A lot of people neglect rose plants once the flowers are gone. This is a shame because that is the time when rose hips (also known as rose heps, rose haw, or fruits of the rose plant) begin to grow, often times forming in late summer or fall. They are usually red and contain a high concentration of nutrients. They are little super fruits, much like blueberries, but more powerful.
Americans and Europeans have used rose hips for their medicinal properties for hundreds of years. The therapeutic properties can be attributed to the antioxidant concentration, phenolic compounds, phytochemicals, and healthy fats. Additionally, they contain nutrients like calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex.
Recently, rose hips have undergone several studies to explore their health benefits. Researchers have found that they may have the potential to naturally remedy certain skin disorders, arthritis, inflammatory disorders, or hyperlipidaemia, among several others. We have detailed five of their amazing benefits below.
Skin Care
People always want their skin to look smoother, younger, and free of blemishes. Hundreds of creams, cleansers, or lotions claim to do these things, but how many of them work? And are they even beneficial for you? The vitamin A content in rose hips helps to improve skin elasticity to avoid wrinkle development. The vitamin C also works to produce healthy skin cells to help your skin look more youthful.
Improve Circulation
Iron, which is necessary for the creation of red blood cells, is a prominent nutrient in rose hips. Regularly consuming rose hips can help oxygenate essential organs, which helps to increase metabolic activity. This, in turn, helps to optimize organ function and boost circulation.
Anticancer Activity
The onset of cancer is typically related to intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which ultimately leads to DNA mutations and tumor development. Research suggests that the antioxidants and phenolic compounds in rose hips may have an effectiveness in fighting back against cancer cells. The antitumor effects have been tested on various cancer cell lines and the results are very promising. They may be even more effective when combined with other herbs, which have similar anticancer properties.
Digestive Aid
In addition to the pectin content, rose hips contain a variety of acids, which help to induce urination and excretion. In the past, many people have used rose hips as a diuretic to flush toxins, excess salt, and liquids from the body. Because rose hips help to regulate bowel movements, they can help people avoid many of the discomforts and symptoms people experience during constipation.
Immune Booster
Vitamin C is a notorious immune booster. Rose hips are full of vitamin C, which helps to stimulate white blood cells and support the respiratory system (one of the reasons why vitamin C is recommended if you have a cough or cold). If you come down with the cold or flu, consider drinking rose hip tea to naturally fight off the virus.
Vincent Stevens is the senior content writer at Dherbs. As a fitness and health and wellness enthusiast, he enjoys covering a variety of topics, including the latest health, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle trends. His goal is to inform people of different ways they can improve their overall health, which aligns with Dherbs’ core values. He received his bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of Redlands, graduating summa cum laude. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.