The Secrets of Sleep
Sleep is an essential part of living a healthy life. Discover the secrets of sleep and how a simple method could help you feel rejuvenated.
Sleep is an essential part of living a healthy life. Discover the secrets of sleep and how a simple method could help you feel rejuvenated.
You can now charge your smartphone by plugging it into a plant. Check out this new green technology.
Foam rolling helps massage away the tightness that builds up in our muscles from everyday life. Start using this recovery tool to feel more relaxed!
Sprouts are full of nutrients and great additions to salads or sandwiches. Learn how to grow them yourself by following a few simple steps.
A plant-based diet is more than just fruit and veggies. Learn how eating a plant-based and whole foods diet increases your overall health.
Floatation therapy is a new trend that helps completely relax the mind and body. You can tune out the outside world and focus on total relaxation.
Starting a garden has never been so easy! Instead of throwing your kitchen scraps away, use them to grow a fruit and vegetable garden.
Watch non-vegans try vegan desserts for the first time.
Not getting the sleep you deserve? Stay awake with healthier, natural alternatives to coffee to feel energized during the day and rested at night.
Don’t resort to antibiotics if you don’t have to! Use these heath tips and natural alternatives to promote a strong immune system.
Make the most of your workouts with this homemade pre-workout solution, which will give you a renewed energy to tackle any exercise.
At the heart of a New Year’s resolution is the desire to change, a desire for things to be different. Science tells us that change is not only difficult, but doable. Read how.
Women’s Health Magazine recently published an article with the sensational headline: “The Scary Mental Health Risks of Going Meatless”. In it, they interviewed several psychologists who cited a lack of meat as the reasons that some of their vegetarian patients experienced mental health issues. To “fix” them, all these sad meatless schlubs had to do […]
Coconut oil isn’t just for the food network. It works just as hard outside the kitchen.
Enjoy the fresh air and the turning leaves of with a Free Fitness event hosted by Pastor Hosea Collins. Located at the top of Kenneth Hahn Park in Culver City, the 2.2 mile loop features a stunning view of Los Angeles. The trail is flat and low-impact, so everyone is welcome! The event is totally […]
Just the other day, we posted about the benefits of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) – and now we have another to add to the list. A new study has found that baking soda is capable of drawing uranium out of the body of rats. Just as the powder draws bad smells from your fridge, it […]
With a little planning and a little sacrifice, you can emerge on the other side of Thanksgiving without gaining weight.
Nearly every day some new study comes out touting the benefits of black cumin seeds. Originally from Egypt, black cumin grows in a tiny pod that requires soaking before the tiny seeds can be released.
Though people have been using water to flush out their systems for centuries, colonics has recently surged in popularity as a detoxifying treatment. Celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Oprah, and Madonna have all used the procedure as a way to feel slimmer, less bloated, and more energized. More importantly, it’s an excellent way to detoxify your […]
In honor of National Corn on the Cob Day, we’d like to talk a little bit about GMO’s. Let’s have the excellent website No GMO Project give us a primer: What are GMOs? GMOs (or “genetically modified organisms”) are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering, or […]
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