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Heart Problems

The heart is a muscular, cone-shaped organ, about the size of a clenched fist, that pumps blood throughout the body and beats normally about 70 times per minute by coordinated nerve impulses and muscular contractions.

The cardiovascular system includes the heart and the blood vessels, including arteries, veins and capillaries. The heart pumps blood, and the vessels carry it throughout the body. Some of the vessels carry oxygenated blood to the organs and muscles; others carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart for processing.

A properly functioning heart is absolutely vital to life.

This article gives a brief overview of common problems of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a section of heart muscle becomes blocked. If the flow of blood isn’t restored quickly, the section of heart muscle becomes damaged from lack of oxygen and begins to die.

According to the National Heart Lungs and Blood Institute:

Heart attack is a leading killer of both men and women in the United States. Heart attacks occur most often as a result of a condition called coronary artery disease (CAD). In CAD, a fatty material called plaque (plak) builds up over many years on the inside walls of the coronary arteries (the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to your heart).

Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form on the surface of the plaque. If the clot becomes large enough, it can mostly or completely block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the part of the heart muscle fed by the artery.

During a heart attack, if the blockage in the coronary artery isn’t treated quickly, the heart muscle will begin to die and be replaced by scar tissue. This heart damage may not be obvious, or it may cause severe or long-lasting problems. Severe problems linked to heart attack can include heart failure and life-threatening arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack.

It’s when a sudden change in the electrical system of the heart takes place, usually preceded by an irregular heart beat (rhythm). Basically, it’s when the lower chambers of the heart quiver instead of pump.

CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) is immediately needed to prevent damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and brain.

Heart failure

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood throughout the body.


This is an inflammation of the heart. It is classified into three types:

  • Endocarditis-inflammation of the inner heart
  • Myocarditis-inflammation of the middle of the heart
  • Pericarditis-inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart

Aortic Stenosis

Aortic stenosis is an abnormal or unusual narrowing of the aortic valve, which regulates blood flow from the aorta, a major artery of the heart.


An inflammation condition of the aorta, occurring most frequently in tertiary syphilis and occasionally in rheumatic fever. Kinds of aortitis are rheumatic aortitis and syphilitic aortitis. Mosby’s supra, p. 84

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

High blood pressure (a/k/a hypertension) is a degenerative disease that affects some 60 million Americans. It is when the blood pressure is chronically higher than normal, which places undue pressure on the heart muscle to perform. This condition can lead to heart failure and other heart and cardiopulmonary disease. It’s imperative to get high blood pressure under control through diet, exercise and lifestyle.

Cautionary note about blood thinning

Anytime there’s a condition of having to thin the blood, the arteries are impaired, usually obstructed and congested with some kind of debris, i.e. plaque, mucus, etc.

Beware of ALL blood thinning medication, including aspirin. In addition to thinning your blood, you are also damaging nerves, as well as the stomach lining and intestines with aspirin use and/or daily consumption.

Healing Heart Problems Naturally

If you use tobacco, stop. Tobacco should be avoided at all costs, especially if you have heart problems. If you smoke, you are giving the heart 10 times the amount of carbon monoxide than you would be giving it oxygen.


Nature is bounteous in the number of herbs she gives for the heart and cardiovascular system.

Beneficial plants or herbs for the heart include:

These herbs, most of them (along with other necessary changes, i.e. diet, lifestyle, thought-process, etc.), will help to heal cases of high blood pressure, angina pectoris, and irregular heartbeat and a myriad of other heart disorders and problems.

NOTE: Yohimbe bark and Licorice root herbs will only cause heart problems when a heart is weak, due to understimulation or overstimulation.

Special note about Cayenne

Of all the herbs listed above, one stands out as the most important and effective for cardio health and that is Cayenne, a/k/a Capsicum fruit, as it is the only herb or substance for that may help alleviate a heart attack while in progress.

If a little Cayenne is placed in the mouth (under the tongue) during a heart attack, it may alleviate the heart attack by helping stimulate the heart’s electrical system.

Magnet therapy

If you have a pacemaker, DO NOT use magnet therapy.

Magnets deal with polarity and knowing a magnet’s polarities is important. The “south” side of a magnet is stimulating and the “north” side is healing. If suffering from a heart challenge, like from a weak heart, you wouldn’t want to stimulate the heart so you wouldn’t wear the magnet with its “south side to your heart.

Reduce stress

Reduce or remove stress from your life-it negatively effects the heart. Consider performing yoga, deep breathing exercises, tai chi, qi chong, or other subtle exercises which beneficially help the heart.

Chakra balancing

Chakra balancing of the 4th Chakra will greatly help the heart on all levels, but especially on the emotional (energetic) level.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise can help the heart, but not vigorous exercises. Vigorous physical exercises put too much stress on the heart. Many people overdo cardio exercises while in the gym and do more harm than good for the heart. When it comes to exercise, strain and stress is not always best or good. People don’t know it but in most cases they stress and strain their heart and other organs when working out in the gym.

Dietary Intervention

Change your diet to a more nutrition-dense diet, a diet rich in necessary and vital nutrients that will nourish and maintain the body and foster healing.

Eat more raw fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts (good ones), and healthy grains. Choose organic foods whenever they’re available.

Drink plenty of vegetable juice every chance you get-it’s very alkalizing.

Drink alkaline water. It’s the best water you can drink. Distilled water is great for drinking while you’re detoxing but I wouldn’t recommend to drink it outside of body cleansing and purification purposes (which includes fasting).

Cut out fried and fatty foods.

Bake your foods instead of frying them. Only use olive oil or other healthy cooking oils to cook with. Avoid all potentially harmful cooking oils on the market, i.e. vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil, soy oil, peanut oil, as well as margarine and other synthetic spreads.

Dherbs Solutions

Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (ebook)

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