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Do you find yourself putting off tasks until the last minute? Don’t disengage; rather, use these tips to help overcome procrastination.


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It is very easy to put off tasks, especially if you don’t want to do them. You know you should get them out of the way, but the desire to do the opposite of that takes over. Perhaps this stems from your younger years, when you would put off school assignments to hang with friends or play video games. It’s possible that you still hang with friends and play video games to avoid certain tasks!

By definition, procrastination is choosing to delay something you need to do, even though waiting to do it negatively affects you in the long run. Mental health experts note that disengaging from the task boosts your morale immediately. You can think of procrastination like a Band-Aid because it is a temporary solution to a bigger problem. It removes any stress, fear, or anxiety, but just know that it is an emotional quick-fix that does not help you achieve your goals. 

If you want to reduce procrastination, you have to dial up helpful feelings and silence the challenging ones. Not only will this help increase your productivity, but it may also help improve self-esteem and feelings of accomplishment. 

Be Mindful Of Warning Signs

Becoming more mindfully aware can help you identify your procrastination tendencies or habits. For example, if you are doom-scrolling or impulse shopping instead of cleaning your kitchen, take note of what you are doing. Do you feel guilty for not focusing on your task? If yes, then you are procrastinating. Once you have the ability to recognize and name what is happening, you can respond and act without judgment. Researchers note that mindfulness tactics, such as acting with awareness and non-judgmentally, can help reduce anxiety and procrastination

Address It Head On

More often than not, stress and anxiety are to blame if you have difficulty starting a task. Stress can make it very difficult to prioritize and organize. That is why you may find it hard to make a decision on how to begin an email to a coworker or client some days. Your brain is jammed and it seems that there is no way out. According to one study that examined academic procrastination, students who struggled with regulating emotions were more likely to procrastinate, which only worsened their emotional state. If you can find ways to reduce stress, you will notice that your desire to procrastinate decreases and you experience emotional relief as a result.

Set Yourself Up For Success

It is difficult to do this if you procrastinate, since procrastination sets you up for a mild degree of failure. Just be sure that you avoid negative self-talk from the get go. If you approach a task and say things like, “This is the worst,” or, “I hate this,” then you will only increase stress. Be careful how you talk to yourself if you want to have a positive outcome. Instead, tell yourself that you are interested in the task at hand and that you have what it takes to get it done. If you approach your tasks in this way, you will be less likely to procrastinate, according to psychologists. 

Get Clarity

Did you know that ambiguity is the downfall of productivity? If you cannot break something down into smaller, more manageable tasks, consider getting more clarity on what steps you have to take to complete the project. One study found that those who did not know what to do were more likely to put off tasks. Mental health experts note that it is always beneficial to get clarity if you feel uncertain about something. Ask questions and do research, which can help you a great deal in a professional environment. If you and your colleagues understand what to do, you will reduce workplace procrastination. 

Find The Bigger Meaning

Putting off going to the gym? You’re less likely to do that if you believe that being more active will help benefit you later in life. Want to be able to play with your future grandkids? Want to stand from a seated position without assistance? Answering these questions can help you see beyond the immediate and connect you to the big picture. Find your purpose and direction in order to form a larger sense of meaning. One study looked at revenge sleep procrastination, which is when people put off going to sleep in order to enjoy extra downtime. They know that they won’t get enough sleep for the next day, but they stay up anyway. After four sessions of motivational interviewing, which is a form of short-term therapy to link behaviors and values, bedtime procrastination reduced significantly.

Don’t Forget About Self-Compassion

By definition, self-compassion is the act of shifting your thinking about yourself negatively to a way that is more balanced. Remind yourself that you are just human, which means that you, like everyone else, make mistakes and you are somewhat flawed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Acknowledging this can help you manage your emotions in a healthier way, which can help you deal with your responsibilities, instead of avoiding them. Just remember that you should not be hard on yourself because that will only increase your desire to procrastinate.


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A Guide To Sleeping Better This Winter https://www.dherbs.com/articles/a-guide-to-sleeping-better-this-winter/ Sat, 04 Jan 2025 09:06:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=135020

Colder temperatures and longer nights can impact your sleep schedule. This guide may be what you need for better zzz’s this winter.


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The leaves have fallen and colder temperatures and longer nights are here. People associate winter with cozy blankets and hibernation, so it’s only natural to think that sleep is much easier. While this may be the case for some people, many people struggle to get sufficient and quality sleep. If you are one of those people, this article may help you find more zzz’s this winter.

