A raw food diet is relatively simple and it can be as easy or as hard as you make it for yourself. You can look for a hundred and one reasons to avoid a raw food diet, but it is ultimately beneficial for your entire body. It is best to not make excuses and just dive in headfirst with a positive attitude.
All of the Dherbs cleanses call for raw food diets because raw foods work to cleanse and nourish your system with the essential nutrients your body needs. The raw food diet consists of raw fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds. It is void of processed foods, cooked food, meat or meat products, dairy products, added sugars, caffeine, soda, and alcohol. Those are the foods that lead to poor digestion, heart disease, cancer, obesity, and other health ailments because the body wasn’t designed to process those foods.
The goal of eating raw roods is to obtain lots of nutrients that your body can easily absorb. When you cook fruits and vegetables, you almost kill their nutritional value. Eating these foods in their raw form means that you’ll be getting the purest form of the nutrients. This is why people on raw food diets have been known to lower cholesterol, decrease blood pressure, improve digestion, clear up skin, improve heart health, and lose weight.
Educate Yourself
There are always questions when you transition to a new diet, the main one being “Can I eat this?” Use online resources to inform yourself about what you can and cannot eat to make life easier. Go for the raw foods that interest you, but it is also beneficial to go out of your comfort zone. Continually check our full body cleanse-approved recipe section to see what you can do with raw foods.
Always Have Healthy Snacks On Hand
If you are new to a raw food diet, chances are you going to feel hungrier than usual. You have to be prepared for hunger to strike at any moment, almost like a child’s appetite. You have to snack healthily! It is best to have fresh sliced fruit, raw nuts like almonds or cashews, and carrots or celery sticks with raw almond butter. Eat these snacks between meals to remain content.
Get Your Leafy Green Fix
A lot of people like to stick to raw fruits and vegetables that they are comfortable with. It is important to incorporate green vegetables like kale, Romaine lettuce, cabbage, or chard because those are great sources of protein and vitamin K. You can include several of these greens in a large salad, but make sure to include veggies of all colors to get a wide range of nutrients.
Eliminate Temptation
If your house is filled with processed foods like chips, cookies, ice cream, or anything that comes in a package, it may behoove you to get rid of it so that you aren’t tempted. It’s also beneficial to have a functioning blender and a good knife because you will be slicing, dicing, and blending to slurp smoothies. And always make sure your house is full of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eat Healthy Fats
Healthy fats help you stay full and keep you from craving unhealthy foods. Great healthy fats to eat include avocados, raw coconut, raw nuts, raw nut butters, flax & chia seeds, spirulina, and extra virgin olive oil. This is why it is best to snack on 1 cup of raw almonds, but don’t go nuts on nuts. Change up your healthy fats to keep your body healthy.
Focus On Your Ultimate Goal
Why did you embark on a raw food diet? What encouraged you to change your eating habits? Maybe you wanted to lower cholesterol, lose weight, or just improve your overall health. Your goal will keep you motivated to power through the raw food diet to attain the results you seek. Once you reach your goal, you can either continue eating raw foods or take what you learned from the diet and incorporate that information in a new lifestyle. Try our maintenance package to help you transition out of the raw foods diet. Keep challenging yourself to eat healthily in order to help your body function optimally.
Vincent Stevens is the senior content writer at Dherbs. As a fitness and health and wellness enthusiast, he enjoys covering a variety of topics, including the latest health, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle trends. His goal is to inform people of different ways they can improve their overall health, which aligns with Dherbs’ core values. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of Redlands, graduating summa cum laude. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.