
Great Morning Stretches To Wake Up Your Body

Great Morning Stretches To Wake Up Your Body

Why do you need to stretch in the morning? Just the thought of adding yet another item to your morning to-do list is enough to stress you out. Getting up just a little bit earlier to perform a handful of stretches can not only help wake up the body, but also reduce the risk of injury by improving mobility and flexibility. 

If you regularly wake up feeling stiff and sluggish, a few morning stretches will do you right. Stretching can help improve flexibility and mobility, two things that can reduce your risk of injury. It can also help improve circulation, relieve tension, and jumpstart your body into action. Do you want to know the best part? You don’t even have to leave your bed for the following stretch routine. That’s right! You can remain in your bed and get the juices flowing! 

Take Some Deep Breaths

It’s always a great idea to start out easy, even if your stretch routine takes place in bed. Lie flat on your back and rest your arms by your sides. Take a few deep breaths, making sure to inhale and exhale fully. During your exhale, try to slowly release all of the oxygen in your lungs. Repeat this process for five to 10 minutes. It may surprise you how much this process can energize you, as the brain requires oxygen to function and wake up. 

Total Body Stretch

Most people probably have a form of this stretch. You lengthen every limb after waking up and make some sort of noise that resembles a grunt. To do this stretch, extend your arms overhead, lengthening toward the headboard or wall. Stretch your feet toward the end of your bed and hold this position for a few deep breaths before releasing. 

Lying Hamstring Stretch

If you spend most of the day in a seated position, you will likely feel it in the morning. Release the tension in your hamstrings with a relaxing morning stretch. Lie flat on your back and keep your hips centered. Draw your right knee toward your chest and keep the left leg flat on the bed. Extend your right knee and grab behind your hamstring to pull your leg closer to you. Feel the stretch in your right hamstring and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the left leg. 

Forward Fold

Finally, a stretch that is great to do before you get out of bed. This stretch can benefit those with neck and back pain and it will help you transition into the next few stretches. Sit on the edge of your bed and plant your feet flat on the floor. Fold forward to rest your chest on your thighs. Aim to plant your hands on the floor or simply hang in the fold. Remain in this position for 30 seconds and then sit up straight. 

Seated Spinal Stretch

This stretch builds upon the forward fold and works to relieve tension in the lower back. From the last stretch, transfer to a seated position on the ground and extend your legs out in front of you. Bend your left leg, bring it as close to your chest as you can, and plant your left foot flat on the ground. Reach both arms around your left leg and hug it, bringing your chest as close as you comfortably can to your left thigh. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing deeply throughout, and then repeat on the other leg. 

Above The Heat Chest Stretch

Remain in a seated position or stand up straight for this one. It works to open up your chest and also feels great in your upper back and shoulders. Interlock your fingers behind your head and open your elbows out to the sides. Gently move your elbows back to feel the stretch, but don’t go so far to where it feels painful. Once you feel a stretch, hold the position for 30 seconds and then release. 

Standing Quad Stretch

The final stretch is one that you’ve likely done before. It should not be difficult to execute and is especially beneficial for desk workers. Sitting for a majority of the day can tighten the hips and quadriceps, so this stretch aims to lengthen those muscles and loosen the hips. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your left leg and reach back to grab your ankle with your left hand. Gently pull your ankle toward your buttocks and squeeze your right glute and inner thigh to maintain balance. You can hold onto a wall or chair if necessary. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

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