The extended darkness can throw off your circadian rhythm, which can disrupt sleep schedule. Lack of sleep or poor sleep can make you feel sluggish, which can cause stress, overeating, and mood swings. Additionally, people who live in darker areas may develop seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition that can negatively impact sleep and mood. 

Although there may not be a magic remedy to help you fall asleep instantaneously, you can improve sleep with a few simple tips. You have the power to fight the elements that may make sleep more difficult. Continue reading to learn how you can improve sleep this winter

Use A Humidifier

Your sleeping environment can dictate how well you sleep. Many people can experience trouble breathing because of indoor heating. The heat increases dryness in the home and it can cause dry mouth, making it difficult to breathe properly while sleeping. This is especially dangerous for people with sleep apnea or asthma. A small humidifier in your room may be the key to unlock sound nights of sleep this winter. 

Don’t Wind Down Too Early

Obviously, the degree of darkening during the winter depends on where you live. Some places in the United States may only experience eight hours of daylight per day, while western and southern states may get a couple extra hours of daylight. Reduced daylight means that your body can’t rely on regular cues from light and darkness, thus leading to a circadian shift. More darkness can affect melatonin production, especially if you spend more time indoors. Because it gets darker earlier, it’s easier to wind down earlier. Instead, stick to your regular sleep habits because you may fall asleep too early and wake up in the middle of the night if you wind down too early. Keep your circadian rhythm in sync with its usual schedule to avoid under- or over-sleeping. 

Watch Out For Overeating

How does this affect your sleep? Well, winter can cause people to eat more and exercise less. The colder weather causes people to crave heartier, larger, and heavier meals. A large meal may make you feel tired, but overeating (and the weight gain that may ensue) isn’t great for sleep quality. Additionally, eating a large meal too close to bedtime can increase the risk of heartburn or gastrointestinal issues, which can disturb sleep. 

Keep Exercising

Exercise is beneficial for quality, nightly rest, no matter what time of year it is. Staying physically active can also reduce symptoms of SAD, which can impact sleep. Timing your exercise during winter is of the utmost importance because the time at which you exercise can increase the benefits. A short workout in the morning can help energize the body. Additionally, working out before dinner can prevent you from crawling into bed right after dinner. Basically, exercise can help keep your biological clock alert and keep you awake at the right times. 

Warm Up Before Sleep

The last thing you want to do is get into bed with the shivers. You don’t need to crank the heater, but it may help to warm up the body in some cozy pajamas or a blanket before getting into bed. Layering up can help you trap body heat, keeping you toasty warm and comfortable. Flannel pajamas, long-johns, fleece clothing, hoodies, and socks can increase your core temperature. You can also drink hot tea or hot water with lemon before bed to help warm up the body. Just make sure that your warm beverage is caffeine-free, otherwise you will have difficulty falling asleep.

Get Light In The Morning

You can sleep better when the body produces more melatonin, but more daylight is necessary for this to happen. Generally, melatonin gets secreted about an hour and a half to two hours before you go to sleep. Since the winter morning light is not as bright, daytime melatonin production may be suppressed. The typical big highs and lows of melatonin don’t happen during the winter, causing feelings of sluggishness or fatigue during the day or poor sleep at night. To counteract the season, go outdoors in the morning to get some sun exposure, provided that’s possible. If it’s too cold to sit outside and the sun is out, sit by the window for the first couple hours to increase more melatonin secretion later at night. 


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Helpful Tips To Beat The Post-Holiday Blues https://www.dherbs.com/articles/helpful-tips-to-beat-the-post-holiday-blues/ Sat, 28 Dec 2024 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=150593

Bring a little light back into your life after the holidays are over. Here are several tips to help lift you out of your post-holiday blues.


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For a lot of people, the hype of the holidays can bring a lot of excitement, joy, and lots of nostalgia. For others, the holiday season can bring up past trauma, estranged relationships, and feelings of loneliness. Even if that isn’t the case, the holidays are like an emotional rollercoaster. You go from intense levels of holiday activities to very low energy, which can seem like peace, but the emotional result is often depression.

What Are The Post-Holiday Blues?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the holiday blues are characterized by feelings of anxiety and stress that stem from a variety of reasons. A 2015 survey found that about 64% of people reported that they experienced the post-holiday blues. Financial stress, an inability to make it home for the holidays, and the emotional whirlwind of emotions after the holidays finish can all cause bouts of depression. Plus, seasonal depression is more common than you think, with about 14% of American adults experiencing the winter blues. 

