Chakras are spiraling energy centers. There are seven major chakras though some authors talk about ten and even twelve major chakras. We will concentrate on the seven major chakras system in general, but just the First Chakra in particular in this particular section (article).
This chakra system also recognize many mini or minor chakras such as the palms of hands, cross-section of finger joints and the eyes. Chakras are known to have seven layers that spiral down into the body.
The 1st Chakra is known in Sanskrit as ‘Muladhara’, meaning,”root.” Mula means “root” and “adhara” means support. It’s also known by the names: “Root Chakra”, “Base Chakra”, and “Coccygeal Plexus Chakra.”
The 1st Chakra is located between the anus and genitals (perineum) at the base of the spine or the coccygeal plexus. It deals with physical sex as it is located where the physical sex features or genitalia are located. And because physical sex deals with regeneration, the 1st Chakra also deals with the regenerative principle.
Central issue
The Central Issue of this chakra is “Survival.” Our survival issues in life are recorded here. Many people will use sex for survival purposes.
The 1st Chakra deals with the following rights: “To be here” and “To have or possess.” This chakra deals with our material well-being. Our 1st Chakra reminds us all that we have a right to be here (on Earth, in 3D existence) and when we are in tune with our spirituality and are also conscious, we know that all of our needs are met and this knowledge and understanding grounds us.
The Orientation of the 1st Chakra is “Self-preservation.” The whole concept of self-preservation is rooted in the concept of survival. When we operate on a base level, we are into survival or survival mode or survival consciousness and this denotes that the 1st Chakra is out of alignment.
However, when we are in tune with our higher self and the 1st Chakra is aligned and in balance, we know that all of our material needs are met and thus operate on abundance, wealth, prosperity, and affluence mode.
The identity of the 1st Chakra is “Physical Identity.” We identify with our material self and nature (most notably our sexual nature) at the 1st Chakra. This chakra is symbolized by four (4) petals. I included this here for purposes of visualization. A good visualization exercise is to picture a four-petaled lotus flower slowly opening and then closing.
The color associated with this chakra is red. Red can be used to stimulate this chakra. The color ‘blue’ is the antidote to this chakra.
The 1st Chakra is associated with the element “Earth” and thus the astrological zodiac signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, all Earth signs.
The 1st Chakra forms the foundation for the raising of Kundalini energy. It is also known to govern the process of elimination (as the rectum is located in polarity to the genitals).
The 1st Chakra governs being grounded, material existence, survival, stability, security, physical health, prosperity, trust, and base sexual instinct. If you have issues in these areas named above, your 1st chakra may out of balance and thus in need of balancing or alignment.
Biologically, the 1st Chakra corresponds to the adrenal glands of the endocrine system.
In sound therapy, the musical tone of the 1st Chakra is “C” tone. This tone helps open, fine-tune, and balance the 1st Chakra.
The day of the week that the 1st Chakra corresponds with is “Tuesday.” Tuesday is the best day of the week to work on the 1st Chakra, i.e. chakra therapy. The energy (color) of Tuesday is RED! And what is the color associated with the 1st Chakra? RED!
The demon of the 1st Chakra is “fear.“ When we operate on survival mode, we are operating out of fear. Fear causes the 1st Chakra to be out of alignment. Fears surrounding sex and sexual activity are rooted in this chakra, well, when it is unhealthy (unbalanced).
Sacred Vowel
You can balance this chakra with the sacred vowel UH (as in cup) and focus your attention on the chakra at the same time.
Thank you for reading!
Vincent Stevens is the senior content writer at Dherbs. As a fitness and health and wellness enthusiast, he enjoys covering a variety of topics, including the latest health, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle trends. His goal is to inform people of different ways they can improve their overall health, which aligns with Dherbs’ core values. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of Redlands, graduating summa cum laude. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.