
Hunger Vs Appetite: What’s The Difference?

Hunger Vs Appetite: What’s The Difference?

By adopting the raw foods diet that accompanies any of our cleanses, it is common to experience feelings of hunger. People typically don’t eat enough while they are cleansing, which can lead to fatigue or headaches. On the other end of the spectrum, people may also feel as though they don’t need to eat or don’t want to eat. It’s important to eat, people! It is also good to recognize the difference between hunger and appetite.

The Difference Between Hunger And Appetite

Food keeps you going, which is why you need to keep replenishing your body with sustenance. Hunger is the need for food; for example, you may feel some sort of discomfort if you have not eaten for a while. Hunger typically indicates that glucose levels in the blood are low and it is your body’s way of telling you to fuel up again. Appetite, on the other hand, is a sensory reaction when you see or smell food. This means that you can eat food even if you aren’t hungry.

Appetite has been closely linked to behavior because it is commonly associated with an emotional connection formed with food. Someone with an increased appetite doesn’t necessarily crave something like broccoli or carrot sticks. These cravings are typically for processed foods, refined sugars, caffeine, or fatty/acidic foods. This is because appetite controls your cravings and is influenced by how you react to food. Hormonal factors or stress, for example, can also lead to an increased or decreased appetite.

Because of the fast-paced, on-the-go world that we live in, people don’t have the time to feel satiated. People eat while they are distracted, driving some place, or watching videos/shows, all of which keep them from feeling like they have eaten enough food. You may feel satiated after eating something that has been deep-fried because it is full of energy, but it doesn’t contain micronutrients. Eating half of an avocado, for instance, gives you sustained energy via the monounsaturated fats and 19 essential vitamins and minerals. The battle to acknowledge cravings and choose the better and more beneficial food option is ongoing.

We can’t talk about hunger and appetite without mentioning the metabolism, which ultimately affects hunger. Metabolism is the rate at which the body converts food to energy. The speed of your metabolism is regulated by the thyroid gland, but metabolism is also influenced by muscle mass and hormones. People with more muscle mass typically have a higher metabolic rate, typically meaning that they have a greater level of hunger. But…this is not always the case, due to hormonal and emotional factors.

Your brain chases satiety (signaling that you have eaten), not the feeling of a full stomach. The brain gets signaled by different hormones to indicate whether or not food is needed. Eating different foods can change the dopamine output to the brain’s reward center, which controls your motivation for food. Lower levels of dopamine have been linked to overeating. 

How Do You Know When To Eat?

Remember that you have to eat more on a raw foods diet. If your body is telling you that it is hungry, listen to it. If you eat a meal and feel that you are still hungry, perhaps your meal was not large enough. While cleansing, many people say that they ate salad for a meal, but how big was this salad? You have to eat a large bowl, and we mean a large bowl. A small side salad will not fill you up. The amount of food each person will need to eat is dictated by his/her weight, age, and level of physical activity, so there isn’t a blanket statement for how much one should eat and when.

Be Patient After Eating

Feeling full is the result of the brain reacting to chemicals that are in the foods or liquids in the stomach. It may take 20 minutes for the brain to register these chemicals. If you do not feel full directly after you finish eating, give yourself some time to absorb the nutrients you just consumed. As the chemical levels rise, the hunger will dissipate.

Tips For Feeling Satiated

Always drink a hefty glass of water about 10 minutes before each meal. Not only is this a great way to stay hydrated, but the brain will realize that you are partially full by the time you actually start eating. Have another glass of water while you are eating, drinking between bites. Not only does this slow down your eating, but it also helps you to thoroughly chew each bite. Once you finish your meal, remove any food from your sights and occupy yourself with another hobby like reading, walking, or conversation.

Always remember that foods containing added sugars, refined sugars, or artificial sweeteners can stimulate your appetite, even if you aren’t hungry. They can make you crave carbohydrates and even stimulate fat storage, which is how a lot of people start to gain weight.

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