If you are dealing with feelings of stress or depression, please understand that you are not alone. There are many ways to manage your symptoms and get the help you need. The post-holiday blues can affect people who may or may not be dealing with depression already. The following signs are common indicators of post-holiday blues:

  • Activities are more difficult than normal
  • Difficulty getting out of bed or struggling to make food
  • Feeling more tired than usual
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Losing interest in things that used to bring you joy

Don’t let the post-holiday blues control your life. Take action and manage your mental health, working through your feelings to start anew. We hope that the following tips help you beat the post-holiday blues. 

Get Out Of The House

Cut the atmosphere of being in a house that doesn’t have any holiday activities or aromas by getting out of your home. Even on a gray or snowy day, step outside to raise your energy levels. If it is really cold where you are, make sure to bundle up so as not to freeze. You can combine your outing by meeting a friend at a local coffee shop. Consider chatting with the cashier at the grocery store, the mail carrier, or even the gas station attendant. Getting out of your house is a great way to interrupt the winter blues. 

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking and the holidays seem to be quite synonymous, especially during holiday celebrations. The intake of libations tends to continue long after the celebrations come to a close, though. Because alcohol is a depressant, it can only enhance feelings of sadness, especially if you are alone. Drinking to excess can affect your mood and amplify any negative feelings, even if you push them down deep. Avoid alcohol if you can and consider doing something productive, like taking down decorations, getting rid of old clothes, or volunteer at a local shelter to help out those in need.

Talk To Someone Verbally

It’s easy to send a text, direct message, or email, but it means so much more when you communicate verbally. Think about someone that you enjoy being around or care about and call that person on the phone. Rather than complaining about your mood, ask them how they are doing. What was the best part of their holiday weekend, or where did they have the most fun? If you feel that someone may not answer their phone, you can send a text saying that you want to chat for a few minutes. 

Reread Greeting Cards

Greeting cards, or holiday cards, are not as common as they used to be, but people still send them and they can bring a smile to your face. We aren’t going to lie: some greeting cards are bland and boring. For every few bad greeting cards, you get a great one that you hopefully save. When the holidays are over, bust out the greeting cards to reread them and figure out which ones are your favorites. Don’t ruminate in your depression when you can easily brighten your spirits by reading words from a friend, family member, or loved one. 

Slide Out Of The Holidays

If you are going to sit on the couch and watch TV or do another activity, make sure that it is not holiday-related. It may not seem likely, but you can easily go down the rabbit hole of what you just lost. Take care of your mental health by taking your mind off the holidays and directing your gaze toward the new year. There are many things to do to wrap up the year! Consider getting a head start on your health goals, or start cleaning to have a neat and tidy home for New Year’s Day.


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Get Healthy In 2025 With These Resolution Tips https://www.dherbs.com/articles/get-healthy-in-2025-with-these-resolution-tips/ Fri, 27 Dec 2024 09:18:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=174838

With 2025 knocking at the door, many people are setting goals to get healthy. To help you on your journey, use these resolution tips.


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Who is setting goals to get healthy in the upcoming year? Weight loss and eating better are two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, most likely because people eat all sorts of sweets and treats during the holiday season. They want to hit the reset button on their health and get healthy. What does “getting healthy” actually mean, though? 

We believe that getting healthy applies to everything related to physical, mental, and emotional health. Improving your health can mean eating more balanced meals, getting therapy, establishing a better sleep schedule, etc. Having the right tools ahead of time can help better prepare you to take on the challenge when the New Year arrives. That’s where the tips in this article come in. If your resolution applies to any of the following ones, we hope the information is helpful to you. 

If Your Resolution Is To Start Moving

As busy as people are during the holidays, it’s very common to slow down during this time in regards to fitness. Since a lot of people have the resolution to start moving in the new year, they decide to let their workout regimen slide. You don’t have to be a pro athlete to benefit from exercise, though. Physical activity is beneficial for everyone, even 10 to 15 minutes of movement per day. You can start with a short walk on your lunch break, or a 20-minute yoga session when you get up in the morning. Cultivating patience and consistency will set you up for long-lasting success. 

If Your Resolution Is To Improve Mental Health

Committing to improve your mental health is a noble goal, one that can take a lot of work and determination. How you go about improving your mental health depends on your situation and if you currently deal with a mental health disorder. Mental health coaching may benefit one person, while therapy is the right path for someone else. A good therapist, however, can help you learn how to deal with stress, heal after the loss of a loved one, or manage symptoms of depression or anxiety. There are so many avenues to seek therapy, so don’t be afraid to explore them all, including the apps!

