

The number one thing at a core level that separate real food (e.g. plants, fruits, vegetables) from animal flesh (meat, cadaver) is ENZYMES!

Enzymes represent life, but being technical, enzymes are LIFE. Enzymes are the life force of real food and real food is that which grows from the earth, from a seed.

It is very important that we all understand the vital nature of enzymes. When we eat, we should have enzymes in mind. After all, if life renders life, then what constitutes life or the life force in what we eat or are eating? The answer is clearly E-N-Z-Y-M-E-S!

There are basically three classes or categories of enzymes:

  • Metabolic – these enzymes run our bodies
  • Digestive – these enzymes digest our food
  • Food – these enzymes start the digestive process

Enzymes take starches and sugars, fats, and protein and magically structure them into healthy bodies. Science has proven that each and every organ and tissue has its own particular metabolic enzymes to do specialized and centralized work.


In every real food, including animal milk, you’ll find enzymes present.

Animal milk is for the offspring of the particular animal. The female mammal of each species produces milk for her young, including humans. Pasteurizing milk kills the beneficial enzymes present.

Those fruit juices, even the organic ones, in health food stores, they too are in containers (bottles, cans, and boxes) due to having their enzymes killed! Anything in a box, can, carton, or jar is technically dead. That’s why things contained in boxes, cans, cartons, and jars usually contain preservatives.

It is convenient to purchase bottled fruit and vegetable juice than it is to actually make fresh fruit and vegetable juice. And while organic brands are better than non-organic ones, fresh is always better than processed.

There is no substitute for the raw and organic thing. When we eat an apple, pear, banana, apricot, watermelon or stalk of celery, parsley, broccoli, or artichoke, we automatically and naturally derive enzymes from consuming these foods. But we also derive many other nutrients which just isn’t the case when we are consuming processed things (so-called foods) such as meat and dairy products.

When we eat food that comes from the Earth: plants or herbs, fruits, seeds, nuts, or flowers to name a few, we are deriving essential enzymes. Enzymatic foods help keep us healthy. It is enzymes that allow us to have healthy and consistent bowel movements. Enzymes in real foods stimulate peristalsis. There is no good health absent daily, consistent, healthy bowel movements.

Eating meat, dairy products, refined grains, and/or refined starches does not promote peristalsis at all. These processed so-called foods back up and constipate the colon.

If one does consume meat and dairy, the diet is not even balanced if it doesn’t contain a proportion of vegetables, preferably raw or steamed, so that they still contain enzymes and enzymatic activity which will help to eliminate the refuse produced by all the dead foods (meat, dairy, refined products, etc.) one may consume or be consuming.

Lastly here on food enzymes, when exposed to heat (above 118 degrees), they are destroyed.

If you must cook your vegetables, steaming is best. Steam them for about seven minutes. If they are warm but still firm and not limp, they still contain life force. But again, cooking in heat over 118 degrees kills the enzymes and thus leaves you a dead thing.

It reportedly takes 900-1,400 degrees of heat to process many soy products. How do you turn a green soybean into a finished white edible product? While the soybean may possess enzymes, no finished soy product does; so even with soy, you’re still consuming that which is dead or lifeless.

So, to get enzymes from food, one must eat raw food. All life, whether plant or animal requires the presence of enzymes to keep it going.

NOTE: If you are a meat eater, just make sure you eat enough raw foods (fruits and vegetables) in your diet; and if you can, drink plenty of vegetable juice. Doing all of this will make your diet very balanced and help you to maintain your health.


Digestive enzymes reportedly have three main job functions digesting carbohydrate, fat, and protein:

  • Protease (protein digesting enzyme) digests protein
  • Amylase digests carbohydrates
  • Lipase (lipid digesting enzyme) digests fats

Nature’s plan calls for food enzymes to help with digestion instead of forcing the body’s digestive enzymes to carry the whole load.

Today, we have two very beneficial digestive enzyme products on the market that help us to digest all that excessive protein: Papain and Bromelain. These fruit-derived enzymes can help people with their digestion, especially of meat products.

Papain is an enzyme derived from papaya, one of the best fruit for maintaining colon health and wellbeing. Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple. Bromelain also has therapeutic application as it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Certain chefs sprinkle powdered form of these two enzymes on their meats before cooking them which helps to make the meat very tender. This used to be a well-kept secret of certain chefs known for some of the best meat entrees.

Papain and Bromelain can now be found in almost all health food stores today. The only problem with these digestive enzyme supplements is that they contain many unhealthy additives such as sugar, fillers, binders, and preservatives.


Metabolic enzymes run our bodies. They are true alchemists to say the least, converting the food we eat into necessary chemical structures so as to serve our magical bodies in its numerous functions.

There are so many more enzymes, e.g. peroxidase, maltase, sucrose, tributyrinase, phosphatase, peptidase, oxidase, polyphenoloxidase, catalase, dehydrogenase, cathepsin, etc. that one can do independent research on for their own edification, as again, enzymes are essential for life.

Dherbs Solutions recommends these products:

Thank you for reading!

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