is an alkaloid in the Coca leaf just as ephedrine is an alkaloid in ephedra.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and free radical fighter.
You can use cornstarch or arrowroot powder to sprinkle on the skin to help soothe the irritated skin; or, you can use cool aloe vera gel on the skin. Calendula cream orgel may also provide relief of the itching.
The cardiovascular system is designed to move blood through arteries, veins and capillaries at certain pressure levels to maintain a healthy heart.
Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too, if you believe and know you can! You can have whatever you want, if you believe and know it! Belief and knowing is the key. Belief is enhanced by knowing, knowing in a subjective sense. So if you know what you want and believe you […]
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