If Your Resolution Is To Prioritize Relationships

Looking to make more time for your partner in 2025? It could be as simple as talking to them more often. According to several studies, couples who spend more time talking to each other have a higher rate of relationship satisfaction. You can engage in a “listening night,” during which you each take about 10 to 15 minutes to talk while the other person listens. It can sometimes be difficult to find time to talk and listen, especially if you have kids. Sometimes, you need a little outside support in the form of a couples therapy section. There are many options, so don’t be afraid to explore what’s out there. 

If Your Resolution Is To Cook More

A lot of people cannot justify going to the grocery store, spending money on food, and then taking the time to cook. Given that there are so many meal service kits and food delivery apps, it’s common for people to order food a couple times per day. Cooking at home has been associated with better diet quality, though. The first step to cooking more is to delete your food delivery app(s). Additionally, do not accompany your desire to cook more at home with a highly restrictive diet. Your plan should be to build sustainable, long-lasting habits by emphasizing what you enjoy. Make it a point to include colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, legumes, and whole grains in your diet to help nourish your body. Not only does this approach foster balance, but also consistency and satisfaction.

If Your Resolution Is To Grow Fresh Food

Gardening can have powerful effects on your mental health and overall mood. It can also provide a sense of purpose and is a relaxing hobby. Research shows that growing your own food can lead to an increase of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables in your diet. The increased availability and emotional attachment to the plants, plus a sense of pride and accomplishment are just a few of the reasons for this. If the weather permits, we encourage you to garden outdoors, as being in the sun and can increase vitamin D absorption and improve overall well-being. Digging and raking can also restore dexterity and strength, while also providing aerobic benefits. Essentially, growing your own food is one of the coolest things you can do as a resolution. The success comes in the form of deliciousness!


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Self-Care Ideas To Get You Ready For The New Year https://www.dherbs.com/articles/self-care-ideas-to-get-you-ready-for-the-new-year/ Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=174831

Can you believe the New Year is almost here? We have some great self-care tips that will set you up for a successful 2025!


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It’s that time of year again, when the holidays are in full swing and the end of the year is approaching. Before you get ahead of yourself, don’t start stressing about the new year. Enjoy the holidays, and then you can start to plan what you’ll do when January 1st approaches. 

A lot of people want to lose weight, eat better, and exercise regularly at the beginning of the year. Weight loss and diet resolutions always top the list, but seldom do people follow through with those goals. Gyms in January look a lot different than they do in March, specifically regarding crowds. The reason that many people give up on their resolutions is because the goals are too lofty, and there is no plan in place. To make “weight loss” your resolution is a nice idea, but there is no structure. Instead, it’s better to say, “I want to lose five pounds in January,” for example. 

The new year isn’t just about exercise and dieting, though. One of the best things to incorporate into your “new year new you” plan is self-care. One could argue that the new year is the perfect time to start fresh with self-care. Self-care is not just bubble baths and time spent reading in a nook. Those things fall into the self-care category, but there is a lot more you can do for your mental health. To prepare you for a successful January, we’ve outlined a list of self-care ideas you can do before the year ends. Let us know if you engage in them before the New Year!

Enjoy Those Holiday Treats

Yes, you should have your holiday cake, and eat it too! Be mindful about the treats you eat, focusing on thoroughly enjoying the couple that you looked forward to all year. You do not have to completely lose all self-control and abandon dietary restrictions, but you should allow yourself to enjoy the holidays without guilt. There is enough guilt to be had from family!

Get Your Home In Order

Holiday clutter is a real thing, and it only builds on any preexisting mess(es) you had in your home. There is no greater feeling than entering the new year with a clean and tidy home. Although cleaning can feel like a chore, it is actually a form of self-care. Even if the actual cleaning process is not enjoyable, the feeling of a clear space helps to boost your mood. That puts you in a great mental space to start the year off right.

Create A New Year Playlist

Listening to music is beneficial on so many levels. It can lift your spirits, amp you up, bring you down, and turn you inside out. Whether you need to pump yourself up or rest and recharge, music can benefit your situation. We recommend that you create a playlist of songs that get you pumped up and motivated to tackle your New Year’s resolutions.

Gratitude For The Year

It can be beneficial to reflect on the year and write down all the things you are grateful for. There is power in gratitude! Sure, there were most likely moments of negativity, stress, or other low points, but good things and highs also happened. Focus on being grateful and flood your mind with positivity. If this ends up being a practice that you enjoy, consider practicing daily gratitude, during which you write down a couple small things you are grateful for every day

Move For The Sake Of Movement

Exercise and self-care go hand in hand because you always tend to feel better when you move your body. You don’t have to push yourself to the point of throwing up; rather, a neighborhood walk, playing with your kids in the park, riding your bike, or jumping rope are all great forms of movement. Move your body because it deserves to move! Dance like nobody’s watching, as they say. Consider taking a new class, such as Zumba or Pilates. Find your groove and carry that motivation into the new year. 

