Nearly every person wakes up in the middle of the night at some point in their life. The cause is typically something benign and short-lived, including nightmares, drinking too much liquid before bed, etc. Regularly waking up in the middle of the night is a different story, and it can be quite frustrating.
Interrupting your sleep pattern becomes problematic because sleep is the body’s form of restoration. Failure to get sufficient sleep can impair cognitive function, increase stress, or lead to poor eating habits. While getting up once a night may not be the worst thing, six nocturnal interruptions may not be normal. Additionally, failure to go back to sleep, no matter how few or many times you wake up, indicates an issue that you need to address.
Perhaps the following reasons explain why you regularly wake up at night. Don’t let your health suffer because it’s possible to get your sleep schedule back on track. Address the problem and you’ll arrive at the solution!
Mild Depression
According to several clinical psychologists, there’s a complex relationship between sleep and mild depression. One can almost equate it to the “chicken or the egg” analogy: it’s hard to know which came first. Depression symptoms lead to poor sleeping habits, which can cause you to stay up late or wake up in the middle of the night and feel wide awake. Without a good night’s sleep, it’s unlikely that you’ll feel at your best. Lack of sleep can manifest itself in the form of mild depression, just as depression can cause you to wake up at night. It’s a viscous cycle!
Drinking Alcohol Before Bed
Some people drink a cocktail, or two, or more before bed to increase feelings of sleepiness. Alcohol is a sedative that can put you to sleep, but during the first few hours of sleep, you metabolize the alcohol and produce a form of sleep that prevents healthy rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This is the most restful state, and lacking REM sleep can make the second half of your night restless. That’s why you may wake up many times after drinking alcohol before bed.
Insomnia describes an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, which can lead to many unhealthy symptoms and behaviors. It tends to cause a lot of daytime tiredness, making it difficult to get through the day. It’s also possible for people with insomnia to fall asleep, but wake up at night wide awake for no reason. For people who have insomnia, click here to learn several ways to help improve sleep.
Eating Too Late In The Day
A late night dinner every now and again will not ruin your health, but eating right before bed every night is a one way ticket to poor sleep. Eating a lot of food before bed is very taxing on the digestive system, so it has to work all night, instead of resting. Additionally, certain foods can cause you to wake up at night. Try your best to avoid spicy ingredients at least three hours before bed, as they can increase heartburn and worsen sleep apnea symptoms. High-fat meals are difficult for the body to break down, leading to late-night wakings.
Leaving Technology On
It’s all too common nowadays to keep eyes locked on a screen right up until the moment you lay your head to rest. Whether you watch TV, play on your phone, or do late night work on a laptop, the blue light from these devices promotes wakefulness. According to experts, staring at blue light at night can suppress melatonin, the body’s sleep hormone. Not only does this affect sleep cycle, but it also impacts your ability to stay asleep, leading to frequent wakings throughout the night.
A Potential Prostate Issue
For men, waking up several times during the night to use the bathroom may indicate a prostate issue. An enlarged prostate weakens the bladder over time, making it difficult to fully eliminate the bladder. This results in multiple trips to the bathroom, even if you’re sound asleep. For tips to help naturally remedy an enlarged prostate, click here.
Sleep Environment Is Not Ideal
In addition to the TV, smartphone, or tablet, a few other things in the bedroom may disrupt your sleep. If the bedroom is not cool enough, it’s easier to wake up frequently during the night. A bedroom that is between 60-67º Fahrenheit is the best for optimal sleep. It’s also best to leave your bedroom for sleeping only. Working in your bed, for example, can cause the mind to associate the bed with work and not sleep. This can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay sleeping throughout the night.
Vincent Stevens is the senior content writer at Dherbs. As a fitness and health and wellness enthusiast, he enjoys covering a variety of topics, including the latest health, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle trends. His goal is to inform people of different ways they can improve their overall health, which aligns with Dherbs’ core values. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of Redlands, graduating summa cum laude. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.