How To Regain Your Calm If You’re Anxious About Coronavirus
There are national concerns about the COVID-19 virus? Here are some easy ways to manage your anxiety about the spreading coronavirus.
There are national concerns about the COVID-19 virus? Here are some easy ways to manage your anxiety about the spreading coronavirus.
The food you eat greatly affects your mental wellbeing. Consider incorporating these herbs and spices into your diet to boost brain health.
This ancient practice has become a popular health trend in the metaphysical world, helping to cleanse the air, clear energy, and promote relaxation.
A healthy life is about more than simply eating nutritious foods. Small changes to your life can take your health to the next level.
Are you deficient in one of the most essential minerals that maintains bone & muscle health? These signs may help you evaluate your health.
Losing weight, quitting smoking, cutting down screen time, and eating healthier are common resolutions. Change it up for the new decade.
Practice self-care like a boss during the New Year by getting creative with physical, spiritual, and mental health practices.
Don’t have time to exercise or get to your yoga class during the holidays? Keep it simple and stress-free with these breathing techniques.
While you can practice these tips any time throughout the year, they are especially beneficial and necessary during the holidays.
Stress sucks and people claw for whatever rescue, remedy, food, or vice in sight when it comes. That’s where this yoga routine helps.
Stress levels rise during the holidays, creating anxiety, insomnia, and depression. These tips will help you maintain your mental health.
Did you know that hiking in nature can lower stress levels and improve conditions such as depression and anxiety? Take a hike, people!
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Not anymore, you don’t! Practice this yoga routine to calm the body and promote better sleep.
World Kindness Day is November 13th, 2018. Show kindness any way you see fit today. Lend some help, donate to charity, or adopt a pet.
Put your feet up, recline, and take a load off for Stress Awareness Day. Release the stress from your body so you can live healthily.
Restorative yoga poses have an amazing ability to benefit the nervous system. Feel human again when you practice these five poses.
If you have trouble falling asleep then you need this information. Try these helpful tips and you may actually sleep better every night.
If you want to learn to meditate but don’t know where to begin, let us guide you through the steps on how to meditate correctly.
Someone loses their life to suicide every 40 seconds. Help raise awareness for suicide prevention around the world on October 10th, 2019.
A range of relaxation techniques can calm the mind and assist the body with naturally falling asleep. Check out our top 5 tricks to help.
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