Set Your Goals Or Make A Vision Board

This may not be useful for everyone, but it can be for those who love personal development. Spend a day mapping out your goals, hopes, and dreams before the start of the year. We do not recommend doing this once 2025 arrives. Planning out your goals can be very helpful to your future self. Additionally, nothing says self-care quite like planning out the goals you want to achieve or things to happen in the year to come.


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5 Ways To Connect With Your Partner During The Holidays https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-ways-to-connect-with-your-partner-during-the-holidays/ Sun, 15 Dec 2024 09:04:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=132495

The winter season is quite stressful for many people. Use these tips to help stay connected with your partner during the holidays.


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People love the holidays, but they can cause a lot of stress. From event planning to coordinating with family arrivals, the holidays demand emotional and mental energy, which can easily deplete. Not to mention, the energy one must exert to entertain can physically drain the body. What does that mean for a relationship at the end of the day?

It’s very common to have a relationship take a backseat to the rest of the goings-on during the holidays. One or both partners may not even classify the relationship as a priority. Additionally, one person in the relationship may gain more joy out of the holiday festivities, while the other person just grinds through them. It’s fine to avoid Christmas music in the car or conversing with specific family members, for example, but it’s not acceptable to neglect the relationship. It’s important to carve out time to nurture the relationship, focusing intently on each party. Learn how to do that during the holiday hustle and bustle with the following tips. 

Be Curious

When you’re busy, it’s quite common to be swept up by your own schedule. A busy schedule isn’t an excuse to avoid inquiring about your partner’s day or feelings, though. There isn’t a requirement to ask your partner about every single aspect of their day, but maintaining curiosity can help care for the flame in a relationship. You can always learn something new about your partner, especially if their environment or personality changes. A simple, “Tell me about the best and worst parts of your day,” can go a long way. Not only will you start up a conversation and learn more, but you’ll also maintain an intimate connection.

Skip Some Of The Parties

Some people live for holiday parties. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, the invitations roll in and it can be overwhelming if you try to attend all of them. It’s quite common that one person in the relationship will get annoyed by all the socializing, so don’t overcommit and attend all of the parties. Talk to one another about the parties you really want to attend and the ones that you’d be happy to miss. Sometimes, avoiding the party and taking time for just the two of you is more beneficial. Consider dinner and a movie or simply spend the night at home and relax. 

Listening Dates

Speaking of spending the night at home, why not turn it into a listening date? Similar to being curious about your partner, sometimes it’s integral to just sit down and listen as intently as possible. Set a time and make sure you put away your phones, so as not to be distracted while the other person is talking. Don’t have the TV on, either! Look your partner in the eyes and listen quietly, allowing them to vent or simply tell you about their day. This exercise helps the person feel heard and it can actually strengthen your relationship

Create Boundaries With Family

Extended family coming and going throughout the holidays can take a toll on a relationship. Different family dynamics can press all sorts of buttons! No matter how healthy or dysfunctional the family is, it’s important to establish boundaries in order to avoid tension, stress, and hurt feelings. Have a conversation with your partner about being on the same team and make a plan together. You can decide what to do if certain issues come up. It’s impossible to predict what people are going to say, but you can have a plan to redirect the conversation away from polarizing topics. Lastly, each partner should communicate boundaries with their own families, so that that responsibility doesn’t fall on the other person. 

Have Fun

Carve out time for fun this holiday season because there are so many activities that can bring joy. One of the best ways to connect with a partner is through laughter, fun, and play. Head to an outdoor ice skating rink or consider a holiday lights tour. You can even go to a mini golf place! If you want to be more low key, you can stay at home and play some cards or walk through the neighborhood holding hands on a cold night. Remember, fun exists even in the most ordinary places. 


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4 Ways To Cope With Depression During The Holidays https://www.dherbs.com/articles/4-ways-to-cope-with-depression-during-the-holidays/ Sat, 14 Dec 2024 08:47:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173144

The holidays can be very stressful, but they can also bring about difficult emotions. Learn how to cope with depression this season.


