Friday the 13th, Lucky or Unlucky?
Friday the 13th is regarded by many cultures as a day of bad luck. Yet few know why it is perceived so negatively.
Friday the 13th is regarded by many cultures as a day of bad luck. Yet few know why it is perceived so negatively.
The pineal gland is situated between the superior colliculi, the pulvinar, and the splenium of the corpus callosum.
Nausea can be normal reaction when people are overly toxic. Vomiting simply denotes your body is seriously taxed due to toxicity.
Though rare, salivary gland complaints do and can occur. There’s even a form of salivary gland cancer. Before we jump into this subject matter, let’s first understand what is a salivary gland, especially since we all have them. “Salivary gland.” One of three pairs of glands that pour their secretions into the mouth, thus aiding […]
An enema is a procedure in which a solution is introduced into the rectum for cleansing or therapeutic purposes.
Cleanliness is next to godliness, but many soaps are outright made under devilish practices.
Lipstick is the most commercial, toxic, poisonous and harmful brand. Are these chemicals leaking into your body?
It is not literally dragon’s blood, but just the name given to the plant. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, its botanical name is Daemonorops draco Bl and Xuejie. It is a bright red resin secretion derived from the fruit and stems of the plant. Its medicinal and therapeutic properties include stypticity, an astringent that arrests profuse […]
Many people confuse MSM sulfur with regular sulfur but the two are very different.
First Chakra Description
Physical travel can leave much wear and tear on the body and usually does for most people.
Disease and Your Astrological 6th House
You may have heard that life and death, sickness and disease start in the colon. To physically heal the human body of any degenerative disease, you must place emphasis on cleansing first and foremost, and if necessary, repairing. A selection of diseases and challenges of the colon include: Colitis Colon cancer Diverticulitis Diverticulosis Ulcerative colitis […]
Never let others sway you from your convictions, whatever they may be.
The rewards of exercise extend far beyond slimming down or adding muscle tone.
There are several important guidelines to follow in order to perform a true fast.
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