We understand that cleansing can be difficult at times, but, as you may discover or have discovered, it is not impossible. The raw foods diet is vastly different than the Standard American Diet (SAD), which most of us are used to. You don’t want to get used to the foods in the SAD because they contribute to high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, or diabetes. This diet also makes us dependent on certain vices like caffeine.
Some people hankering for caffeine during the cleanse, but we urge you all to overcome this craving because there are natural ways to keep yourself energized. You don’t have to worry about getting out of bed or sinking into an afternoon slump. To do this, it is integral to eat nutrient-dense foods that can provide the body with energy. To help you power through your days, we are going to give you some strategies for how to stay energized.
How To Start Your Day
It is crucial to start your day with a protein-rich breakfast. How do you do this without eating eggs, meat, or dairy, you ask? Always remember that leafy greens like spinach and kale or nuts & seeds are loaded with plant-based protein. You can also accompany a fruit smoothie with some homemade chia pudding, which is protein-rich. Before you start eating, though, start your morning with a cup of warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. This boosts your metabolism, gets the juices flowing, and helps to alkalize the body.
Starting your mornings with a superfood smoothie is beneficial because smoothies are predigested. This means that the body doesn’t really have to work to break down the foods and absorb the ingredients. You save energy this way and can use it to propel yourself until your next snack or meal.
How To Power Through The Afternoon
While it may be tempting to nurse yourself back to life with a cup of coffee or can of soda after lunch, don’t do it! You have to remember that you are looking for something to sustain your energy, not just a quick burst. Try eating half an avocado seasoned with a little sea salt and pepper. This not only keeps energy levels stable, but it also fills you up. You can also eat a green pear and dip it in homemade tahini. A cup of homemade chia pudding can also give you sustained energy in the afternoon. If you want something a little lighter that you can sip, a green vegetable juice is a great option. Just make sure to avoid packaged snacks, caffeine, and sugary products.
For more information about snacks that work to give you energy, try the following recipes and let us know how they work out for you.
No Bake Apricot And Chia Seed Energy Bars
Need an energy-boosting snack that is cleanse-approved and helps to fill you up? Let us introduce you to this snack that you’ll want every day.
Click here to make the recipe.
Lemon Coconut Energy Bites
Sweet and tangy, nutritious and filling, these lemon coconut bites are designed to keep you energized during those days when you feel like you’re just depleted.
Click here to make the recipe.
Raw Banana Cashew Energy Bars
You may not know what ingredients are in the pre-packaged bars that you buy in grocery stores. That’s not the case with these raw and delicious energy bars, which only have three ingredients!
Click here to make the recipe.
Raw Cookie Dough Energy Bites
Want to fill up on a snack without consuming a ton of calories? Eat these energy-boosting bites to sustain yourself between meals.
Click here to make the recipe.
Vincent Stevens is the senior content writer at Dherbs. As a fitness and health and wellness enthusiast, he enjoys covering a variety of topics, including the latest health, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle trends. His goal is to inform people of different ways they can improve their overall health, which aligns with Dherbs’ core values. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of Redlands, graduating summa cum laude. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.