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The bright lights and holiday cheer may inspire joy and feelings of love for a lot of people, but not everyone. This time of year can bring about feelings of isolation, grief, loneliness, and sadness, especially for people with clinical or seasonal depression

Psychiatrists explain that depression can occur around the holidays for numerous reasons. The holidays increase thoughts of family, social engagement, and relationships. If there are issues within those dynamics in people’s lives, depression can rise to the surface. The holidays also tend to demand more family time than usual, which can be highly stressful for some people. Family events may cause old conflicts, emotions, or situations to arrive that can be very difficult to navigate. 

How To Manage Depression During The Holidays

For many people, the winter can trigger seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression. Unlike traditional depression, seasonal depression occurs in a seasonal pattern, typically worsening in darker fall and winter months. Practicing good self-care is essential year round, but it is extra important during the holidays. You can combat lack of energy, fatigue, and other symptoms with various coping strategies and self-care practices. Whatever the cause of your depression, we hope the following tips can help you cope.

Assess Your Relationships And Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a crucial element of self-care, especially for your emotional and mental health. The boundaries you set will depend on the different people in your life and the situations that you’ll encounter during the holidays. Maybe you limit the time you spend with certain people who cause you to feel negative emotions or heighten depressive symptoms. Establish boundaries for these people and set availability for them as well. Your time and mental health are paramount! If you struggle with setting boundaries, click here for some helpful tips. 

Create A Coping Sheet

A coping sheet is a list of your favorite activities that you can turn to when you feel down. Create your own coping sheet or develop one with your family members or therapist. Many coping sheets are filled with actions that can help manage depressive symptoms. Some popular things to include on your coping sheet are:

  • Listening to music
  • Painting 
  • Meditating
  • Singing
  • Breathing techniques
  • Positive self-talk
  • Journaling
  • Acupuncture

Get Outdoors And Stay Active

According to many studies, moving the body is one of the best ways to cope with depression, regardless of the season. One meta-analysis of 218 studies concluded that exercise is an effective way to manage depression. This was especially true for jogging, walking, strength training, and yoga. Exercise combined with psychotherapy proved to be the most effective way to experience depression relief. Researchers found that getting outside while engaging in exercise relieved depressive symptoms even more. Spending time in nature can help reduce risk of depression. One study found that time spent in green environments reduced the risk of anxiety and depression in the long run. Consider planning some fun, holiday outdoor activities. Go ice skating, snowboarding, sledding, or hiking, depending on where you live and what is available to you. 

Share How You Are Feeling With Loved Ones

During the holiday season, mental health experts recommend that you surround yourself with people you can rely on. These people can be family members or friends who can help you manage holiday depression. Reach out to people you trust and share how you are feeling. It’s impossible to know how friends or family will react, but the people who love you will be there for you no matter what. Confide in them about how you are feeling and they will most likely offer empathy, or share similar experiences that may help you feel less alone. Do not underestimate the power of community and love. People want to help, so just ask.


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How To Set Healthy Boundaries During The Holidays https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-set-healthy-boundaries-during-the-holidays/ Fri, 06 Dec 2024 09:26:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173103

The holiday season can be an overwhelming time. Care for yourself and avoid excess stress by establishing healthy boundaries.


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The holiday season can be very uplifting for a lot of people, but not everyone feels that way. It’s very common for stress to overwhelm the mind and body during this time of year. Perhaps the stress of finding the perfect gift for your loved ones proves too much. Hosting a large family gathering, or traveling to meet family can also induce a lot of stress. 

What Are Healthy Boundaries?

Mental health experts agree that setting clear boundaries can make a big difference in preserving your mental and emotional health. A healthy boundary can be defined as such: your list of what is okay and what is not okay. That means you have to clearly establish what you are comfortable with before encountering certain situations. Perhaps you are sober and attend a holiday party. Some friends or family members come and try to get you to drink, but you have to let them know that you are content without imbibing. Your uncle treats you like a child even though you are 40 years old. Whatever the case, you feel frustrated, and that is where healthy boundaries enter the equation. 

Define Priorities

Before you even think about setting boundaries, make sure you understand what your priorities are. Are there aspects of the holiday season that are meaningful to you? Is it important to spend time with immediate family, reconnect with old friends, or spend time alone? Make sure to understand your priorities, as that understanding will guide you to set boundaries that set you up for success. 

Communicate Openly

Do not be afraid to share your intentions and needs with people. If they truly care about you, then they will respect these boundaries because they are important to you. Honest conversations can prevent conflict and misunderstanding. In fact, your loved ones are more likely to respect your wishes if you explain where you are coming from and why these boundaries matter. 

