Bad breath does one thing and one thing only: it makes a bad impression. People cringe at the first scent of foul breath. Some do what they can to bare the onslaught of stench, while others are brutally honest and break the news. Their intentions are good, but it’s all in the way things are worded, right?
First and foremost, proper dental hygiene is the best way to prevent bad breath. However, you can still develop bad breath if you maintain a poor diet. The two primary causes of bad breath are poor dental hygiene and gastrointestinal issues. Failure to regularly brush and floss contributes to bad breath, but so does an unhealthy diet. Certain foods cause bacterial build up both in the mouth and in the gut; thus, the origin of the foul smell.
If you want to kick that bad breath to the curb, you need to practice good oral hygiene and eat certain foods. Foods have the ability to establish healthier bacteria and alkaline levels in the mouth and stomach. That’s good news if you’re trying to add more shine to your smile. Continue reading to see which surprising foods help to combat bad breath.Â
According to several research studies, cherries work eliminate the smell of methyl mercaptan. This is a known gas, which naturally occurs in certain foods like cheeses, certain lettuces, or onions. It has a potent smell and can create bad breath. Snack on a few cherries, suck on the pits, and it should help eliminate the stench.
Fresh Herbs
Most dentists agree that herbs, specifically parsley, rosemary, mint, basil, cilantro, and tarragon, work to fight bad breath. These herbs contain enzymes that attach to sulfur-containing compounds in the mouth in an effort to neutralize odors. You can eat them, but it’s beneficial to chew on these raw herbs for maximum results. You can also boil some of these herbs, like mint, into a tea and combat the problem that way.
Fennel Seeds
People in India have used fennel seeds to fight bad breath for generations.The licorice-flavored seeds help to boost saliva production, which naturally lubricates and rinses the mouth. When you frequently rinse the mouth with new saliva, it’s easier to wash away bacteria that causes bad breath. If you don’t want to eat fennel seeds, incorporate ground fennel seeds into smoothies, morning toast, or brew the seeds into smoothies.
Leafy Green Vegetables
Leafy greens offer numerous benefits for the entire body, not just your teeth. They are naturally rich in chlorophyll, which helps to mask stinky breath. Dentists consider chlorophyll to be a deodorizer for your mouth, neutralizing smells. Leafy greens also work to balance pH levels in your mouth, keeping it less acidic. An acidic mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria, which leads to bad breath. The best leafy greens to consume include spinach, kale, lettuce, arugula, bok choy, okra, collard greens, and chard.
While an apple a day may not keep bad breath away, eating an apple may help you combat the problem. Apples contain a lot of fiber, which essentially brushes your teeth the natural way. Fiber increases salivation more than other foods, which helps to wash away bad bacteria. Additionally, fiber helps to move food through the digestive tract, which helps avoid waste accumulation that can contribute to bad breath. Lastly, the crunchiness of apples can help to remove food and other bacteria that gets stuck between your teeth.
Vincent Stevens is the senior content writer at Dherbs. As a fitness and health and wellness enthusiast, he enjoys covering a variety of topics, including the latest health, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle trends. His goal is to inform people of different ways they can improve their overall health, which aligns with Dherbs’ core values. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of Redlands, graduating summa cum laude. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.