Why Pets Get Sick
The strange thing is, cat and dog food manufacturers put more synthetic nutrients in cat and dog food than human food manufacturers put in so-called human food.
The strange thing is, cat and dog food manufacturers put more synthetic nutrients in cat and dog food than human food manufacturers put in so-called human food.
Students who are alive, energetic, and imaginative are dubbed problem students. If you get their attention, they will be still, quiet, and fully alert for learning purposes. You don’t have to drug them down or dull their senses with drugs.
Western medicine will never find a cure for any common degenerative disease or pathology. Disease is big business. Money is not made on healthy people. There’s a vested interest in sick people.
Starches break down into carbonic acid, making its way into joints. Lactic acid from the brake down of the dairy products consumed.
Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological disorder that affects various parts of the central nervous system. Here are some natural remedies.
I have helped hundreds upon hundreds of people to heal themselves from a plethora of diseases including so-called incurable diseases. Many have told me they were cured, and showed me medical printouts bearing witness.
A vegan diet is greatly advocated for healing purposes as well as overall qualitative lifestyle purposes. Just as diet plays a role in sickness and disease, likewise it plays a role in healing and recovering from disease.
No one can heal you but God and yourself. Your and my body was constructed and designed to naturally and automatically heal from any disease or injury no matter how insidious the disease or injury may be.
Regardless of what has just occurred or is going on in your life at present, everything that happens in your life happens for a reason and happens for the best or your greater good.
Diseases are only incurable under the Western allopathic approach to medicine. Never settle for having a disease under control. Always seek to heal from and cure the disease. Diseases are used to control the minds of people.
Our hair is made up of two parts: living and non-living…
Epilepsy can be healed. Best remedies for epilepsy. Dietary recommendations and products that aid in the prevention and healing of seizures. Herbs great for healing epilepsy increase and enhance oxygen flow throughout the body.
Taurus Health
Following is a standard that will allow you to know what meat is or what constitutes meat. You would think that people would know that if its animal flesh, it’s meat, but many people honestly don’t know this.
Peanut butter, as we know it today, was invented by Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri. He made it for elderly patients who could not chew so well but still needed hi-protein food that didn’t involve meat. Dr. Straub went on to patent a peanut grinding mill in 1903 and one year later peanut […]
Vitaminwater is not a healthy alternative to normal water.
A high fiber diet contains foods that have a lot of fiber. Can it get any more basic than that? How about this one? Fiber has no calories. Are you getting the picture? Fiberlady knows that changes can be hard at first, especially changes in your diet. She also knows that when you follow a […]
Honey is used as an alternative sweetener by many people due to its natural sweetness. It is also rich in essential nutrients like amino acids, minerals. Royal jelly contains potent antibiotic and antiviral properties.
Some soda pops may contain is polyethylene glycol, used as anti-freeze in automobiles and as an oil solvent.
What is wrong with man that he does not know what to eat or what his food is today?
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