Create A Budget

This is more of a personal boundary that can help you avoid stress regarding gift giving. Financial stress is very common during the holidays, as many people often spend beyond their means. Setting a budget for holiday spending can help you avoid financial stress. That means that you have to plan your budget for holiday gifts, travel, and entertainment expenses ahead of time. The most important thing: stick to that budget!

Politely Decline

You do not have to say yes to every single party invitation or holiday request that comes your way. There is great power in the ability to say no. You can politely decline when you need to, and remember that it is perfectly acceptable to do so. In fact, saying no to things is a great way to conserve your energy for things that matter the most. Whether you know it or not, saying know is a great way to practice self-care and set boundaries simultaneously. 

Prioritize Self-Care

Speaking of self-care, it is very easy to forget about yourself during the holidays. It is difficult to take care of yourself when there is so much to do. Find moments for yourself and do things you love during those moments. Go to the gym, watch a movie, read a book, meditate, or practice writing in a journal. Do not be afraid to recharge your batteries and show yourself love. Consider gifting yourself a massage or facial!

Congratulate Yourself

You stood your ground, you said no, you shared what mattered to you, and then some. Great job! Being vulnerable, honest, and respectful is not easy, but you did it! Sometimes, it takes a little force to establish boundaries, but people will respect them if they care about you. People may get upset at your boundaries, but don’t worry about that. Setting boundaries will help you feel more confident about setting new ones when the time comes. At that time, you’ll have the knowledge and power to set them even more clearly!


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A Guide To Managing Stress During The Holidays https://www.dherbs.com/articles/a-guide-to-managing-stress-during-the-holidays/ Wed, 04 Dec 2024 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=148695

Not feeling particularly cheery this time of year? You are not alone. With this guide, you can help manage stress during the holidays.


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The holidays are a wonderful time to reconnect with family, but it can be difficult to juggle different personalities, parties, and your own mental health. A report from the National Alliance of Mental Health found that 64% of people living with mental illness experienced worse symptoms during the holidays. On top of that, 38% of adults find that the festive season causes stress levels to rise. Although the holidays can bring as much stress as they do joy, there are mindful tips to help you manage stress this season. 

End of the year projects, gift shopping, the arrival of family members, and traveling to see family members don’t make the holidays any easier. There are added expectations and responsibilities, which can seem unattainable. All of this can cause you to spiral out of control and into a bout of depression or anxiety. Basically, there are so many things to do with a lot less time, which is a naturally overwhelming situation. 

Take Care Of Yourself First

In order to make it through the holidays without falling apart, you have to make your mental health a top priority. It’s so easy to try to support everyone else and neglect yourself during the holidays. Shift your focus to yourself this holiday season and you may find that you have the extra energy to support others when they need it. The following tips should help invite more mindfulness into your life, helping you emerge from the holidays triumphant and less-stressed than you were in previous years. 

Respond With Kindness

It’s impossible to change how others act as a result of holiday stressors. You can, however, change how you respond to certain situations. If you encounter a difficult person, it is important to remind yourself that they may be suffering. That is why they are acting out towards you, and showing them some compassion may calm them or bring them back down to earth. The holidays are also difficult for people who are alone, so extend an act of kindness to those without family or friends this time of year. 

Set And Maintain Firm Boundaries

This goes back to caring for yourself first because an effective way to reduce holiday stress is to communicate with people in your life. Whether you’re at home or at work, establishing healthy boundaries can lead to stronger relationships and more energy. You can say yes to things, but it’s also acceptable, encouraged even, to say no to things. Once you identify your boundaries you need to maintain mental and emotional stability, you can communicate them to others. If you explain why you need to decline an offer, for example, your friends or family should respect that decision.

Reach Out

It is very easy to put yourself in the vulnerable position of reaching out to others. Do you know what typically happens if you surround yourself with good people, though? When you reach out to them, they will most likely be happy to talk and connect. Many people share the same stress and fear of the holiday season, and talking about that with another person can benefit you tremendously. Call a friend out of the blue, message old friends on social media, and be kind to those you encounter. Companionship is beautiful and talking with other people may help reduce their stress levels as well.

Set Your Differences Aside

Dealing with different personalities and opinions can be quite exhausting, especially when you’re already burnt out. Don’t add fuel to your fire by combatting family members or friends, even if they eat away at you. There is a time and place to discuss politics or opinions on certain matters, and the holiday season is not the right time. If others get upset when something goes awry, they are likely feeling the same holiday stress, so don’t enter a state of anger or distress. Talk with them and you may find some calming common ground. 

Rethink Your Resolutions

How do New Year’s resolutions relate to holiday stress? Well, this is the time of year when people start thinking about changes they want to make in the coming year. Do yourself a favor: don’t make resolutions that set you up for failure. Start small and break your goal into small steps that you can achieve over the course of the entire year. If weight loss is your goal, you don’t need to lose 20 pounds before January comes to a close. Try to eat more vegetables in January and slowly cut back on sweets or carbs throughout the next month. An impossible resolution will only cause you more stress.


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8 Fun Activities To Do When Spending Thanksgiving Alone https://www.dherbs.com/articles/8-fun-activities-to-do-when-spending-thanksgiving-alone/ Tue, 19 Nov 2024 09:04:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=167160

Are you celebrating Thanksgiving by yourself this year? Don’t wonder what to do because these fun activities will make your holiday!


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First of all, we just want to explain that there is nothing wrong with celebrating Thanksgiving by yourself. Although it may be unfamiliar territory, considering that this holiday is traditionally spent with family and friends, you may find yourself alone this year or in the future. There are also those who do not enjoy the Thanksgiving meal and simply want to enjoy a night alone. Whichever way you choose to celebrate Thanksgiving is the right way, but should you be alone on this holiday, we have a few fun activities for you. 

Whether it is by choice or an unlucky circumstance, being alone on Thanksgiving can be a challenge. You may lack the funds to celebrate it, or you may live in a city with no family or friends, and travel may be difficult due to budget restrictions or weather. You can spend Thanksgiving by yourself without feeling lonely or bored. Continue reading to learn how you can do just that. 

Cook Your Favorite Food

You don’t have to cook a turkey and stuffing just because it is Thanksgiving. When you celebrate this holiday alone, you have the freedom to take the reins in the kitchen and cook what your heart desires. Make enough for yourself and yourself alone, or make a little extra if you want to have some leftovers. Throw on a record or pop in your headphones to listen to a podcast while you are doing your thing in the kitchen. When the meal is ready, you will be too, and that’s a beautiful thing. If you don’t feel like cooking, simply order takeout!

Catch Up On Your Favorite Shows

Is the movie you never got to see in theaters finally available on a streaming platform? Have you been meaning to catch up on episodes for a series that you enjoy? Entertain yourself with a good binge-watching session! You have the time on this holiday, so use it how you please. If you finish a couple episodes and want to put something else on, consider a classic or modern holiday-inspired movie that you can easily find on streaming platforms. 

Watch Some Football

If you don’t have a favorite show and are not interested in new movies, throw on the football games that happen every Thanksgiving. There is always a game airing on this holiday, and watching it by yourself means you won’t miss a moment. Nobody will be there to interrupt you and you don’t have to listen to negative comments from friends or family members who are not sports fans. You can even use social media to engage with other football fans watching the same game(s).

Give Back To Your Community

Doing something good for someone else, or a lot of people, is often one of the best things to do when celebrating Thanksgiving alone. Even though you may not be with friends or family, you can make a difference by bringing joy to the lives of others. Some people always have to spend Thanksgiving alone, so spending it with those in a worse situation than you may actually make your Thanksgiving that much more enjoyable and wholesome. 

Have A Self-Care Day

If you are alone and don’t have any obligations, spend the day pampering yourself! Self-care and relaxation should take priority on your Thanksgiving Day to-do list. Take this alone time to unwind in a soothing bath, or take an extra long facial skin care routine. You can even go so far as to put on a robe and place cucumbers over your eyelids! By the time the Thanksgiving weekend is over, you will feel recharged, well-rested, and ready to get back to your regular responsibilities. 

Do Some Shopping

If you have the financial means to do so, consider taking part in some retail therapy. Most companies offer Black Friday sales well before Thanksgiving begins, so you will definitely get some deals. Take the time to get a head start on buying holiday gifts for your loved ones, or get something that you’ve been desiring for a while. Splurge on yourself because you deserve it.

Curl Up With A Good Book

Earlier in the article, we suggested that you catch up on your favorite TV shows. If you want to do that, then do just that! If you don’t want to spend your day in front of a screen, consider starting or finishing a book. Books, much like TV or movies, can transport you to fantastical places, or provide excellent and inspiring stories. If the book you choose to read is really captivating, you may finish it in one day! 

Begin A New Tradition

No matter your reasons for spending Thanksgiving alone, you cannot be sure that you won’t spend it alone in the future. What does that mean for you? Well, come up with a new Thanksgiving tradition for yourself. Don’t wait for company in order to celebrate your way! Maybe your new tradition is to play solitaire when you get up, or to do a yoga sequence after breakfast. A great new tradition could be to make one new dish every year!


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